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I have been on the Greek side and it was excellent. One of the best holidays I remember (which is cos I don't drink much), and the people were great.


There is a tour bus that takes you around all the sights, and up into the Troodos mountains.

They tell you all the history, which is common practice, but they explained it in a way that made it very interesting. Well worth the money.


Best bet is to get to know one of the local cafe/bar owners, they will really look after you.


I avoided car hire, as the roads are bad, the drivers are mental, and a lot of the cars are suspect, so it is a lot of your life in your hands.


If you are not a party animal then avoid staying at Ayia Napa, but it is worth a visit one night just to watch the revellers.


We did have a problem with people trying to sell you a time share, but walking away seemed to be the best way out, and I think it has died down a lot now.



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I've been to Cyprus many times. Stayed in Pernera and Protarus. I went to visit Paphos for a day, and thought it was okay. As a keen photographer, there was plenty to see. I haven't been to the Trudos mountains, but have been told that its brilliant there.

Last year, I did a trip over to see the Pyramids in Giza. Now that's a site to see. Cost around 400 euro for the wife and myself but was worth every cent!

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Went to Aya Napa before it went all "street", still hated it though. The sun is relentless from about 8 in the morning.

The coolest place was the hotels swimming pool, unfortunatly I could not hold my breath for ten days.


Food is nice and the people of Cyprus are very friendly. Nisi Beach is the one to visit, its paradise in my opinion. Just dont walk on the sand without something on your feet.

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I lifed/worked there for 2 1/2 Years


Worth going to the Trodos Mountains average skiing in Dec - Feb ok in the morning.


Try and do a Green Line tour you get to walk in No Mans Land all the cars still parked there and hotels beds maded up etc they tell you about the war etc quite interesting.


Paphos is ok as already said try and get to no the local Cypriot Bar man not Russian, they can get you good ins etc.


Drive is different if you hire a car go to a well known company Hetzs etc or you may get a cut and shut with no seat belts (trust me it was not fun when the brakes failed in the car park).


The Beretta shooting school is quite good to used to have loads of cheap kit but they are on the Euro now.


Always ask for local rates you normally get a discount if they ask where from just say Episkopi Garrissionl.

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Been a few times to Paphos ..absolutely love the place..Its well worth getting a hire car to go up the Troodos , but get a 4x4 as the roads are little more than tracks up there. They also do a 4x4 safari trip where you get driven off road in the back of a disco..

Food is really good both greek and english , they got Mcdonalds down by the Harbour if thats what u like and Pizza Hut too.. Theres an excellent restaurant with open views across the harbour..its called Captains table or captains view , anyway the food is excellent there.. Oh, and up the other end of town opposite the open air swimming pool is a really good indian restaurant..

Speak to the locals they know the best places to eat, there's some lovely little Greek restaurants tucked away that are well worth a visit...

I'd go back every year if I could.


Room for one more? <_<

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I went to Pratoras earlier this year there's allot of construction going on all over Cyprus so bare that in mind.

Stopped at the Sea Gull hotel, very clean and friendly good food in the town beeches good, i can reccomend a trip on the Catamaran, we had a full day excellent <_<

If you go you must have a trip to Famagusta (well as close as they will let you)it is very sad what happened, Turky invaded in August 1974 all Greeks evacuated that could.

Its not been lived in since, By anyone :yes:


If your hiring a car just be carefull near the border it is still patroled by armed Turks. There are places you can go over the border without knowning, so be on you guard!!!

Edited by Dougy
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when we were there the only crossing point between the greek and turk side was in the capital and I don't think you can take hire cars across. We did drive to the top of Mt Olympus (in a one litre polo) in the snow which was cool. It was worth hiringt he car for a couple of days but any more than that and you will have been everywhere.


PS Best holiday I have ever had. 4 of us all inclusive week before the start of the season (Feb) in a newly refurbed hotel for £120 per person. That was at the height of the holiday companies price wars, we have never got anywhere close to that price again.



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hi you will love it, few directions from the harbour with your back to th fortress turn right till you get to mc donalds turn left go up the hill thats where the bars are, also try a cyprit night. from harbour again walk straight up hill to lights turn left more bars and if you carry on along this road you will need car 3 ks along laura beach hotel right next to it the EL PASO BAR call in and say hi to mike hes the big guy behind bar you will find him a mine of information and if he dont know one of his many cousins will. try his spare ribs, carry along this road and you will reach coral bay best beach. best drink cypruit sour brandy (tourist one) or Keo beer if you smoke RED GOLD LEAF. HAVE A GOOD TIME


PS check out if the monk is still living in the monestary on the golf course.

Edited by sapper063
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The border is now open and you can cross over in the capital the Turks will sell you 5 day car insurance cheap at the crossing point and on a British passport you can drive straight though. There are still UN and Brit troops on the island but most Brits are focused from there to Afghanistan.


The roads are better up Troodos now more like a UK backroad than farm track now bnut 4x4 is best some roads still aren't finished yet on non touristy areas.


As said avoid KEO the local beer the Carlsberg is made on Island and is better.

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I was there last week , staying with friends on the Akemis Peninsula, about 45 minutes out of Pafos.

The roads into the Troodos Mountains are now excellent, having been relaid.

I would recommend hiring a car (they drive on the left) and going into the mountains for a look round.

Some nice archaelogical sites near the harbour in Pafos to visit,also in the mountains and at Kourion.


With the lousy Pound/Euro exchange rate, things are not as cheap as usual, so watch your spending.

