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What do you spend your money on?


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This is before and after lou-ferrigno-incredible-hulk1.jpg


I am equally puzzled on your thoughts but do I slang you off of for your thoughts its seems there a little gang on this forum who dont like me.


The strange thing is I hold no malice towards you guys like you seem to hold against me,.


I love AVB polite reply to my thoughts on his oringnal post and take on board his thoughts about private education etc.


I am nor jealous or green with envy how do you guys know my life and lifestyle you dont as you never met me and I do hope some of you can make a trip to me to join me on days shooting one day and have enjoyable day out laughing about our diffrents of opinions on life .


Cheers OTH

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I am equally puzzled on your thoughts but do I slang you off of for your thoughts its seems there a little gang on this forum who dont like me.


The strange thing is I hold no malice towards you guys like you seem to hold against me,.


A comment from a fairly neutral outsider here OTH. I think you're an ok bloke. Have talked with you in the past and you seem genuinely friendly and decent. I think sometimes though the things that you say can get peoples backs up. I don't know whether you do it for a laugh or whether you don't realise it? Some people are easier to wind up than others!


Lets not have any trouble here guys. I really don't see the point in private school but some do. Each to their own and all that. Personally I'd rather spend my money on the family lifestyle and rely on the public schools. I didn't do all that well at the public school I went to but that was down to me. The kids who wanted to do well did and I'm not sure the cost of the term has that much effect on the outcome? You get posh smackheads and poor bright kids. It's all down to the family background generally and private schools do better because the lowest of the low never go there because their parents couldn't give a ****!

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Back on track......Libs, Egg Banjos are the way to go, we used to live on 'em when I was a squaddie, good solid food :good:



Stunning, I do like a fried egg sarny and have pretty much given up on plating a full english because it always ends up between two slices of toast. Can also be eaten without a plate thus saving on washing up.



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OTH why is it that when you type utter nonsense and a whole host of diverse people spread all over the Country put it to you that you are talking utter nonsense, you then claim that everyone is ganging up on you, you are being persecuted and picked on. You just can't see that it is an unprompted natural reaction to what you are doing - there's nothing else to it.


Chip-on-shoulder-tastic and power to the people etc.

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Keeping the post on track,kids at secondary school drain my account 1 trip to France for a week 1 week to Barcelona for football 1 week to fairthorne manor, weekend rugby tour plus away matches twice a month £1300 in school transport plus all their trendy clothes they request ,it never ends,I thought finishing the mortgage would give me more cash but the kids can replace that expenditure :hmm:

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Can you fly one of those machines, if so, RESPECT!!

Yep! just about mullered the last one tho.


,it never ends,I thought finishing the mortgage would give me more cash but the kids can replace that expenditure :hmm:

dont they just, my middle step daughter has announced she's getting married in 18 months time, now started a savings pot for her.

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Interesting breakdown. In our house it is something like...


50% House bills (morgage, utilities)

20% Food shopping and takeaway

15% Fuel

15% Non essential (read shooting or new shoes/handbags) items or unforseen bills (car breakages, other ****ups).


So savings... Yeah right! We just about get by but are reducing our approximately 7% takeaway bill and non essentials to try to save a bit. As soon as we have a bit put by something seems to go wrong but that's life in the early years of home ownership so I'm told. Luckily we have my dad in a flat attatched to the house so if we get really short we chat him up for a bit of rent! Ususlly all his bills are included in ours so it doesn't feel so much a begging trip as a request for contributions to the bills! It's a great relief to know we have help if it's needed but on the whole we support him and he likes to buy us treats that we can't afford for ourselves.



Good on ya Looking after your parent...Family is more important than money.


Times have changed since the days when normal working people had available money for savings and these are long gone unless you have a salary where you income exceeds your outgoings.


Many of the populous have zero or very little savings and live from hand to mouth and thats the way its going to stay unless the Government increases peoples available expenditure with serious and tangiable tax cuts...But lets be honest its not going to happen.


Expenditure is all relative..My best friend at school worked his way up in a major International bank from £11 quid a week when we started on our careers travelling to the local town aged 17 & 18 on the village charabang. He is now a president and CEO of a multi-national bank and lives in Switzerland 9 Months of the year. When he does get home for Holidays hes always complaining about the cost of things in Britain ( thats a joke living in Geneva :o ) claims he never has any money and I and other mates are always subbing him in the pub... hes got three houses and several cars even a couple of racehorses but as he says big income big commitments.


