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Everything posted by Wb123

  1. I can’t fathom why but I find I can make out conversation better in such situations with earplugs in and keep a pair in my wallet for those situations.
  2. Thresholds of hearing loss for nhs hearing aid eligibility will vary by region depending what the local commissioning group fund. I understand generally things have been tightened up somewhat over the last few years.
  3. If you have a tendency to chop and change things then go for something either fabulously cheap or a used browning/beretta/miroku so you don’t loose too much when you change. If like me you tend to keep things till they die it’s probably less of an issue. I bought a left handed akkar churchill over under for 700-800 quid roughly four years ago (I can’t remember but I think it was around that) with 1000 cartridges as it was the best fitting gun of two left handed contenders in the shop (having driven a very long way to see a left handed beretta that then wasn’t there). I thought I had made a mistake for months but have never felt the need to sell it or look for a fancier over under to replace it. Right handed shots seem to have far more temptation available to them though. I have shot many much fancier guns borrowed from other people but none have felt desirable if that makes sense (all borrowed from right handed shots though).
  4. Metric wad punches seem very cheap on evil bay, a little adjustment with a file and some callipers may be the simplest way to go.
  5. Wb123


    Ouch. I hope your employer are forgiving. The best of luck.
  6. Wb123

    Gillette ad

    I’ve not shaved in years but found a braun electric thing to be fantastic. No mess, a two minute job that could be achieved whilst doing all manner of things. A mate used to keep one in his glove box to shave in the traffic jam on his commute, one hand, no mirror needed, easy.
  7. An uncle has one, he seems to like it. Apparently it goes like stink but does drink a lot (he reckons high teens for mpg).
  8. My last few places have been chosen for their ability to work on some loupes but the last chap was definitely keen to talk shooting (I have never felt the need to use anything other than my usual glasses).
  9. Seems a sensible approach, he should be able to use it to drag the french kicking and screaming into the modern world.
  10. Last place I think was £30 a year which included insurance for the year and then £7 for the fifty clay shoot. The place before that I think was £45 a year and I can remember what I got for it but I remember working out urban paid for itself inside two months.
  11. Wb123


    Might be worth popping down to screwfix and getting better a few different shapes and styles of safety specs to see if you can find something that doesn’t fog. I find my workshop safety specs tend to fog but reckon that is due to the shape.
  12. I went from shooting right handed to left handed and I am convinced the fundamental design of a double trigger side by side was meant to be shot left handed. The positioning of the rear trigger to the left is so natural when shot from the left shoulder and very much more awkward from the right shoulder. It does seem to need a longer length of pull than a single trigger to work well though. The top lever also feels like something designed by a leftie.
  13. I shoot both eyes open (even for the rifle) strongly left eye dominant. I am right handed but shoot left handed.
  14. I suspect you may end up having to travel outside Northern Ireland for one, or have one sent over unseen.
  15. Wb123


    Oddly I’ve never found it to be a problem when shooting, it is a nightmare when cycling though. Is it something in the shape of your frames or how far up or down your nose they sit?
  16. My over under is probably my least favourite gun. Trying to find a side by side with a decent length of pull, and a comb height to suit, even before contemplating the fact I shoot left handed is tricky. People were shorter it seems back then. I borrowed a wonderful aya the other day for a 100 clay shoot. It was fitted with long heavy barrels, a nice high comb, and a weight on a par with my over which I would love to buy for days on the clays but the owner won’t sell. Most side by sides seem to be too short in the stock, too low in the comb, and too light weight for most of my use. Though I do have a lovely sidelock for walked up stuff but it was very hard to find and needs a slip on stock extender to fit. If I could find a left handed matador or something like the above mentioned aya I would be very tempted.
  17. I was rather miffed to spot mole valley (admittedly not an independent) selling ‘heavy duty’ tow hitches for £60 that are rated for 1500kg. The 3500kg rated version of the same thing be available from other people online at £30 including postage.
  18. Riding on rollers rather than an exercise bike is a whole lot more engaging...
  19. If you are going to work on it yourself and are clever with the newfangled electrical systems they are probably ok. Im not that good so won’t go newer than disco one.
  20. To be fair my current employer have been known to fire people for answering questions of the nature of the origional post with anything other than a tale of milk and honey.
  21. Last I looked LPG only made sense if you were accidentally filling your car from the heating tank. Massively more expensive than oil or electricity (though that was a few years ago).
  22. I bought Batha’s breaking clays. Found it easy to read but shortly thereafter moved to somewhere I get to shoot much less so I can’t say if had any impact on my shooting (I now shoot much worse than before moving).
  23. Wb123

    Wage packets

    I have had work paid in cash but I suspect it may have been never put fully through the books. My main income goes through paye and arrives (usually) in my bank account.
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