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Slugs and Snails


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Mrs MEs ornamental lillies are being attacked by the hoodlum Essex slugs & snails.


We also have a young pup so what nice ways are there to stop these critters.. :good::)


I have just sunk 3 beer glasses into the ground with some beer to see if that old wives tail works... :)

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The Beer glass thing does work in a fashion....Other Ole' wifes tales are Coffee and Egg shells around the base of the pots....Also copper wire tied around the pots is also supposed to keep em off.....


Stick a few canes in the ground with an up-turned plant pot on top...The snails will go in th pots to spend the day out the sun...easy to go round and collect them....Sling em over fence into next doors garden....Problem moved on.... :) :)

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The beer trap is probably your best bet.Just dig a pint glass into soil so the rim is level with ground,fill with beer and empty after a week or so.


Another method is keep a few chickens and let them freerange the garden a few hours each day.They have a voracious appetite for slugs and snails and will reduce the population considerably.

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get some sharp sand or course grit they dont like moving over either, just put some around me osta's

another tip, but i'm afraid something i cant do any more is shoot them with my air rifle, (sold it) good practice and fun.

Edited by Dougy
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I can't believe every one is telling you the best way to kill them.


Eat them. After a little preparation, you CAN eat the common garden snail.


Here's how.. http://gordonramsaysrecipes.com/03/eating-...rom-the-garden/


:yahoo::shoot: Noooo you cant eat them!!! of all the creepy crawlies in the garden the amount of slime they secrete makes me cringe :good::lol:

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:good::lol: Noooo you cant eat them!!! of all the creepy crawlies in the garden the amount of slime they secrete makes me cringe :lol::D

They stop secreting the slime once they are battered and deep fried. Serve them with a mixed side salad (The proper way of telling that you have cooked them for long enough is to leave them with the side salad for 5 minutes before putting on the dinner table, you know if you haven't deep fried them for long enough cos they start eating the side salad for you) served with plenty of garlic bread, yum yum!!!!!!!! :yahoo::lol::lol::shoot:

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They stop secreting the slime once they are battered and deep fried. Serve them with a mixed side salad (The proper way of telling that you have cooked them for long enough is to leave them with the side salad for 5 minutes before putting on the dinner table, you know if you haven't deep fried them for long enough cos they start eating the side salad for you) served with plenty of garlic bread, yum yum!!!!!!!! :yahoo::lol::lol::shoot:


minging...... I've been picking them up this week and throwing them over the fence into

next doors trampoline, makes a mess when their little sh!ts use it tho :good:

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minging...... I've been picking them up this week and throwing them over the fence into

next doors trampoline, makes a mess when their little sh!ts use it tho :yahoo:

Do the slugs enjoy playing on the trampoline then?:shoot:?:good:???

p.s. If you are bored you could always try putting half a dozen of the large black ones on a kebab skewer and barbying them (May I suggest Tomato Ketchup rather than Brown Sauce)! He, he, he, he!

Edited by Frenchieboy
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Copper tape laid around the base of the plants or possibly even wrapped around the stems. Would probably put some protection on the plant side just in case. Copper carries it's own tiny electric charge which is why it's so good at conducting electricity, also the plump moist bodies of the slugs 'n' snails make an excellent conductor, just like putting your tongue on a big ol' battery, I shouldn't wonder.


Have heard of the beer trap working, so long as it's not from your own stash should be ok. Eggshells also seem to be a favourite with some. Failing that, any kind of grit would suffice.


Can't say that eating slugs holds any appeal for me, and since trying snails last year (garden ones not the delicious escargot) let's just say I won't be queueing up for that one again.

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