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Haiti Appeal, Will you donate?


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And Jesus died for our sins


Absolutely, and historically correct !


Oh no, please dont bring religion into this, as surely this earthquake is an act of God's will, to wipe out the tyranny in Haiti, so by giving charity to help them youre going against God's will.So you know God`s will now !! Would you have sent money to help Sodom and Gomorrah? :good:




Perhaps your heart is hardened and your ears cannot hear ?

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Ah, we get closer to the real reason then :big_boss:


Now forgive me if I am wrong, but Co.Down is an area that could be taken to be in a Christian country, yes ?

Therefore I have to ask what constitutes a zombie to you ?


zombies and haiti go hand in hand. haitian houngan's (voodoo priests) would use a comples mixture, including fish toxins, to poison people and induce death like symptoms. the person would be assumed dead and buried, where the priests would dig them up again after the funeral to use them as slaves. due to being interred with a lack of oxygen most of these people would suffer brain damage, and would be only marginally more intelligent than an animal. they were known as zombies, or the walking dead, as the priests spread the rumour that they raised the dead body (and not that they faked the death).


now lets not forget good old papa doc, the old ruler of haiti, who ruled the people through fear of his supernatural police force of renimated skeletons (allegedly), cant remember the name of them, but haita, zombies, witch craft and occult go hand in hand - so whats a good christian like yourself doing getting involved with them henry? :good:


(i knew all that preparation for a zombie outbreak would be useful :lol: also if you want more info on papa doc i can run upstairs and get the book i read it in, "the worlds most evil men". such a sad ending for the worlds first black republic :hmm:)

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im a man henry, i have selective hearing :big_boss:


And reading, Bokor seems to be more in keeping with zombies and as such seems to be more Haiti`s neighbors "thing" they prefer "vodou" !


and working in the insurance sector, we do refer to earthquakes, etc, as "acts of God"..... :good:


So, man at work then ? Remember your scriptures ?


You forgot the answer to my statement,

So you know God`s will now !!
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You forgot the answer to my statement,


knowing God's will henry? but you forget, everything that happens is God's will - the sun rising in the morning, finding a tenner on the way to work, getting run over by a bus, or being caught in an earthquake, all of it is God's will :big_boss:


you may want to re-read that, look up francois duvalier (papa doc), he came to power in haiti in 1957, was a trained doctor (working on american aid schemes) before entering politics, and was welcomed by the americans as a modern man of medicine. but to the poor peasant population he was a witch doctor/medicine man, and he boasted that he was a witch doctor, and that through the use of witchcraft and black magic rituals he would summon the devil himself to share his power with all the voodoo worshippers in haiti.


to murder political opponents, he used the army but claimed it was the work of "Baron Samedi", the avenging zombie of witchcraft, a hellish figure dressed in a black hat and suit of mourning (seen also in a james bond film, i do believe). He was a voodoo demon, raised from hell to walk the earth and carry out the wishes of the devil. also to ensure the army were loyal (through fear) to him, he raised the Tom Tom Macoute, voodoo "bogeymen" who swore allegiance to him as the supreme witch doctor. they were given free reign to terrorise the populace with murders staged to bear the hallmarks of terrifying ritual murder. After he made the cult of voodoo the official national religion of haiti, president john f kennedy announced american aid would cease. with no options left, papa doc announced to his people that he had performed a nightmarish voodoo ceremony to raise the devil from hell to put a curse on the american president. 6 weeks later jfk was shot in dallas, which cemented the country's belief that pap doc ruled with the power of the devil. he changed the constitution so that his son (nicknamed baby doc) could inherit leadership, however many people in haiti still believe that papa doc controls the country's fate, fromwithin the gates of hell...


as i said henry, you may want to read into haiti a bit more before you start justifying giving them money by using religion :hmm:


oh and one further act of God's will - i havnt read this book in 6 months, but when i went and picked it up guess which chapter was bookmarked - yes the one about Haiti.... :good:

Edited by babbyc1000
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knowing God's will henry? but you forget, everything that happens is God's will - the sun rising in the morning, finding a tenner on the way to work, getting run over by a bus, or being caught in an earthquake, all of it is God's will :good:


....and therefore possibly designed to test you ? Is your heart too hardened, your ear too weak to hear ?