Have a great time, the weather was sunny every day with temps between 25 and 32C for the 11 days we were there. <_<

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Coral bay area very nice two good beaches great fish & Chip shop no kidding, you can get there on the bus


Bus service also very good, car hire also good, if you hire a car go to lara beach great restaurant there, ask to see the pictures I sent her last year,you may get a free drink !


Could not go this year but will be back next year



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Paphos ,Larnaca, Limmasol, Aya Napa all heavily built up.Forty years ago I would have said you couldn't go wrong anywhere on the south of the island, but it depends on what you are looking for . Me , I prefare peace and tranqulity, which can still be found in the exreem left hand corner of the island at a place called Polis. The mountains are not really mountains but a 4x4 is advisable. There are several shooting grounds on the island, the beretta one is one of the poorer ones.You can take your gun in , no problem, but do check that the airline you are flying with accept firearms , not all of them do. I think there used to be a good FITASC shoot in the hills at a place call Mosphalloti, which I was lucky enough to shoot about ten years ago. I think they called it the Cyprus grand prix, around the end of Oct into Nov. Best company to go with is one called Sunvil, they are not the cheapest, but are real specialist and know the island backwards. If you want one of their brochures ,go into a proper independant travel agent, not a mass market one as they will only sell you what they get most commision on. Enjoy. from Auntie :P:yes::lol:

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I've been to Cyprus twice, both times we were based in Paphos. I really liked it we went in the spring when the temperature was between 70 and 80f. Paphos harbour is nice with plenty of good places to eat and drink. If you like fish you'll be spoilt for choice.

I used to get up early before the family awoke and have a few hours with the bino's at the World Heritage site near the harbour. There are plenty of gaps in the fence!

Cyprus has a fantastic variety of bird life. I saw Little Crake, Alpine Swift, Hoopoe, Red-rumped Swallow, Ruppells Warbler, Semi-collared Warbler, Masked Shrike, Blue-cheeked Bee-eater and many other species you would expect to see in the UK. I also found Cyprus Warbler which is indigenous to Cyprus and Black Francoline a small partridge type bird.

The Cypriots don't have a good record on conservation.The last time we went was 2004 and I saw quite a bit of evidence of "lime sticking". This is broadly where a stick is placed in a tree or area where birds are likely to perch. The stick is covered with a toxic substance and the legs of any bird that lands on it get stuck to the stick and the bird collected for the pot. There are also "Game Reserves" all over Cyprus. Over there this means they are hunting grounds and if you find one they will be littered with cartridge cases!

You will find a lot of people want to sell you property. My advice is DON'T! There are companies that are selling places on land which they do not actually own. The Land Register system is non-existent and a mess steming from the days when the land title holder (Turkish) had to flee to the north. Now the barriers are down they want their land back.


Great place and great people that drive on the proper side of the road and generally love the British! Enjoy your holiday.

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Car hire no problem stick with big companies, we go with Eurocars, they have a office and showplace in town pick your car and sign up.


The road are good get off the beaten track and you will want as 4 track, drivers as good as England if not better, remember to keep to speed limit !.


Do a seach things to do around Paphos, we go twice a year and have had NO Problems what so ever. :good:



Happy hols



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I think you will enjoy Paphos. Its a nice area. If you fancy a drive hire a car and explore the akamas region and the wine routes


Troodes is nice but after doing it couples of times it does get boring


Paphos ecomony has taken a massive dive over the last 2 years after they decided to re design the harbour area. The tourists stayed away and the restauranteurs choose the policy of "if they don't get diners in charge the ones that are dining twice as much" Thats why when you get the paphos and the harbour area its DEAD you will understand


Greedy cypriots!


Few years ago a taxi from airport was between 10 and 12 CY pounds. Thats about a 10 spot. After they went to euro it went to 20 to 25 Euro(about £14 -£17)


NOW the cost is 35 euro from airport to town. Is that about £34 ?


In 2 years the prices has trebled. Make sense when there economy is on there ****!


Now this is were the clever ex-pats that live there have dipped the pockets of the thick cypriots taxi drivers. They are sat at the new airport waiting for niave brits to rip them off. The ex pats are waiting down the road in unmarked family motors ready to collect and very reasonable rates 15 euro into town from the airport


I have a friend that lives out in Paphos with his family and is hitting 200 euro a day from a steady day taxi driving


The reason they get so much business is that his dad does a lot of work for brits that have villa's and apparts out there, so when they lease out a home for a week or two they push the private enterprise taxi drivers to the customers. Makes sense !


The dibble are very keen on the island for speeders BUT only if you have normal plates. Red plates and you will get ticked off


Have a good one :good:



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I noticed in Paphos last year the restaurants weren't busy at all


One of the owners said that because many of the hotels were all inclusive people weren't eating out because of the recession where as before they would always eat out once or twice a week


Lovely place though

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I agree with jonno prices have gone in Cyprus but they have also gone up in the greek islands

August 09, Samos petrol 1.05 lte exchange was 109 to the pound making it almost the same as here

meals out have also got up as food in supermarkets they seem to be on par with our prices.



Its' the common market the greeks were telling us !!!

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If anyone stays near Protarus let me know, I'll give you the name, number and email of an ex-pat who'll be only too happy to assist with airport runs etc :hmm:


Was there again a month ago. Prices have shot up but you can still get by if sensible. Get a motor with local plates (again, sort through an ex-pat). You tend to get treated like **** if you get a hire car as they have red plates.


Love the place and love the beer :good:

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