Hes probably taking us for a ride but as I say its all relative.. Does it make you happy?

We are all more content than he is and thats the honest truth. :yes:


As for what I spend my money on...I collect wristwatches, and Binoculars. Ive got far too many but ****** it you only live once... :yes:

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Good on ya Looking after your parent...Family is more important than money.


Times have changed since the days when normal working people had available money for savings and these are long gone unless you have a salary where you income exceeds your outgoings.


Many of the populous have zero or very little savings and live from hand to mouth and thats the way its going to stay unless the Government increases peoples available expenditure with serious and tangiable tax cuts...But lets be honest its not going to happen.


Expenditure is all relative..My best friend at school worked his way up in a major International bank from £11 quid a week when we started on our careers travelling to the local town aged 17 & 18 on the village charabang. He is now a president and CEO of a multi-national bank and lives in Switzerland 9 Months of the year. When he does get home for Holidays hes always complaining about the cost of things in Britain ( thats a joke living in Geneva :o ) claims he never has any money and I and other mates are always subbing him in the pub... hes got three houses and several cars even a couple of racehorses but as he says big income big commitments.


Hes probably taking us for a ride but as I say its all relative.. Does it make you happy?

We are all more content than he is and thats the honest truth. :yes:


As for what I spend my money on...I collect wristwatches, and Binoculars. Ive got far too many but ****** it you only live once... :yes:


The above quote is the reason I questioned the percentage as saving 33% of your income has got to be above the average.


Cheers OTH

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Good on ya Looking after your parent...Family is more important than money.


Times have changed since the days when normal working people had available money for savings and these are long gone unless you have a salary where you income exceeds your outgoings.

Many of the populous have zero or very little savings and live from hand to mouth and thats the way its going to stay unless the Government increases peoples available expenditure with serious and tangiable tax cuts...But lets be honest its not going to happen.


Expenditure is all relative..My best friend at school worked his way up in a major International bank from £11 quid a week when we started on our careers travelling to the local town aged 17 & 18 on the village charabang. He is now a president and CEO of a multi-national bank and lives in Switzerland 9 Months of the year. When he does get home for Holidays hes always complaining about the cost of things in Britain ( thats a joke living in Geneva :o ) claims he never has any money and I and other mates are always subbing him in the pub... hes got three houses and several cars even a couple of racehorses but as he says big income big commitments.


Hes probably taking us for a ride but as I say its all relative.. Does it make you happy?

We are all more content than he is and thats the honest truth. :yes:


As for what I spend my money on...I collect wristwatches, and Binoculars. Ive got far too many but ****** it you only live once... :yes:


Good post Mike, your statement in bold made me laugh, have you though about becoming an MP? Think your mate is probably taking the mick, next time he gives it the big commitments line yoiu should say yeah like 5 years of rounds, get your hand in your pocket or I will buy the next round in exchange for your rolex!


Libs your post cracked me up, always prefered super noddles to pot noddles. I used to like to have poached eggs on my noddles so the yoke breaks and runs through.


Our breakdone is roughly as follows:-


Mortgage and bills 60%

General food 15%

Petrol etc 5%

shooting 5% :huh:

Cigs and general wastage inc DIY 5%

kids clothes shoe etc 5%

Extra special nice food 5%


I could go on actually and this is pointed out that i probably spend more than we earn. This changes month on month though, normally we have a spend up then feel skint so tighten up for the next month, then feel flush and have another spend up.



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The above quote is the reason I questioned the percentage as saving 33% of your income has got to be above the average.


Cheers OTH


Whats wrong with being above, or below for that matter, the average? Not even sure the point of the average in this context, as long as you are happy and all that....


Addmitedly to truely compare you need actually income numbers but no one would given them even putting aside the open forum because anyone with above average would just get grief.



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I've never had the luxury of an income that exceeded my liabilities and have always lived from hand to mouth no matter how hard I've worked.


I started life with nothing, and 46 years later I've still got most of it left :look:


ive been in the world 20 years worked 5 full time and my god this rings soo true.

i work a honest 8 hours a day for 7 months a year and up to 12-14 for the rest and 7 days a week too, i got 9 days off last year! and thats for 6500 year *** :blink:

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