I`m not giving Haiti money, I`m giving it to the DEC and they will, eventually, get it to those in need and should someone intervene, then in the best terminology(pun intended) "Hell Mend ye!"

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Wow . If you want to give then give if you dont then dont......


Its that simple


I personally wont give a dime .. That is not a slight on the people of haite . Its just that I dont wish to hand over any cash that will not arrive at it intended destination..


If I could go out there and help with my bare hands then that is a different story . I would do that in a heart beat . But would it do any good , would it make me feel any better about myself . The country is in ruins and nothing I do would be good enough . So why do it .


If I chose to give my money where would it end up . Mob rules its back to tribal ways where only the strong survive so how can my cash help those in need .


Just my peneth worth so come on guys rip me to pieces if thats whats makes you feel good

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....and therefore possibly designed to test you ? Is your heart too hardened, your ear too weak to hear ?


I`m not giving Haiti money, I`m giving it to the DEC and they will, eventually, get it to those in need and should someone intervene, then in the best terminology(pun intended) "Hell Mend ye!"


if my heart is too hardened, or my ear too weak to hear, then again, thats how God made me, is it not? :good:


hey if you feel the humanitarian need to give money, just say henry, thats totally your own choice, one which i would fully support your right to do (and my right not to) :big_boss: but come on, going by what ive posted theres no-way anyone could justify giving money for religious reasons surely??


Wow . If you want to give then give if you dont then dont......


Its that simple


I personally wont give a dime .. That is not a slight on the people of haite . Its just that I dont wish to hand over any cash that will not arrive at it intended destination..


If I could go out there and help with my bare hands then that is a different story . I would do that in a heart beat . But would it do any good , would it make me feel any better about myself . The country is in ruins and nothing I do would be good enough . So why do it .


If I chose to give my money where would it end up . Mob rules its back to tribal ways where only the strong survive so how can my cash help those in need .


Just my peneth worth so come on guys rip me to pieces if thats whats makes you feel good



na dont worry, no-ones going to rip into you, thats just me and henryd duelling over religion again :hmm::lol:

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......but he also gave you free will to do what you will with what you have heard, so in a way you chose not to hear what either of us have said ?


ah now not this one again, theres no such thing as free will, he made me exactly the way i am, he set out my genetic make up, how i would be brought up, all the experiences that would affect me in life, basically all the things that make me the person i am - its the same as me picking a vicious dog, training it to attack people and letting it roam free, but then claiming that its not my fault it attacked someone as it is a living breathing animal with its own free will :good:


to think otherwise, that we have a free choice in what we do, really brings into question the assumption of Gods omnipotence, which then undermines the basis of religion :big_boss:

Edited by babbyc1000
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Now this makes sense:


"Senegal's President Abdoulaye Wade has called Haitians sons and daughters of Africa. Should the continent be doing more to help victims of the Haiti earthquake?


Senegal itself has offered free land and repatriation to people affected by the disaster."

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Echos of Liberia, loads of freed slaves and their descendents moved there.


Let's face it there is loads of space in Africa and middle eastern countries.

The Palestinians are botled up in the West Bank, yet there is loads of space in Jordan and Egypt where they could have a better life if they were let in.

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That does make sense,


I'm in the same boat as a few on here doing work for charities and the money they spend is unreal no concept of anything other than their business, and business it is legalised fleecing of people under the guise of charity to keep their inflated incomes going. The issue is they see that they need to in effect spend money to make money so have the best "fundraisers" and pay outside companies who supply the "chuggers" who mob you in every shopping centre in the land trying to sign you up to monthly direct debits and then charge the charity @£85 per signed form last time I heard.

We had one trying to insure boxes of the forms while in transit they valued an A3 box at 85K we had to tell them they were uninsurable as they are simply signed forms with no actual value and our brokers wouldn't touch them. Its verging on scandalous that your hard earned money mostly goes on paying their salaries and fundraising for more before being put to good use.

In this disaster rather than our overweight probably illigitimate leader throwing our money at it he'd be far better off contributing something usefull like troops on the ground and members of our fire service etc to give actual help rather than just money which on its own can be squandered too easily.

