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This was on the radio news I am in two minds about it that people can even think of doing something like this in the first place is beyond me I think that he should be hung the woman would be better of dead.


The thing that worries me is people that do bad things I think should for fit there own life I have no problem with that but torturing them if you could do that to another person would you not be as bad as them.



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the ancient punishment of "an eye for an eye" in accordance with Islamic law.


just shows you how messed up these faiths are .

is there any wonder that the world is running scarred from these idiots ?

shame they dint have oil , then we could just leave them to kill each other .


just my veiw


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Perhaps had he had considered the outcome BEFORE he took it upon himself to throw a bucket of acid over the woman, this seemingly nasty punishment need not take place and a woman would not be blind and scarred for life ( have we missed that bit) far far to much of this sort of thing goes on, and for once a woman has her revenge, she has asked for and eye for an eye and if thats her right and thats what she wants good on her, it might just send a message out to the barbaric oafs that if you want to throw acid, you just might get some back.



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I think it's better than the two weeks community service and £50 fine he would get over here.

It's not he's loosing his had for stealing to feed his children or a crime that is in any way justifiable. I'm sure the victim feels like justice has been served rather than over here where you just feel like that courts are taking the **** out of you too as they give out a trivial punishment to someone who has ruined your life.


Just my views.

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Your first thoughts might well be shock, horror, how barbaric, etc., but then have a think.

Its you that got blinded, or your daughter, or your wife, now how do you think ?


Personally, I find the idea shamefully attractive.


I'm inclined to agree to be honest.

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Heard on the latest news bulletin that the punishment has not been carried out. The government were very aware of the condemnation world wide that would fall on them if they did carry it out. However, it has not been stopped in total - they are just re-considering their verdict.


I don't really agree with their methods of punishment but - check how low their crime level is - almost zero! Other countries should perhaps look at their legal systems and re-consider them as well. :hmm:


Pushkin B)

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The more that I think about this the more It seems to me that the only way to stop people from doing things like this is for them to now that when they get caught as they surely will the same fate is going to happen to them.


All of the namby pamby people will say that this is barbaric but look at the cases where this has happened in this country and the people who do it are out of prison in a few years while there victims spend a lifetime of pain and stand no hope of ever living a normal life can that be rite.

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I say good on them, as kdubya said - the animal knew what he was doing to the girl so 5 drops of acid is getting off lightly, I say throw the bucket over him.


This liberal cack means we have criminals running around that know they have nothing to fear as some carpet wearing, flower sniffing, incense burning, puppy patting, tree hugging cnd supporting, bird watching hippy will protest for their "human rights" as soon as anything remotely like punishment is given.


Oh no! We should give him 5 years room and board, train him in skills set and let him use a gym 5 days a week so he can gain the bulk to overpower the next woman he wants to hurt/rape/mug....

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The fella threw a bucket of acid over a woman and as part of that blinded her. I would also assume that she is now scarred for life. So, scarred for life, blind and disfigured.


He's getting everything he deserves.


Nice to see it's a straightforward gig - he did it. No iffy confession, beating, or trumped up evidence / charges.


How many here who don't like the sound of this but still like the sound of castrating sex attackers?

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The more that I think about this the more It seems to me that the only way to stop people from doing things like this is for them to now that when they get caught as they surely will the same fate is going to happen to them......


Capital punishment in the states doesn`t seem to stop all the murders there?

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Capital punishment in the states doesn`t seem to stop all the murders there?


Capital punishment only covers some states in the US, not all....this could explain why certain states have higher crime rates than others.





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Heard on the latest news bulletin that the punishment has not been carried out. The government were very aware of the condemnation world wide that would fall on them if they did carry it out. However, it has not been stopped in total - they are just re-considering their verdict.


I don't really agree with their methods of punishment but - check how low their crime level is - almost zero! Other countries should perhaps look at their legal systems and re-consider them as well. :hmm:


Pushkin B)



Quite right their draconian methods of meeting out retribution may be alien and distasteful to us but their crime rate is low as you say...


Also its interesting that this was a Western type crime prevelant in the so say civilised Western society.


perhaps its us who are the Barbarians :yes:


We shouldnt interfere with their religious domestic laws and customs. Personally I think the guy is lucky to escape with his life, because he has undoubtedly taken much more than that from his victim. :yes:

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Quite right their draconian methods of meeting out retribution may be alien and distasteful to us but their crime rate is low as you say...


Also its interesting that this was a Western type crime prevelant in the so say civilised Western society.


perhaps its us who are the Barbarians :yes:


We shouldnt interfere with their religious domestic laws and customs. Personally I think the guy is lucky to escape with his life, because he has undoubtedly taken much more than that from his victim. :yes:


From the cases of this happening in this country that I have herd of the people who carried it out I think that you will find are mostly of Pakistani /Indian /African origin not that white people have not done it on odd occasions I'm just saying what I have heard on the news so I would not call it a western crime.

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I am shocked and aghast at the support for this court ruling!!!


Do you HONESTLY think this is the right thing to do??? Yes, it was a heinous crime he commited but to allow her to inject 20 drops of acid into each eye whilst he is sedated is just plain sinister... it is cruel, barbaric, and a whole lot of other nasty things too! no wonder she is getting death threats from her own countrymen!


Would you really want these kinds of laws in the UK with sentences passed like that ??? I really don't think you would!


I am truly shocked and quite frankly a little scared at some of the responses! :no:

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Thing is Viper, it's not in this country and their justice system works for them. That is how they do it. Us Europeans get too involved with other countries ways of doing things, let them get on with it I say, we have enough problems of our own.


It isn't going to happen over here because we are civilised, for those who worry that it will.

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Thing is Viper, it's not in this country and their justice system works for them. That is how they do it. Us Europeans get too involved with other countries ways of doing things, let them get on with it I say, we have enough problems of our own.


It isn't going to happen over here because we are civilised, for those who worry that it will.


What's this... it's happening in another country so we should just shut up, turn our backs and carry on watching Eastenders ???


Hate to tell you this Jim but Iran had a western judicial system until the 1980s when there was a revolution and the incoming islamic powers began the shift to sharia law.


If you think we are too civilised for anything like that to happen here you are living in denial. If we ended up with an overwhelming majority of Muslims in parliament which, has been shown many times as quite possible if not likely within the next 20 years, there is no reason why we could not end up under sharia law in the UK (whether you like it or not, there is a subtle power shift occuring in the UK caused mainly by the PC brigade being afraid to speak up about anything!). The Muslim population in Britain is growing incredibly quickly, in fact the Islam is the fastest growing religion in the world. The Muslim population in Britain is made up of good ones, radical ones and those in between... As politics tends to be the domain of the radically minded, whether they be tory, labour, lib dem etc, it is safe to assume that should we end up with a mainly Muslim parliament, the MPs will most likely lean towards the radical end of the spectrum... There is however good radical and bad radical... but the fact remains.....


It's not impossible!

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