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Illegal Immigrants?


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I was driving south down the A5 at lunchtime yesterday to join the M1 at junction 9. There's a large lorry park and fuel station just before the junction and a police patrol car slewed across the road in front of me and blocked the road.


The policeman jumped out and directed another patrol car, a curtain sided artic lorry followed by another three patrol cars full of police into the lorry park. As the lorry turned I saw a large slit in the fabric side of the trailer with faces peering out. As the lorry came to a halt two blokes jumped out and tried to run off, I saw a policemen do a superb rugby tackle to bring one down before 'cuffing him. The rest of the police surrounded the lorry as there must have been a few more 'visitors' to England in it.


I couldn't see any more action as we were moved on then. I assume the lorry must have come from abroad but had travelled a fair way from a port to be stopped there.


Thumbs up to the boys in blue :good:

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they will be "processed" then given taxi fare back to dover so they can go back home !! yeah right? oh and if you think I am joking IM NOT its been done, got to feel sorry for people who feel that the only way forward for them is to risk life and limb by hanging onto lorry axles etc but why the hell does it have to be us that they want to support them,rather than their first entry into europe :hmm: ok wont go there



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Why was I expecting your dog RUNCEMOUNT, to come back with part of an Illegal Immigrant and not a Rabbit?


It is wrong that they get this far, though this IS the place to be for handouts.


A few years ago I went to Purfleet Docks to collect a trailer from Spain, full of fruit juice concentrate.


I noticed that the seal on the back doors was not as it should have been and alerted security. There were seven Immigrants in the back.


Obviously having lived in there for a few days, living off the juice and doing everything a Human would do in a few days, the air that came out when the doors were opened was rife. It was a fridge trailer too, and they did look cold and decrepit.


They were taken away, the £100k load was dumped, and a claim made from where I do not know, also, the contract was nearly lost. So there are more costs involved than just keeping them here.


But put yourself in their shoes for a minute, to try and comprehend what heinous regime they are running from, to go to those lengths. From my warm room in this comfortable armchair, I shudder to think about it.

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I blame the activists ...............it all boils down to THERE human rights ,Not that the country is in a massive recession and the fact that there doing our work for tuppence and then also claiming benifits to send to there families .But it is there RIGHT to be here as the activists so well put it.

Think this country needs to grow some squirrel food and get rid of .Wonder how many other people are sick of the do gooders and the politically correctness of this god forsaken going down the pan country .

I could go on all day about this but I do have to limit myself or face the likelyhood of being banned .I tend not to follow in the footsteps of the sheep .......only in what I believe ,I am not racist nor predjudist I do have black friends and indian and #### and even the wife is irish (I just wouldnt be seen out with them lol)

Regards Darren

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But put yourself in their shoes for a minute, to try and comprehend what heinous regime they are running from, to go to those lengths. From my warm room in this comfortable armchair, I shudder to think about it.

I agree in that perspective ......However ,what about the thousands of us that are unemployed and have trouble finding work, because there are so many companies using these guys .I am not saying we are out of work becuase of these people but we are struggling to find work due to the majority of them .

It all comes to the fact that the country is in an econimoc crisis. WHY ,well probably becuase we keep letting them in and form the very first immagrant claim of benefits came the flurry of runners that followed in this easy money craze.

If we are not handing them money then we are pulling it out to pay for there return .

Last year I worked for a letting company and had to be present in many of evictions due to the recession and ,believe me its not easy and the fact that people are losing there homes and lives becuase this country keeps feeding these immagrants makes me want to vomit.


Regards Darren

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Jim, the majority are not running away from anything: they are running towards an easy life of handouts and benefits! We should look after genuine asylum seekers, but the same numbers as other European countries, not three times as many. Also they should not get put to the top of housing lists, as the government so kindly decided. My mate works in Benefit Fraud, he sees asylum seekers arrive in town and within days have a place to live, a NI number and are claiming Jobseekers Allowance, because of this policy that every council must take a certain number...

Here in Oldham, we see afghan young male asylum seekers dossing around the precinct, drinking, smoking, talking on mobiles, most also have cars, just what is going on?

Why are our soldiers dying in their country whilst these poor immigrants are over here?

Watch UK Border Force, but remove large heavy objects from the room or you will be needing a new TV :angry:

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When is our Government going to send a clear and unequivocal message to would be asylum seekers and immigrants (legal or otherwise)that Britain is FULL and overpopulated. The strain on Public services, welfare and utilities is immense as well as transport and the road network.


This is the reason for the massive defecit we are suffering for now.Its apparent as the misery unfolds in the next few years that most of the investment in the Public sector over the last 10 years is compltely warranted due to our population density.


Just by taking funding away may reduce the defecit but its not going to remove the cause.

Edited by Fisherman Mike
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I'm not saying that all the answers are in our own hands but we can be in control of our own actions.If you think there is something you can do to put yourself in control then do it.Don't support their eating establishments, don't use their cabs, don't patronise their businesses, Go to your British chippie and not the asian takeaway.Think about where you spend your hard earned cash. from, Auntie.

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They could stop it all overnight if they had the balls to do it. No entitlement to any benefits until you've been officially on the books for 5 years.


