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Japanese fighting dog really says it all, as plod on the telly this morning said, all dogs are fine till they flip, some you get a bite and some kill you. I couldn't give a fig about those who believe its the owner, some dogs posses the instinct to kill. Jack russels you don't teach to kill rats, and pointers you don't teach to point. Some dogs have it in them to hold and kill large prey and they are the ones as mungler says that you and your children won't get the upper hand with

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mungler says that you and your children won't get the upper hand with


when you live where i do above a gunshop you need a big dog lol my dobe is 7 months old and 40 kg, he was hard work/is hard work but i trust him! however in my opinion a dog should never be left unsupervised with a youngster regardless of breed! a jack russel or springer is just as capable of killing a 2 year old as a aikita! i have friends with american bulldogs pitbulls and mastiffs and it really is imho the way they are brought up that determines how they behave!

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All dog's taller or bigger than yorkies SHOULD be banned immediately. :oops: - No if's or but's - but the crooks can still have them. :yes:



dave :good:


So what do you do when a Yorkie or and other small type of terrier bites someone? Do you have them exterminated as well?

All dog's taller or bigger than yorkies SHOULD be banned immediately. Who the hell made such a rediculous statement?

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when you live where i do above a gunshop you need a big dog lol my dobe is 7 months old and 40 kg, he was hard work/is hard work but i trust him! however in my opinion a dog should never be left unsupervised with a youngster regardless of breed! a jack russel or springer is just as capable of killing a 2 year old as a aikita! i have friends with american bulldogs pitbulls and mastiffs and it really is imho the way they are brought up that determines how they behave!

I agree with the left unsupervised part,ide never leave my baby in the room with my bad tempered cat,who knows what mood its in. My mother and daughter black labs I trust,oh they mite nick the kids food or lick their ice cream but that's it,if anything they protect the kids,try coming near my youngest when there around! ..............as for the rest,its just such an emotionally charged argument,u bring them up well they should be ok,any dog will flip if it feels it ought to just like we humans,the problem then lies at the power and viciousness of the beasts potential attack,this is what people want to pre-empt by a ban on anything with really sharp flesh tearing teeth,or dogs seen as a potential threat that are in our homes.............difficult argument.

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Danimal, let me know where the pit bulls are and me and my collegues will pop round, seize the dog and have it destroyed.

There is no excuse for owning a pit bull and the only people who seem to own them are chavs who think they are a status symbol.


in reality they are everywhere mate, why not go and have a look at the "staff crosses" in some of your local rescue homes! problem is the DDA was a totally unenforcable law, there is no definition of what a pitbull is so it makes it very difficult for the police to determine and therefore often non pitbull dogs are seized and pitbulls are confused as staffies etc! ps i thought that if you "seized" a dog there would be a court case, and the owner would have the option of having it chipped and muzzled not just you sieze it and kill it?

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All dog's taller or bigger than yorkies SHOULD be banned immediately. :oops: - No if's or but's - but the crooks can still have them. :yes:



dave :good:

My dog Harry is genetically a yorkie but at 21LBS is officvally disqualified from being a yorkie by the Kennel Club(aparrently a Yorkie is meant to be no more than 7 pounds in weight).


Does he escape the ban or do I have to become a crook? :lol::lol::lol:


In all seriouness what happened to the old concept that you taught kids to assume all horses kick and all dogs bite until you know better; and before the kid was old enough to understand that concept, you didn't leave them alone with either.

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tradegy.... I pray to God the toddler pulls through


Japanese Akita...


" A powerful breed, bred to fight and protect the Imperial Guard. Notoriously intollerant of Strangers, prone to biting with little warning, not a dog to be trusted "


I understand in Imperial Japan when the breed was popular in the 18th century families would leave their young children at home with the dog due to its intollerance of strangers and inbred guarding characteristics knowing that they would be safe.....


Only to return home on occasion to find their loved ones ripped limb from limb.


Ive said it before Large Dogs, Very Young Children, Alone....recipe for disaster....what ever the breed.


I even take the precaution of muzzling my Springer before I let him off in public places these days as he can be a bit intollerant with the kids.

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I have a 45kg GSD and a 6month daughter. The dog is fantastic with the little one, but he is NEVER left alone with her. Supervised, they cuddle up and its great, but there is no way to predict how he will react if she pulls his whisker or something if they were left alone.

I fully agree with the 'dont own a dog you cant handle' sentiment, but as some of the posts above reflect, some people are more interested in a status symbol than a dog and that leads to problems.

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Danimal, let me know where the pit bulls are and me and my collegues will pop round, seize the dog and have it destroyed.

