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Fox Cull would be a tradgedy ??????


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According to "purdey" actress Joanna Lumley she is taking a stand against the cull of town foxes,just like she did with the Gurkhas, "I feed the foxes which I see in my garden in south London and they get along perfectly well with my cats. Foxes are beautiful creatures – very graceful – and they normally pose no danger at all to humans. It'd be a tragedy if, on account of this one isolated incident, we set about their wholesale elimination

read all about it here


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Everybody is entitled to their opinion and to some the town fox does appear to be a pleasant and interesting creature.

I am not sure that a "cull" of town foxes is necessary, but certainly some form of control is.

Most of the ones I have seen have been in poor condition and putting them down would be a humane act.


You will find that Joanne Lumley is quite a country girl, so she may not be as ignorant as some might think.

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Joanna lumley is now in the limelight and attracting quite alot of media attention,,she has done very well for her self esteem, in fighting for what is equal rights for the Gurkhas.

But contraversial to all this,she is stating that a cull in the inner city is not needed, but for goodness sake, try telling that to the parents of these little girls,wild animals do not go well with small children,she might be thinking they are cute ,but just lets wait until one of these foxs bites her bloody hand ,and see what knee jerk reaction we get.


good ol purdey eh :whistling:

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I would think if you live in a town and you leave your doors wide open, you are at more risk from thieves than foxes.



Totally agree...and whilst I have every sympathy for the injured here I still think this whole situation has a very funny smell.



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Totally agree...and whilst I have every sympathy for the injured here I still think this whole situation has a very funny smell.




Yes must agree. Still think it could have been a dog that they owned and they have blamed a fox.

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Yes must agree. Still think it could have been a dog that they owned and they have blamed a fox.



they didn't own a dog or it wouldn't have happened :good:


Like Cranfield I actually think they do little damage in towns, you certainly can't blame them for eating farmers livestock etc, obviously where they are being a pain they need contralling but an outright cull is not necessary. As for no predators i'd suggest cars take care of more than enough of them to stop towns being over run with them.

With this fox attack like the last one the thing they have in common is the weather, it always happens when its hot and that is what makes people leave doors open. Had it happened on a cold day I'd be sceptical but in an afflent household with no dog its pretty unlikely to be anything else just a very rare occurence

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  • 1 month later...
According to "purdey" actress Joanna Lumley "I feed the foxes which I see in my garden in south London and they get along perfectly well with my cats............"

That's because there's plenty of discarded McDonald's and KFC around for them to scavenge, and your cat probably kills as much of the wild life as the foxes do, Ms Lumley. Besides, if that fox was hungry enough he'd soon be eating Tiddles for his dinner.


The majority of these foxes don't need culling anyway, they do little harm within our cities, although some of the diseased ones I've seen should be dispatched and it wouldn't be a bad idea to get rid of them. These are more the inner city dwellers though, where there is little or no natural habitat for them except the parks and the odd cemetery.



Edited by Santlache
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Flippen 'ek, I thought this had died a natural...ok, my phone went ballistic after two babies were apparently chewed in their bedroom some weeks back, probably 80/85% of the callers I reassured and turned work away...but I did make a few quid!


Complete hogwash, odds are you will find more references to people being abducted by Aliens than attacked by fox on the web!


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She's as much right to voice her opinion as we do ours.


There have been less incidences of fox attack than 'shooting incidents' about which we collectively hope will not succumb to a knee jerk reaction calling for "something to be done" I can't fault her for sticking up for that on the back of a single issue.


"Man" does throw an awful lot of food away in the cities which foxy cleans up.

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