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Idiot Drivers in the snow


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On the way home from picking the Mrs up, i noticed a young lad in the ditch in his little red Saxo? Fiesta? size car, it wasnt too deep maybe a Foot or Two, not hurt only damaged pride. Now then Mrs asked would i tow him out, well i replied


"he was obviously going too fast down a single track bendy road, in very slippery conditions, he can get himself out, and may infact teach him not to drive like a plonker in future"


I'm stting at home now having just had my dinner and drinking a cup of Tea wondering how many of you would have towed him out ???

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Yeh I would have pulled him out.


If it wasn't damaged or in too deep then he probably wasn't going too fast, just unfortunately (and through no fault of his own as our driving lessons and test don't account for it) didn't know how to drive in snow.

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You could also say that he doesnt have the experience to know better . I once had a car come haring around a corner coming toward me as he swerved from side to side trying to gain control he ended up in crashing throu a hedge and into a field . I helped get him out along with a few others that came along . He thanked us and drove off in the mangled wreck with no exhaust or front end left . So you could say the lad learned his lesson .

Would I do it again probably not as I got covered in muck and nettles. so you could say I learned mine too.

Having said that we go out playing in the snow in the peak district in the Landrovers and you would be amased how many people cant drive ,so we do give some a helping had when we can


How many people also stop and offer help at the roadside if you see a driver with his bonnet up .

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On the way home from picking the Mrs up, i noticed a young lad in the ditch in his little red Saxo? Fiesta? size car, it wasnt too deep maybe a Foot or Two, not hurt only damaged pride. Now then Mrs asked would i tow him out, well i replied


"he was obviously going too fast down a single track bendy road, in very slippery conditions, he can get himself out, and may infact teach him not to drive like a plonker in future"


I'm stting at home now having just had my dinner and drinking a cup of Tea wondering how many of you would have towed him out ???

im with you m8 to many d1cks about, went through local village last night teenage kids playing chicken with cars about 12 inch of snow we had,i dont stop for them neither

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To be fair, I've only seen 2 cases of bad driving myself in the last couple of days.

One was when following a Fiesta full of "chavs" tailgating the car in front. When that turned off, the Fiesta sped away. I wouldn't be surprised if it came off on the first decent bend it came to.


The other was a Fiesta/Saxo size coming the opposite direction, already going plenty fast enough for the conditions, being tailgated by a Disco.


So, based on this totally unscientific sample, there is a 50/50 chance the Fiesta/Saxo you saw ended up in the ditch due to it's own bad driving - or it was shunted into it by some other ****head. :hmm:

Edited by HW682
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seen so many bad drivers last night on the way home from lewisham,


i left there at 1300 gmt with a 111 mile home run,


i got home this morning at 0030, 11.5 hours on the road in the snow, and some of the *ickheads on it where not young guys, i took offence to a 205 with 4 hoodies in it as they undercut me on the slip road to the m25 (when i got there.


but fare play to them we came across a business man stuck in his 5 series BMW and they stopped to help as i did too.


so age is not the problem experiance is.




black ice or what. http://img202.imageshack.us/img202/4774/vmsites019.jpg

Edited by scotland rifles
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I found myself in the same unfortunate situation just yesterday.

Was traveling at around 15 mph on a back road near my house and coming up to a corner could see a range rover coming the opposite way. With only enough of the road clear enough for one car to pass without driving around the corner on slush I had no option but to try and stop with the range rover showing no signs of slowing down. I could not stop and so found myself inches from a tree and well dug in. Lookily the gamekeeper that I beat for knows me as a sensible individual and so did not judge me for this and helped me out without question. There was also not 1 car go past without stopping to see if I was ok and offering me any help they could.


I would help anyone in the same situation, as most people would for me which has been shown

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Not so much bad driving as total incompetence is what I have seen. Either driving at 2 MPH straight down the middle of the well gritted road or spinning wheels and sliding the back round.

In Canada nobody would go out without a sleeping bag, a shovel and a bundle of old newspapers in the back.

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Last 2 days we have been pulling them out of hedges/ditches, off of fences, out of walls and probaly anywhere else you can think of, Some people (not all) do not alter there driving style to suit the road conditions. But on the plus side it has given me enough work to see me well into January and if the weather carrys on like this probaly for a bit longer :good:


Like they say one mans loss is another mans gain :lol::lol:

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On the A47 Monday was in the inside lane (Grand Vitara) doing about 40-45..came upto a little saxo doing 30ish..so indicated and pulled out to overtake...behind me as i came level was a big mit L200 flashing his lights doing I would say about 60+...so I complete the overtake and pull in...the Mit L200 pulls in and starts giving the wan ker sign and flashing his lights...he then pulls out and driver side scraps on the central barrier as he tried to do it too quick...no patience and thought cos he was in a "better" 4x4 he owned the road

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Dougy, even you must have been young once, finish your tea and go and drag him out :good:


Yes i was, but i was a good boy :lol:


Just been to see if it was still there :look: must have got out.



I can sleep tonight now knowing that the poor little sole will be OK :P

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