There is no excuse for owning a pit bull and the only people who seem to own them are chavs who think they are a status symbol.

Hi Dirtyharry

Don't make me laugh my mate had his dog stolen by some ****** it was reported to the police and they said they couldn't do anything without evidence when he said he had seen it they were still not interested. Stick to what you lot are good at,harrasing motorists or arresting people who throw snowballs at plastic policepersons


Ps i am assuming you are police and not RSPCA not that there is a lot of difference these days

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I know a family with an Akita and he's a lovely dog. He's as soft as a dog can get and is perfectly ok with strangers. More than I can say for a coupe of Labradors I've dealt with at work! You really can't say by breed what a dog is like. It's down to their handlers and their individual attitudes. If they are illegal though then they shouldn't be kept. Generally as Harry says, it's the scum who ignore the law that own them which then leaves them with little chance of being well trained etc.


I do agree that having a dog that you can't get the better of is a bad idea, but anyone who knows how a dog works should be able to tip over and kill almost any dog if they really have to. Any owner of dogs this size should know how it's done. All you have to know is their weak points and all dogs have them no matter how big they are. I'd be confident of coming out on top with almost any dog. I may get very hurt in the process but it would be the dog that laid dead at the end of it. They have the disadvantage of only having one body part to grab and hold with, leaving a human with one spare and two other limbs which can put it in a position it can't get out of.

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Big dogs never use to faze me at all....'til I had kids!And one day(a lot of years ago now)while having a walk with my kids who were then about 5 and 6 we met a bloke walking this bloody huge Rottweiler,and I realised if that thing got off its lead and went for my kids,they wouldn't stand a chance and there wouldn't be a lot I could do about it.

I'm all for freedom of choice,why should I be allowed to own guns and him not be allowed to own the dog of his choice?Would muzzling big,powerful dogs be acceptable?I don't know....the worst bite I've ever had from a dog was a Jack Russell.

The Dangerous Dogs Act has been about as effective as the act on carrying knives....ineffectual legislation brought in to placate an ignorabt public. <_<

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Hi Dirtyharry

Don't make me laugh my mate had his dog stolen by some ****** it was reported to the police and they said they couldn't do anything without evidence when he said he had seen it they were still not interested. Stick to what you lot are good at,harrasing motorists or arresting people who throw snowballs at plastic policepersons


Ps i am assuming you are police and not RSPCA not that there is a lot of difference these days


Some of my mates have been trained in identification of Pittbull terriers. They will act on anonymous reports, sightings or intelligence. When they seize them they usually give the owners the chance of disclaiming them and not get prosecuted or seizing them and getting nicked. Either way the dogs once confirmed that they are pittbull types will be destroyed.

This is not make believe. I know what I am on about and it does not matter what random story happened to your friend this is what we do.

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Some of my mates have been trained in identification of Pittbull terriers. They will act on anonymous reports, sightings or intelligence. When they seize them they usually give the owners the chance of disclaiming them and not get prosecuted or seizing them and getting nicked. Either way the dogs once confirmed that they are pittbull types will be destroyed.

This is not make believe. I know what I am on about and it does not matter what random story happened to your friend this is what we do.


There it is in a nutshell,Doesnt matter what random story you tell.

We always do this :no: :no: :no:

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Hi Dirtyharry

Don't make me laugh my mate had his dog stolen by some ****** it was reported to the police and they said they couldn't do anything without evidence when he said he had seen it they were still not interested. Stick to what you lot are good at,harrasing motorists or arresting people who throw snowballs at plastic policepersons


Ps i am assuming you are police and not RSPCA not that there is a lot of difference these days


Come on geordieh everyone knows ****** are the most law abiding god fearing tax paying citizens in the uk

and we are all SMURFS :D :D :D

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Some of my mates have been trained in identification of Pittbull terriers. They will act on anonymous reports, sightings or intelligence. When they seize them they usually give the owners the chance of disclaiming them and not get prosecuted or seizing them and getting nicked. Either way the dogs once confirmed that they are pittbull types will be destroyed.

This is not make believe. I know what I am on about and it does not matter what random story happened to your friend this is what we do.

Hi Mate

So you are trying to tell me that your mates will turn out 100% of the time on an anonymous report that someone has a pitbull type dog, you can't be police then, you must be RSPCA because the police don't turn out for 100% of burglaries robberies thefts and car break ins.


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Hi Mate

So you are trying to tell me that your mates will turn out 100% of the time on an anonymous report that someone has a pitbull type dog, you can't be police then, you must be RSPCA because the police don't turn out for 100% of burglaries robberies thefts and car break ins.

the police are happy to give you a crime number and thats that.

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