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I was looking at the new tsunami in Japan and a thought accrued to me as they said that it was for the most part only 1m deep and you could see quite big fishing boats tumbling along in the water I must admit that I no nothing about boats but it seemed to me that if the crew had got on them they could have saved them surely they would have come across worst weather than that out at see as I said I no nothing so its just my thoughts.

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Think Billy is spot on there, Tsunami will be up and on you before you get a crew together and get out to sea.


Strange commentary on the TV watching that water front rolling up factories, cars houses etc, nobody seemed to comment on the fact they were watching folk dying down there, is it just me that thought that a bit callous?

Edited by harpoonlouis
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bear in mind its not a "wave" as such its a wall of water a wall that weighs millions of tons (1 cubic meter of water is 1 ton) sad to see the destruction and loss of humanity going on, looked such a tidy organised place, then a wall of dirty water stripping the lot, terrible.



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OP - Take a look at what damage they're having to contend with. It might put into context how this is more than "bad weather"




Thats an amazing first picture!


Tsunami's are incredible things! you wont even know they are coming until they rise from the deeper waters into the shallows where they become immensely powerful!


Thoughts are with those in Japan, and also the islands and coasts the Tsunami's will hit later today!

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They have an excellent Tsunami warning system that will have saved many lives, still pretty awful to watch....

The long term effects will be terrible as well, as well as the economic costs, it appears that mile after mile of farming/crops have been flooded, they will be barren for years due to sea water spoiling the ground...


NEWS....Nuclear power plant shut down as cooling system failed..."no immediate danger as yet"......

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They have an excellent Tsunami warning system that will have saved many lives, still pretty awful to watch....

The long term effects will be terrible as well, as well as the economic costs, it appears that mile after mile of farming/crops have been flooded, they will be barren for years due to sea water spoiling the ground...


NEWS....Nuclear power plant shut down as cooling system failed..."no immediate danger as yet"......



that will mean that a normal seawater cooling system will have been shutdown or lost ( pipe work fractured etc) it happens even on non earthquake hit plant, even if all ( and there are more than one) main coooling systems faled the reactors are shut down and though still producing heat for a while, and have residual heat for a long time,its not at the same levels as when on load, other back up cooling measures independant from the sea, and with independant pumps either not driven by grid electricity (gas turbines or diesel generators) or diesel driven pumps will come in and cool the reactors till such time as cooling is no longer required (months).



Edited by kdubya
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bear in mind its not a "wave" as such its a wall of water a wall that weighs millions of tons (1 cubic meter of water is 1 ton) sad to see the destruction and loss of humanity going on, looked such a tidy organised place, then a wall of dirty water stripping the lot, terrible.





Indeed watching it all unfold is shocking...there will be thousands of deaths without a doubt.


The Natural disasters in the globe over the last 3 - 4 years is also alarming.


Is this Mother nature fighting back.??

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Indeed watching it all unfold is shocking...there will be thousands of deaths without a doubt.


The Natural disasters in the globe over the last 3 - 4 years is also alarming.


Is this Mother nature fighting back.??



That had crossed my mind too!! now will we get the 2012 scenario thrown at us big style?



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It is not correct to say that they have no warning ok Japan's coast being so close to be quake did not get much warning if any but lots of other places will get warning they said that it will be late afternoon before it gets to some places and it would not be to deep it just puzzles me that you seem to see lots of undamaged boats just floating about out of control with nobody driving them when it seems to me that it would not take much to save them.

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It is not correct to say that they have no warning ok Japan's coast being so close to be quake did not get much warning if any but lots of other places will get warning they said that it will be late afternoon before it gets to some places and it would not be to deep it just puzzles me that you seem to see lots of undamaged boats just floating about out of control with nobody driving them when it seems to me that it would not take much to save them.



"An animation of the 2004 Indian Ocean tsunamiTsunami model


A tsunami's ability to maintain speed is directly influenced by the depth of the water. A tsunami moves faster in deeper water and slower in shallower water. So unlike a normal wave, the driving energy of a tsunami moves through the water as opposed to on top of it. As a result, as a tsunami moves though deep water at hundreds of miles an hour, it is barely noticeable above the waterline. A tsunami is typically no more than 3 feet (1 meter) high until it gets close to shore. "


If this thing started 250 miles offshore then you are only talking about minutes to react. If a boat is tied up alongside then you cab bet your life it is there for a reason, loading, unloading, bunkering, repair, and the crew will be paid off and a long way away. If you get a warning of a few minutes how far do you think a big ship will get? Without fuel, no crew, no tugs oh and of course no water if the tide is low and even lower because a Tsunami also draws water away from shore as it comes into land.


Nope they were sitting ducks, you can't outrun Mother Nature.

Edited by harpoonlouis
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Watching some of those videos on the BBC it's quite amazing how many Japs grabs a Canon and starts snapping away instead of ducking for cover, no wonder we are getting such amazing pictures from there, nevertheless it's devastating and our thoughts are with them.

Edited by Guinea Fowl
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The sheer relentlessness of it is truly a spectacle to behold and one which makes me feel like I shouldn't be watching it as lives & livelihoods are simply washed away in its path. It's the whole of the pacific rim that are on alert. At times like this we need to show our true humanity toward our fellow man and help where we can, and for the majority of us that will be in the guise of a donation to D.E.C.

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Anyone aware that the moon is the closest it's been to the earth for 18 years. Every time it's come this close there's been freak weather occurrences.


Would make some sense, as the gravitational pull on the earth might increase, thus making earthquakes more likely.

Edited by Billy.
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There would be some sense in that Billy but the moon isn't quite halfmoon yet so its gravitational pull would be at approximately right angles to the sun's, depending on it's actual position.


Further to the OP refering to 1 metre of water, it's possible to be swept away by standing in 6 inches of water, if it's moving fast enough. Reason water is so destructive when it's like this is that it doesn't compress. if you had a cubic metre (1 tonne) of water hit you at 10 mph you'd know it, just to give you some perspective/comparison of these people are dealing with.

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Perhaps they could have saved some boats and then perhaps not. For those on the coast near the epicentre of the undersea earthquake then the tsunami would arrive very very quickly. This was a massive earthquake underwater and the displacement and rise and fall of the land under the sea would throw up a huge wall of water and as it hit the continental shelf, that area of shallower water around most land, then the wave height would build to the quoted 25 - 30 metres walls of solid wave with immense energy of the weight and push of water behind it.


Those vessels would have to move very fast and away from the continental shelf of Japan in order to outrun waves running at 500mph! If they did face that wall of water or run from it and it hit them then they would most likely be overturned. I would imagine most people would want to be with their families on land to survive or die together. And on that note in many of the shots you could see figure on the ground with no hope of surviving! May they rest in peace!


Outrunning such a wave on land would be as impossible as trying to outrun a pyroclastic blast and cloud from a volcano (such as that which enveloped Pompeii and occurred on Mt St Helens).


We are lucky we live in what is a relatively old landscape in geological terms.


The next big one on the San Andreas fault in North America is long overdue. The last big one was in the 1900's with a minor one in the 1980's but they do know that it "slips" in a big way every 100 yrs from Native American and Spanish records.

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They have always happened strung out through history.


10 years ago, no internet in most parts of the world so no instant news.

15 years ago no digital video cameras

20 years ago Russia and China would have blanked out any disaster news ( 1/3 of the earths land mass?)

About 100 years ago a metorite struck Russia and nearly vaporised and area about the size of the UK and an expedition didn't find it for a decade


We just live in a "faster" world my friend

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