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Haiti Appeal, Will you donate?


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After watching so much of the news which was taken up by the aftermath of the earthquake in Haiti it seems to make all of our problems like the weather and other things here in the UK fall in to insignificance. It certainly made me think and realise just how lucky and blessed I am!

Everyone of us can help by making a small donation! No matter how small a donation you can afford it all adds up.

Think of it this way: If you shoot let's say a 22-250 and buy factory loaded ammunition for it, to donate just £1.00 is little more than just ONE SHOT, or if you smoke £1.00 is not much more than just 4 or 5 cigarettes! If we all donated just £1.00 think of how much that would add up to and what a difference it could make to those suffering in Haiti!

If you are not sure if you want to donate or not please spend just 10 minutes tonight watching the news about how so many are suffering in Haiti through no fault of their own!


Heres the web address if you feel you would like to make a small donation:



Thanks Guys!

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Probably not,


they have had loads of aid over the years, and the corrupt government nick it,


even now the UN foodstores have been looted.

in fact looking at the TV there are lots of people out looting rather than helping.

Edited by bobt
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Just thought I should mention it before anyone asks - Yes I have made a donation myself. My wife made one off her credit card without telling me and I made one out of my "Ruger 10/22 fund"!

As far as I am concerned they can make better use of it than I can!

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For once I'm with the majority(so far) of the replies on here.


You can't help but feel pity, however charity begins at our door so much these days I'm personally sick of it.


We all pay taxes and the British Government has made a donation.


Most of us do the Lotto and after profits and prizes are paid the rest goes to charity.


I truly feel for their suffering but a tenner each from us wont make a toss of difference.

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Yes. It's not going to solve the problem, but it might help a little bit, and God knows they need all the help they can get. There are no problems in my life that come close to the misery these people are suffering, so I feel if I can afford to help a little then I should. Charity might begin at home, but thankfully most of the the British public have sufficient empathy and compassion to realise it doesn't end there :sad1:

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Charity begins at home. Someone tell Gordon Brown, please.


What with death duties and capital gains tax, by the end of next year, I will have given HMRC c£200K in 3 years. Now, with interest rates on deposits running at less than inflation, my 'real' income is zero. Let the arabs use some of their oil wealth to help out the scrounging hordes.

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Charity begins at home. Someone tell Gordon Brown, please.


What with death duties and capital gains tax, by the end of next year, I will have given HMRC c£200K in 3 years. Now, with interest rates on deposits running at less than inflation, my 'real' income is zero. Let the arabs use some of their oil wealth to help out the scrounging hordes.

My heart bleeds for you.I will be sending a donation to the scrounging hordes in Haiti

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My heart bleeds for you.I will be sending a donation to the scrounging hordes in Haiti





Did'nt see them round your house giving you owt mate .

I'm with rjimmer , After vat and taxes i make next to nowt , trying convincing our gov't officials about that though . But they are very happy to send a boat load of money off to a load of folks who non of us will ever meet .


all the best yis yp :sad1:

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Priceless, the scrounging hordes? Yep, we all know the feeling when an earthquake victim asks for a handout.

RJimmer, I can see how your suffering compares to that of the scroungers who live in poverty and now are surrounded by the rotting bodies of men women and children. Shame on them for not living in the west and being able to bitch and whine about the snow, paying taxes etc.

Good point well made, they deserve it after all :sad1:

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Probably not,


they have had loads of aid over the years, and the corrupt government nick it,


even now the UN foodstores have been looted.

in fact looking at the TV there are lots of people out looting rather than helping.



not from me im afraid. like said, there is a lot comming in from the governments slush fund, so even if we didnt want to we still donate.



:sad1: could not agree more! Sorry but the charity money usually gets squandered.

Edited by RC45
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Priceless, the scrounging hordes? Yep, we all know the feeling when an earthquake victim asks for a handout.

RJimmer, I can see how your suffering compares to that of the scroungers who live in poverty and now are surrounded by the rotting bodies of men women and children. Shame on them for not living in the west and being able to bitch and whine about the snow, paying taxes etc.

Good point well made, they deserve it after all :sad1:


Good post

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Right lads i know how much you are worried about giving money to charity as it will be squandered, and of course that must be the only reason you are not donating...


So please donate some money to Partners in Health they are based in Haiti and have been for over the last 20 years, they work from a hospital in Port au Prince, which is based outside of the main areas that got damaged. Meaning that their the hospital they are working from is still standing. Any money given to them, will go to them and not the goverment.




I should add that I personally know people at this charity and can say for certian they are ligit!


And really what is a few quid to us? im a student in 25k of debt, yet at least I still have a roof over my head, free health care, food, clean water or electricity. I have donated and have also been to places like this and seen it in first person, its not a nice sight to see other humans suffering. and if you have lost your house, everything you own, your family, money and there is no aid as people arnt giving donatations to the right people, then I for one would certainly be looting right now.....


Just wanted to say something as sometimes i think we all forget how lucky we really are, I for certain do, and i believe with the amount of money in the world there is no need for people to suffer like this.

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Simple NO from me, last time i checked i`m upto date with my taxes and i`m pretty sure our beloved leader just sent £6 million of public money there and the emergency staff that have gone out there or there cover remaining behind are paid from the public purse so i`m fine with that and i don`t feel the need to give anything personally.

It may seem heartless and harsh but i have a family to support.

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