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    out in the sticks, Herts

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  1. Wishing you all a merry christmas and a happy new year. May all your shots be on target and your larders full in 2025!
  2. It's been rife for years, and the technology exists to completely eliminate it, it's just the manufactures have no inclination to use it. Not really, think of vehicles used for mini cab/private hire/delivery's, some of these are registered to one owner and "rented" to multiple drivers and run 24/7 they clock up a huge mileage. You only have to wind the mileage back prior to each MOT to make it appear the vehicle is only covering average or less than average mileage each year. At the end of five years you have a one owner 50,000ml vehicle with a supposedly verifiable mileage history that's actually done 500,000ml. That obviously has a significant impact on the vehicles value.
  3. Wymondley


    Mungler, I can't add much to what's already been said, but having lost my father to this dreadful condition I offer you my utmost sympathy. For you or anyone else facing this, there'll always be support, advice or just a "yes mate, I know" if you need to vent, here on pigeonwatch.
  4. I was in town today and felt saddened I only saw one poppy seller. I'd normally expect at least a couple around the town and one at the entrance to the supermarket. Perhaps this is another British tradition that will fade away.
  5. That's certainly what I've found with mist or light rain, although switching from white to black hot seemed to improve clarity for me.
  6. Silver/grey foxes exist, as do black foxes, nothing mythical. Uncommon in the UK though.
  7. Which is probably the best advice anyone thinking about retiring could get.
  8. Alan, I wish you peace, comfort and the knowledge you'll be remembered. A very brave and dignified post.
  9. Yes' I get that, not cheeky at all, I get around £16,000 a year pension, I have some savings and an as yet untouched pension that's probably worth another couple of thousand if needed. I was earning significantly more before I retired. No debts, mortgage free and on my own, I run two Land Rovers and shoot shotgun/FAC a couple of times a month, I enjoy a beer and a meal out but no longer smoke. I have survived the last 15 months quite comfortably on that, plus I get the state pension on top in six years. However I don't, and never have had... Holidays abroad, I enjoy the occasional weekend away here. New or even not that old, cars, always an older Land rover or two and an old banger to run about in. Plus, working in the motor trade I've never paid a garage bill. Have a new Kitchen/bathroom/house redecorate every few years, although that's on the cards for next year (as a one off). Spent money on expensive clothes, it's charity shops and ebay for me. I'm a very practical person and I'll have a go at anything, so I've never paid for tradesmen to do jobs, although I've occasionally swapped car work for building work. I don't own a TV, I just like being outdoors or pottering in my workshop (when I'm not on here). Simple life. If I had to survive on less I'd still do it, work was literally killing me.
  10. I packed up last year at 60, I'd had enough of work both physically and mentally. I was worried about how I'd survive on a modest private pension and some savings, even though there's just me (and the cat). I was amazed at how little I actually needed day to day, no more commuting and all the costs that go with that, £400 a month in diesel alone, lunch, tools etc. Just pack up... If you've reached the end of your tether with work, do it, don't worry about the money, you'll survive but believe me you'll feel so much better for it.
  11. Indeed, I've got better things to do with my money than burn it. That said, I can't stand "hot"houses, it's got to be in low single figures outside before I'll shut the windows let alone put any heating on.
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