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Ok, so it was my 50th birthday on Wednesday and one of my brothers bought me one of those 'adventure days' as a present.


Now, I'd quite fancy a day roaring round a track in all manner of exotic supercars, a day out on a 4x4 course or even a spot of powerboating........BUT the day he bought was for a microlight flight :o


It looks to me like a kite with a basket strapped to it, and only a lawnmower engine to keep it in the air.


Has anyone ever been up in one of these death traps aircraft?


I don't want to hurt my brothers feelings but I'm not sure it was such a wise choice for someone with a fear of heights!!


I don't mind admitting I'm bricking it :/

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Ask the company if you can swap it for something more civilized, I bet they get asked that all the time :good:


That did cross my mind :yes:


Anything at ground level will do me.


The strange thing is I've flown quite a lot in the past, done parachuting and flown a glider, but as I get older I think I'm losing my nerve a little bit.


They do 'pamper' weekends too..... That's more my style nowadays :yes:

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If you get vertigo (and by your post I think you probably do) there is every chance you may 'freeze' up there and will not be able to think of anything except being on the ground again. It's a horrible feeling and anyone can get it, also a very common phenomenon in micros, biplanes and such. It's partly the irrational fear that you might 'fall off/out' (which nobody ever does of course) but it nonetheless feels real when you're up there.


How about swapping it for a fixed-wing flight in a Cessna or something, far more civilised and less chance of needing to change your shreddies.

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man up , most or at least some people survive flights in these things , you might even be one of the lucky ones that doesnt plummet to earth screaming all the way :lol: .


i wouldnt go up for a million quid to be honest .

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I used to fly Microlights (before kids/marriage) from Sywell in Northamptonshire. They are an incredibly safe way to fly and really give you the feeling of properly being in the elements.


There are two types of Microlights, fixed wing (which look on the whole like "normal" aeroplanes) and 3 axis/flex wing (I suppose a bath tub below a hang glider wing is the best description). Both different experiences but both great fun.


I thoroughly recommend it, it is definitely something to be experienced.


If you do go up in a flex wing type, then the main thing to remember is not to worry too much about the single 10mm bolt holding the buggy to the wing, it's perfectly safe, honest :)

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i'm not a fan of heights but flying in light aircraft, gliders etc is a different sensation and doesnt seem to bother me


do it you'll regret it otherwise


If you do go up in a flex wing type, then the main thing to remember is not to worry too much about the single 10mm bolt holding the buggy to the wing, it's perfectly safe, honest :)


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