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Am I getting old and grumpy?


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Hey guys. I'm feeling like I'm getting old all of a sudden. I just signed up to a new phone contract (mobile) and got my new phone. It's great, does almost everything I ever need from a phone but there's just one issue. I got the Land Rover phone. IP67 rated, you can throw it at walls, drop it in your beer/swimming pool and it wont break. Sounds great.


BUT... The ringtones. You can't make it just ring. You know, like a phone? It has loads of gay (can I say that?) tunes on it, but a phone sound? No chance! I'm really annoyed, I had to get my mrs to download my old ringtone off the internet and stick it on the new phone! Now this thing is supposed to be aimed at outdoor types, builders and people with proper manly jobs. Yet it has a range of ringtones that would suit a 16 year old girl!


Am I the only one who would be p***** off about this? It's really got my back up that I've had to go to so much effort to get a "normal" ringtone.


Rant over, I'm off to cook me tea! :lol:

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It's not just you, I get driven by distraction by the ridiculous cacophony of tripe that issues forth from peoples phones. I can't find a sensible ring tone either so I have my phone on silent, turbo powered vibration masturbation mode and keep it thrust down the front of my trousers :lol:

Edited by Chard
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It's not just you, I get driven by distraction by the ridiculous cacophony of tripe that issues forth from peoples phones. I can't find a sensible ring tone either .....


Get someone to bluetooth "Hunting horn" to you then, really gets the greater unwashed into a frenzy when it goes off :lol:

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I just got my BB set to a normal phone ring, I cant stand all those different tomes you hear and god when people set up different ring tones so they know who is calling...whats that all about, just answer the phone and you will know who is on the other end :lol:

My kids come down all excited about their new mobile, look dad it can do this and that, all i say is "can you talk to people also" :good:<_<

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Oh no, now you've done it! I'm off to the dreaded google to find that one! I was wondering what I could set as my message tone :yes:




I have HUNTING HORN as my ring tone and for text i have ELMER FUD saying BE VERY VERY QUIET IM HUNTING WABBITS raises a few eyebrows in the pub when it goes of..

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You've got to love computer nerds... Cheers mr P, like it! Don't suppose I can be greedy and ask if you've got any more? That one's a bit long, I like the one they use when they're getting started (couldn't tell you the name of it though!).


You'll have to excuse me being awkward, I had a pool match tonight and had one too many rusty nails :yes:

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I dealt with a complaint at work recently when one of the lads left his mobile on the desk in a meeting involving several top bods in my organisation as well as company CEO's from partner agencies - he had forgotten top put it on silent and had recorded his girlfriend screaming out a massive fake orgasm with a running commentary on what she was going to do to him. It massively offended several attendees in the room. Man, once I heard about it(I had gone off to get a coffee) I ****** myself laughing and got some uppity senior bod having a go at me for not taking the phone 'scandal' seriously(I really do have to mix with some right knobends at times).


Modern mobile phones - I love 'em

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