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what now for the ordinary working folk


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Yeah no doubt their promises (lies) will not happen, and they will have duped us to get into power, what has happened to the country, we should have us lot in there! lol then it would be sorted! lol



Hear, hear (oops sorry sounding like one myself now :lol: ) I think that's a great idea, All members of the site can give up work and be kept by the state in a life of luxury and spend their days out shooting :lol:


I could also do with a duck house for the pond :good: can I now have one free on the tax payer :lol:

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Yer a right miserable bunch of ******* you lot :good: The new party is just through the door and yer condemning them already. Why not shut yer gobs and see what happens rather than being so blooming miserable all the time. And they say women are nags :lol:


Pushkin :lol::lol::D

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Yer a right miserable bunch of ******* you lot :good: The new party is just through the door and yer condemning them already. Why not shut yer gobs and see what happens rather than being so blooming miserable all the time. And they say women are nags :lol:


Pushkin :lol: B) :D



I'm old enough to remember what they were like before, rioting in the streets.


It'll be very dark and like a living nightmare.


There's no point in getting your hopes up. ;)




:lol: :lol: :D

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so we have a new leader/leaders in number ten .what for the ordinary working fella with wife and kids now then?


Well labour lined the pockets of anybody who could produce children and not afford to keep them thereselves.


So I hope the tories put a stop to me and other tax payer paying for others to have children .


Regards OTH

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Well labour lined the pockets of anybody who could produce children and not afford to keep them thereselves.


So I hope the tories put a stop to me and other tax payer paying for others to have children .


Regards OTH


Well said, or we the only two sick of reading stories in the paper about scumbag baby factories being on £40,000 a year for doing nothing more than spreading there legs?! :good:



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I'm old enough to remember what they were like before, rioting in the streets.


It'll be very dark and like a living nightmare.


There's no point in getting your hopes up. :lol:




:good::lol: :lol:



Ah yes the good old miners strike,


Another fine example of the unions ******* the industry of this country beyond all recognition and strengthening the need for foreign imports.


My guess is that nothing will change except you and me will be a little poorer to pay for another failed labour government.

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Labour have spent last 13 years making it easy for scroungers as they were the people voting them in.


I fully support that we look after those who can't look after themselves with benefits but I'm sick of supporting those who can't be bothered. There are plenty of jobs in communuities that need doing but which perhaps we can no longer afford to in these hard times, so here's a thought, people who are able can do a couple of days work a week in their communities to earn their dole money, the rest of the time they can use to search for a new job or sit on their backsides, if they don't do the work then they don't get paid, simples.


Dave says we need to pull together and help well that applies to everyone, I do my bit by paying taxes now it's their turn.

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Surprise Surprise latest reports are the marriage tax break the tories wanted have been axed and the Lib Dems get their policy bought in so that people earning under 10k a year will not pay tax, bloody disgusting. Where is the incentive for people to earn money and work when they can now just have babies and get some job that is low paid and a few hours a week that they keep everything they earn, immigrants will be laughing too not paying tax on their low paid jobs and guess who is going to have to make up the pot of money.

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Surprise Surprise latest reports are the marriage tax break the tories wanted have been axed


Where do you get that from, then? :good:


"The Liberal Democrats have also agreed not to block the Tories' proposed tax break for married couples, although they will not support the policy. This could mean it is still introduced."

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Where do you get that from, then? :good:


"The Liberal Democrats have also agreed not to block the Tories' proposed tax break for married couples, although they will not support the policy. This could mean it is still introduced."


COULD, they agreed on everything else yet on this policy they abstain from voting and not support it?? yeah looking like a good coalition already.

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Yer a right miserable bunch of ******* you lot :good: The new party is just through the door and yer condemning them already. Why not shut yer gobs and see what happens rather than being so blooming miserable all the time. And they say women are nags :lol:


Pushkin :lol::lol::D


Here here! Without optimism what have we got eh?


I reckon we should only vote people in to power if they show no interest in being in power, that'd sort the wheat from the chaff :lol:

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COULD, they agreed on everything else yet on this policy they abstain from voting and not support it?? yeah looking like a good coalition already.



You said it was axed. Where does it say it was axed?


Ranting lefty rhetoric, with no basis in fact. :good:


Intead af shrieking hysteria, have a read of Maxie baby, a balanced and calm view of this "coalition".


Max Hastings

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its not so dark anymore zapp, we got electric lights put in :good:


anyway is it too early to hope for positive change yet? itd be great if some day i could turn round and be proud that i go out to work, instead of feeling like an idiot when i look at a few of my mates who are too lazy to get a job (and have admitted it) swanning about in brand new designer clothes, drinking in the pub every night and flashing (my) cash at every opportunity they get :lol:

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