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<RANT>I'm afraid that it's the unquestioning belief in the supposed historical fact that "Jesus died for our sins" that oppresses these and large numbers of other peoples across the globe. It may have once served a purpose but today it does them as much damage as the corrupt governments they "live" under the control of. It's one of the main reasons why formal religion on the basis of a personal God sucks as badly as it does. And YES I have very recent and personal experience of this.


We sent these people the missionaries that poisoned them with this ludicrous story originally and it is surely nigh on as deplorable as the slavery that they were also subjected to.</RANT>


On the subject of aid, money clearly isn't the issue at the moment, it's the poor infrastructure that is the major issue as is so often the case. It would seem at present that aid monies would be better, or at least more effectively, spent elsewhere - again as has already been stated.


I'm generally in the same camp as many here in so much as giving to local charities in preference to remote ones. It seems to me that in order to give effectively in places like Haiti and Africa you kind of have to pick one person or family and make those donations personally and directly. It ensures the money goes where you intend it (but not necessarily spent on what it really needs to be spent on). This is what I have done and it has helped a family through a very difficult time in a place where hardship starts from a far lower baseline than we are all, thankfully, accustomed too.




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I'm generally in the same camp as many here in so much as giving to local charities in preference to remote ones. It seems to me that in order to give effectively in places like Haiti and Africa you kind of have to pick one person or family and make those donations personally and directly. It ensures the money goes where you intend it (but not necessarily spent on what it really needs to be spent on). This is what I have done and it has helped a family through a very difficult time in a place where hardship starts from a far lower baseline than we are all, thankfully, accustomed too.




As far as your "rant" is concerned, I hope it made you feel better, we all deserve one now and again.


I agree with your Idea of picking and then giving to a particular family of your choice. However this would probably lead to all the attractive people getting help and all the not so lovely people not.


The thought of giving one particular person in Haiti a life changing amount of money, say £100 would be a bit God like. Then of course the recipient would either become a local God or have to go into hiding to avoid the attentions of those who still have nothing but are prepared to take any steps to get it.

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The thought of giving one particular person in Haiti a life changing amount of money, say £100 would be a bit God like. Then of course the recipient would either become a local God or have to go into hiding to avoid the attentions of those who still have nothing but are prepared to take any steps to get it.


so, what if we sent them a shotgun and some ammo then? ???

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<RANT>I'm afraid that it's the unquestioning belief in the supposed historical fact that "Jesus died for our sins" that oppresses these and large numbers of other peoples across the globe. It may have once served a purpose but today it does them as much damage as the corrupt governments they "live" under the control of. It's one of the main reasons why formal religion on the basis of a personal God sucks as badly as it does. And YES I have very recent and personal experience of this.


We sent these people the missionaries that poisoned them with this ludicrous story originally and it is surely nigh on as deplorable as the slavery that they were also subjected to.</RANT>


On the subject of aid, money clearly isn't the issue at the moment, it's the poor infrastructure that is the major issue as is so often the case. It would seem at present that aid monies would be better, or at least more effectively, spent elsewhere - again as has already been stated.


I'm generally in the same camp as many here in so much as giving to local charities in preference to remote ones. It seems to me that in order to give effectively in places like Haiti and Africa you kind of have to pick one person or family and make those donations personally and directly. It ensures the money goes where you intend it (but not necessarily spent on what it really needs to be spent on). This is what I have done and it has helped a family through a very difficult time in a place where hardship starts from a far lower baseline than we are all, thankfully, accustomed too.






Good Idea, but how will they get the money? especially in a disaster like an Earthquake?

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I actually feel moved to make a comment


I give to the air ambulance and regularly to Help for Heroes


I have seen both in action


if we were in the same situation do you really think their government would send us a shed load of cash?


and if they did send us any helping hands do you think they would go back?


No i will not be giving.

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i won't give money to haiti or any other foreign country, where was the help for all our recent flood victims? all them lot on the news starting riots because there hungry how does that help anything, all our fire crews going over to dig them out leaving us short back home, and we'll never recover the money we ive them, 20m in a recession is a joke and brown acts like its his money to just hand out we'll never see it again, next they'll be shipping them over to treat them and they'll disapear into the night then be down the social trying to get benefits and we'll let them like the mugs we are. i bet we're still giving 100's of millions to africa every year and what good does it do? better off leaving them to there own divices and keeping the money in our own economy

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