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Winter Weather Forecast


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Whilst on a recent expedition trekking in the Himalayas, I was lucky enough to be accompanied by a wise and spiritual Tibetan Monk. He was on the return leg of his pilgrimage back to the Rongbuk Monastery, the highest of all Monasteries, shrouded in cloud and millennia of mystery.


During our time together, the monk taught me many things - he welcomed me as his apprentice, opened armed and full of enlightenment. Some things I cannot mention through fear of ridicule. Some I simply cannot find the words to repeat. Despite the language barrier, I was imparted with knowledge only dreamed about or found on the pages of fiction novels. We spent days trekking, slogging up the windy mountain passes by foot. Trails and tracks not trodden by a Western foot since the dawn of time - I felt eternally privileged.


Battling the extremes of weather conditions, I was burdened with the weight of rucksack, boots, jackets and all the modern, materialistic paraphernalia I was conned into buying before leaving the UK. Yeshi, the monk, garbed only with Kasaya (Comes from the idea of wearing cheap clothes just to protect the body from weather and climate).


It was one particularly starry night, he divulged the ancient mysteries of weather and climate. Perched on a rocky outcrop, he empowered me with the knowledge and understanding to understand mother nature and accurately anticipate the conditions she will bring... A simple but effective system, minimal effort and highly accurate. Behold, I now divulge the workings of this ancient and secretive mystery below. No other method as effective, even with all this electrickery the 'Weathermen' use. This is an age old technique, proven to work over a millennia of use. Passed down from generation to generation, never to change for a lifetime. Fellow pigeon-watchers, I empower you and bring enlightenment!




If the rock is wet, it's raining.

If the rock is swinging, the wind is blowing.

If the rock casts a shadow, the sun is shining.

If the rock does not cast a shadow and is not wet, the sky is cloudy.

If the rock is not visible, it is foggy.

If the rock is white, it is snowing.

If the rock is coated with ice, there is a frost.

If the ice is thick, it's a heavy frost.

If the rock is bouncing, there is an earthquake.

If the rock is under water, there is a flood.

If the rock is warm, it is sunny.

If the rock is missing, there was a tornado.

Oh he the Preston Herts Mystic of the mountains who must be obeyed, shares his wise powers to us mere mortals, and of that we must for ever be thankful.


On a more serious note what size rock should I be using? is it the same size as the rock that I have just thrown at the screen showing billy's butterfly effect clip.

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So, should I panic buy the bread and milk now or wait until November? :hmm:


I recon I'm fat enough to live for a month without food. As long as I can get to and from the wood shed and keep the fire going to thaw snow to drink, those few tins of high calorie food that always live in the cupboard (because I'm greedy rather than prepared) should see me through.


I laughed my tits off at a bloke last year who "filled his freezer up with food just in case". Then the snow put out the power for a day or so and all the food got ruined. In his words "luckily we had the open fire so at least we kept warm"... Yeah, and the food did too - he didn't even think to chuck it all outside in the snow! :lol::oops:

Edited by njc110381
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Well Durham Laddie mate as a relatively new member on Pigeonwatch you really know how to cheer people up don't you! :lol::no::lol:

If that long range forecast is right you might well loose me from Pigeonwatch this winter - I am going to start stocking up on body fats and then I'm going in to hibernation! :lol::lol::lol:


Just for you Frenchie :good:



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oohh please no! spare a thought for livestock farmers who dont bring indoors. last few winters have been nightmare.

feel much the same.....dont mind a bit of cold weather in the winter....but minus 10-15 for a prolonged period really screws up my fishing excursions.

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They havent got a clue...even with satellite imagery 24 Hour predictions is about the norm and 85 % of the time thats wrong as well.


Just accept like I do that GB weather will be what it will be ....might be sunny one day colds the next, might have a bit of rain in August might not, sometimes its windy sometimes its calm...


If anyone wants consistancy then I suggest you emigrate either to the kalahari or antarctica...


Weather forecasters, observers, and meteorologists generally are about as much use as a chocolate fireguard. :lol:


My uncle has farmed in Wiltshire for over 60 years and hes never ever looked at or listened to a weather forecast. and thats the truth.! :yes:

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The forecasts by the Met office this summer have been the worse ever, just got on with work and ignored it in the end.

Met office could'nt forecast yesterdays weather correctly.

I've noticed that since they have forecast global warming our winters have been the coldest ever.

Does anyone believe in global warming ?, I think it's a con, but they wont admit it, they get too much money from it, green taxes etc.

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The forecasts by the Met office this summer have been the worse ever, just got on with work and ignored it in the end.

Met office could'nt forecast yesterdays weather correctly.

I've noticed that since they have forecast global warming our winters have been the coldest ever.

Does anyone believe in global warming ?, I think it's a con, but they wont admit it, they get too much money from it, green taxes etc.

i agree....most of what they say is ****....like you said another excuse for stealth taxing us....al gore hyped up the whole global warming scenario with the film an inconvenient truth, telling everyone sea levels were going to rise...more storms/hurricanes etc etc.....as soon as the film started to draw a profit.....he used that very same profit to go and buy loads of beach/water front land and properties(on the cheap i might add..)....dont think he would`ve done that if the threats he talked about were real somehow.

Edited by jimbo1
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Does anyone believe in global warming ?, I think it's a con, but they wont admit it, they get too much money from it, green taxes etc.



It's a complete scam, the world's temperature has been increasing slowly (0.6 Deg/century) since the little ice age,

with a 30 odd year cyle imposed on that.


See Bishop Hill, Climate Audit or Watts Up With That for details.


There's been recent research which states that solar rays have much more influence in cloud formation and hence temperatures

than previously thought meaning the 'models' that climateologists have been using are worthless. (Who'd have guessed)




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