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    all things countryside related

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  1. My 3l bottle fits nicely in one of the big stanley toolboxes, keeps it protected, discrete and stops it rolling around
  2. 243deer


    Labour party formed in 1900 and not in power until over 20 years later but that was in a very different media era. Whether I see a Reform government in my lifetime is difficult to assess but I am getting the same sort of feedback from folk I speak to as during the brexit vote so I expect Reform to get a lot of votes from the rural community who cannot stomach voting Conservative this time round. This will probably not result in very many seats this election but in 5 years time if they get 20+ seats then maybe history will repeat itself. At the very least I do not consider a vote for Reform to be wasted.
  3. Just stick a 12kva generator in the back that runs on the same fuel as your truck and you will be able to generate your own electricity in remote places ............ What no one likes saying (and those influencers that do get gagged) is that we need a gradual reduction in world population by 90% .........
  4. lovely, we are just finishing decorating then my wildlife pictures can go on the wall again.
  5. Check everything is still tight, including the stock. Check if the barrel is still free floating - no grunge lodged between barrel and stock when he fell. If all is well then possibly the scope is faulty. Re zero then give the scope a couple of gentle taps with a rubber mallet (obviously not battering the hell out of it) and see if it holds zero. Hawke scopes are usually reasonably tough so unlucky if it is faulty. In addition you can do the square test on the scope fire 3 then 10 clicks up, fire 3 shots, 10 right, fire 3, 10 down, fire 3, 10 left, fire 3 and you should be back on zero
  6. Had 2 x small (plenty big enough) haddock and chips from the Brilliant f & c shop in Caister yesterday afternoon - £16 and well worth every penny as both the batter and the chips were piping hot and crispy as - a good job as the wind was lazy to say the least. The chips this time of year will be earlies as there will be few, if any, English chipping spud main crop varieties left from storage. Earlies are always more expensive.
  7. If the grave/memorial were to be desecrated we would all be asking why was this not thought of and action taken to prevent it. I feel for the folk of Lincolnshire in losing this important piece of history but they should know that it will be well taken care of in Norfolk where we have a fair number of publicly accessible memorials that are well respected. I feel that as soon as it is attempted to ban a word as being offensive it immediately gives the word far more gravitas and publicity than it deserves. It also makes it far more attractive for kids to use and so perpetuates its use. Educating folk as to why any word can be offensive if used in certain ways is far more challenging but leaves personal choice and avoids the censorship that we should carry on fighting for. I just wonder when male, female, ginger, fat etc. etc. etc. are going to be added to the swear filter on here as all can be equally offensive. It is just as offensive to me that we cannot call a dog by its given name. It is not the dog's fault nor should history be manipulated in this way.
  8. If it is a short run and everything is really well insulated and your have really good earthing (a sort of electric fence utopia rarely achieved in real life) then it might be sufficient if your energiser is also efficient - personally to overcome the less than perfect conditions that usually occur I would do as above and stick a car battery on the system
  9. I would add to the above that if you can identify a bit of wood that birds like to go and sit and digest in after feeding or a strong flight line then you can shoot pigeons without any kit apart from a gun and cartridges. Setting up for decoying under either of these circumstances will at least result in you getting some shooting even if you have not quite got the decoying bit right. Some of my most enjoyable days have been setting off with just a gun and 25 cartridges and seeing how many birds I can take. I use natural cover and set dead birds up on sticks. Keep very still and only move your eyes as the birds come in until you are ready to shoot.
  10. I have always considered myself part vegan as I quite like some vegetables as a side accompaniment to my meat
  11. there is a very easy option available without the need to over think https://www.nationalgamekeepers.org.uk/ngo-insurance The NGO's £45 Membership Subscription includes public liability insurance for up to £10 million whilst taking part in any listed gamekeeping or shooting activity for recreational purposes, as well as covering you whilst earning no more than £5,000 per annum through shooting, this figure includes any monies obtained from carcass sales.
  12. the one reason that could cause your issue is if your barrel is not fully floated or there is enough give in the forend of the stock to cause barrel touching when putting down on the bipod, worth checking with a fag paper. So this is where you find out how good Bushnell are as a company. Contact them and ask their advice. Hopefully, if they value their reputation and can see that a happy customer is worth far more in sales than an unhappy one (Hawke get this hence their excellent service) they will ask for the scope back, check it and replace it or offer a good deal on a new one. I had an issue with an MTC and they flat refused to help at all which I never fail to repeat whenever I get the chance.
  13. Complimenting them just boosts their egos ....
  14. Couple of bags of sand as a backstop (easy to clear up) and a fat ball pinned to the ground just in front will give you a shooting option or else bait in an approved bait station
  15. Stubble probably comes from Scandanavia where Norwegian and Swedish use the word stubbe - a completely useless piece of information I think I learned when studying vikings at school but then my head is full of useless stuff.
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