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75 quid fine for feeding ducks in a park!

Floating Chamber

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Express and Star tonight.


26 year old Vanessa Kelly took her 17 month old child to a park pool in Smethwick and together they threw pieces of bread to the ducks. Up walks a jobsworth warden and produces a hand-held computer. He asks for her name and address and issues her with a fixed penalty £75 fine, saying 'It's classed as littering'.


Councillor Mahboob Hussain, cabinet member for the environment and housing says 'we take this very seriously', and 'there are environmental issues here.'


What do you think?

Edited by Floating Chamber
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On the face of it you think OMG!!!!!!! time to leave the country.


But, and this is trying to see another side to the story, has there been littering problems in the area, perhaps rats feeding . Although even if there were littering problems this still does not justify it.


Common sense does not seem to be that common any more

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Express and Star tonight.



Councillor Mahboob Hussain, cabinet member for the environment and housing says 'we take this very seriously', and 'there are environmental issues here.'


What do you think?


Yes , large amounts of duck poop. Nice to see a councilor advocate shooting ducks...... or have I got the wrong end of the stick. :rolleyes::):angry:

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I can understand the council not wanting Ducks fed, on our local pond we've got more Rats than Ducks and they run around the Pond while people are feeding the Ducks.


However, several things spring to mind such as:-


Was there a sign spelling out the offence and the penalty?


My name is Mallard Duck and I live by the River.


Do you think that thing is going to fit in your ****


Do you think people might try and feed you, after all you're going to waddle like a Duck with that thing rammed up your ****


and the one I would really have liked to use would be "My name's Donald Duck, £70 fine? stick it on my bill"!! :):rolleyes:

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Was there a sign


Thats the crux of it. If there are signs saying you cant feed the ducks (whether it is a resonable rule or not), then they are bang to rights.


If not, then the fine would most likely be thrown out if fought in court (ready to be corrected if I am wrong on this legal bods).



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