They'd dry up overnight. There'd be no point in them coming, it's only handouts they're after. Asylum is just a bad joke. <_<

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i took a trip in a car onto the seacat at dover going to calais. In Dover you have 2 people stop every 10 cars or so (us) and say do you know each other? yep, ok off you go. In Calaise you have lots of heavily armed soldiers rooting around all of the cars and following you into the toilets, you know actualy watching what people are doing. :)

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But put yourself in their shoes for a minute, to try and comprehend what heinous regime they are running from, to go to those lengths. From my warm room in this comfortable armchair, I shudder to think about it.



This is what I wish somebody would explain to me, all these heinous regimes that people are running from, okay there was East Timor in recent history, but as far as I am aware things settled down after independence. Then there was the Sudan thing with the former Ethiopia (I think!!), but other than that, can anyone actually think of a regime where your life would be in danger for your political views? After all, that's what asylum is, unless I have the complete wrong end of the stick??

I can't help thinking asylum is an abused term for the abuse of Britain, and all we do is hand out endless streams of money, food and clothing. As though we're not in a sorry enough state already. :angry:

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I was driving south down the A5 at lunchtime yesterday to join the M1 at junction 9. There's a large lorry park and fuel station just before the junction and a police patrol car slewed across the road in front of me and blocked the road.


The policeman jumped out and directed another patrol car, a curtain sided artic lorry followed by another three patrol cars full of police into the lorry park. As the lorry turned I saw a large slit in the fabric side of the trailer with faces peering out. As the lorry came to a halt two blokes jumped out and tried to run off, I saw a policemen do a superb rugby tackle to bring one down before 'cuffing him. The rest of the police surrounded the lorry as there must have been a few more 'visitors' to England in it.


I couldn't see any more action as we were moved on then. I assume the lorry must have come from abroad but had travelled a fair way from a port to be stopped there.


Thumbs up to the boys in blue :good:


They'd probably heard about the "Wagon and Horses" reputation for lap dancers

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But put yourself in their shoes for a minute, to try and comprehend what heinous regime they are running from, to go to those lengths. From my warm room in this comfortable armchair, I shudder to think about it.

For my sins I worked for UK immigration for a number of years. Out of the thousands of illegals I dealt with no more than handful were genuine refugees. If they truly were seeking asylum they would have asked for it in France, Belgium, Germany etc. They wouldn't travel across all of Europe. Another factor which always aggravated me was when we encountered them in France they would claim to the French they were Pakistani. Yet when they got to the UK they would claim to be Afghans. We can remove people to Pakistan but not Afghanistan (thanks to Human Rights laws) the French can remove to Afghanistan but not Pakistan. These people know all the wrinkles. Or how about the Iraqis who would claim to be fleeing persecution from Saddam even after he was removed from power. I could go on at great length about just how bad the situation really is. Trust me you really have no idea, but all it would do is annoy everyone. Suffice to say under the last government with Bliar's Human Rights lawyer wife Britain really got shafted. It will not be pretty in years to come.

Edited by Rem223
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For my sins I worked for UK immigration for a number of years. Out of the thousands of illegals I dealt with no more than handful were genuine refugees. If they truly were seeking asylum they would have asked for it in France, Belgium, Germany etc. They wouldn't travel across all of Europe. Another factor which always aggravated me was when we encountered them in France they would claim to the French they were Pakistani. Yet when they got to the UK they would claim to be Afghans. We can remove people to Pakistan but not Afghanistan (thanks to Human Rights laws) the French can remove to Afghanistan but not Pakistan. These people know all the wrinkles. Or how about the Iraqis who would claim to be fleeing persecution from Saddam even after he was removed from power. I could go on at great length about just how bad the situation really is. Trust me you really have no idea, but all it would do is annoy everyone. Suffice to say under the last government with Bliar's Human Rights lawyer wife Britain really got shafted. It will not be pretty in years to come.


On the contrary I think you would be a really interesting bloke to talk to, yes it would probably be one of those blood boiling moments, but it would make a refreshing change to be told the truth by someone who actually knows the score.

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Someone i know used to work at an immigration detention centre and he told me some funny things.


Most of the immigrants genuinly believe that the paths of London are paved in gold and that we're a fabulously wealthy nation.They also believe that they'll be given a free house,food plus all the money they could possibly want or need and that once here their families will be able to come too.Now whether its the people smugglers who are feeding them these lies to get their fee or maybe its like an urban legend he didnt know.


I think most of them who manage to stay here are employed as car washers in Sainsburys and Tescos carparks.

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They have not been schooled very well - I'm very suprised two of them ran - they are taught to get over that line into England then make themselves known as it is stone bonkers that they will remain.


This is what happens if they make it as far as London - they are arrested - they go to a Met stn - they are checked on the database - 99 times out of a hundred they are processed and told to report to HMIS usually after a couple of weeks - they disappear into the mist and live here until they manage to marry and claim proper asylum or umpteen other reasons that make it impossible for the British Govn to get rid of them.


The best way to deal with it I think is just not to look at how much tax is taken from my pay slip every month - I know where most of it goes and it ain't benefitting me or my kind. :angry:

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Yep, second the above-many are captured,fingerprinted without the need for id'ing themselves with any official documents and to to report to Lunar House (if its still there)...........no problem if you want to say your name is Mr M.Mouse. They then just drop off the radar and disappear.


As an island nation we should have security nailed to the floor.


Could always sea mine the channel?


I wonder what Great Britain I have brought my children in to.


Sad Fuddster.

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