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Anyone shooting hares now it's August?


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Now that it's August is anyone shooting brown hares? Round here there are more hares than rabbits and the farmer on one of my permissions has lost patience and asked me to shoot a few. Being honest I've always left them alone, but now I've been asked (told!) I guess there'll be some jugged hare for tea!

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We leave 'em alone at the moment;landowner is in for stewardships plus other grants,so he doesn't want any shooting 'til further notice.Must admit there are a lot about;we had a hare drive some years ago and got 27 in less than 300 acres in an afternoon.There must be more than that around now.

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dont see many round my way..dont think ive seen more than 5 in about 7yrs!!


how do you mean it keep the 'gyppos' off gary?



think he just means it keeps the traveling folk from using the land for sporting dogs.

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Now that it's August is anyone shooting brown hares? Round here there are more hares than rabbits and the farmer on one of my permissions has lost patience and asked me to shoot a few. Being honest I've always left them alone, but now I've been asked (told!) I guess there'll be some jugged hare for tea!



the young are no longer dependant on parents and a fair size so if asked its fine, shoot a few though they can't be sold at the moment so keep them for your and friends consumption. My main shoot we very rarely shoot any and numbers are healthy but not over run on a few neighbouring shoots we do have hare drives and shoot a lot as our ground seems pretty good for them, bit sobering seeing 400 hung up but its humane and pest control and that many hares eat a lot of crop. I like shooting them on vermin days as they are pretty sporting but use at least 4's if you are using a shotgun, rifle HMR upwards will be fine

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i hate shooting hare as there a beautiful creature but if asked i will shoot them, i had 14 out of one beat field just walking up and down the rows with my sisters lab (he was a bit insecure so never strayed more than 5-10ft away and never really gave chase so ideal for shooting over) i snapped my old game bag carrying 4 of the beggers! i've just left them as fox food since, my old man use to give them to the travellers who was passing by, they always use to park up on a track in the middle of our land, he got bacon butties back in return so there not all bad

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i hate shooting hare as there a beautiful creature but if asked i will shoot them, i had 14 out of one beat field just walking up and down the rows with my sisters lab (he was a bit insecure so never strayed more than 5-10ft away and never really gave chase so ideal for shooting over) i snapped my old game bag carrying 4 of the beggers! i've just left them as fox food since, my old man use to give them to the travellers who was passing by, they always use to park up on a track in the middle of our land, he got bacon butties back in return so there not all bad



i'm working in gainsborough at the moment and i've noticed a shed load of *****'s :)


is there a big camp near by?

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Must admit Fendrover90 I agree, they seem to be more in numbers this year than any time I remember. Don't know whether its anything to do with the bout of mixy that reared it's ugly head again last year that has severely dented the bunny population this year and the hares have simply moved in to an otherwise vacant spot. Just thinking aloud here, that's the only reason I can come up with! Anyway I've been asked to shoot a few so that's what I'll have to do.

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we shoot a big number on my permissions, they are every where, after a good few months of hedge planting last year the farmers wanted them thinning out, didnt realise how many there was until we had a walk about day!


i know of a couple big shoots nearby that have hare days, they have 1000s of acres on the wolds and below, last shoots there produced well over 250 hares a day between 20 guns


they do a hec of alot of damage so i shoot them as i have been asked to, testing shots sometimes


oh and always shoot them at the end of the day...they are a fair lump to cart about!!

Edited by TJ91
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I was asked to shoot them on one permission because they were doing a lot of damage.I have seen it somewhere that three hares can eat as much as a sheep can in a day.On another permisssion they want them left alone because they have a hare shoot after harvest.You do what keeps the owner happy. :good:

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Most of the farmers I know in Gloucestershire seem to like to see the hares about and do not want them shot. I have had to shoot a few pesky ones with the hmr that have ring barked young apple trees on one of my permissions. I like to see them running about though and only shoot them if I have to. They have no close season, apart from not being able to sell em between April and September ( I think ) an olde daft law to attempt mass slaughter in the breeding season. Personally I would'nt shoot them until September. As for Myxy, I doupt if they get it as they may look like big rabbits but they are about as closely related to a rabbit as a frog is to a cow, surprising but true.

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