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Gobby teen ejected from train by fellow passenger

Doc Holliday

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I dont think taking the law into your own hands is the answer, but this guy just did what most decent people would love to have done themselves.


It's the "poor little guy thrown off he train" attitude that has made these kids into what they are today, and that's invincible. You can't touch them, you can't upset them, you can't even raise your voice to them, because of their rights.


Well what about the decent persons rights? What about the people that suffer whilst these idiots can do as they please and just laugh in the face of the law.


If that was me in that video and my dad had seen it, I would have got a clip round the ear and my dad would have poured the big man a drink.


Well done the big man, good on you.


Cockeras, you need help fella, before either you or someone else gets hurt, you sound like a time bomb waiting to go off.

Edited by Cosd
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I have read the posts with interest.


The lad was totally out of order. He may well have mixed up his tickets - I don't believe that for a second - but he swore in front of women and children. He deserved to be made to pay for his fare and his behaviour. They should have called the Transport Police and had him lifted at the next station.


The "big man" should never have offered to help, as the conductor was just getting on with his job. He must have dealt with this many times before. The conductor should not have accepted his offer of help.


The "big man" get on with throwing lad the lad off the train with some enthusiasm. I have no doubt whatsoever that he weighed up the size and weight difference and fancied his chances. If one of my lads had been on the train - they would not have fare dodged, nor would they be swearing in front of other passengers - but the "big man" would have been more than a little out of his depth.


He may have had some moral high ground, but he went over the top.


He will end up getting prosecuted and no doubt pursued for damages. He asked for this as much as the fare dodger - probably more.


Blaser F3 (Mike) is someone I know well and he is not afraid of the confrontation. He has rightly taken the view that this behaviour is at odds with holding an SGC. I can't comprehend why some are having a pop at him. He is right - end of story.


Overall - it is a newsworthy item - many must have said "well done that man". I have sympathy with that view, but think he went way too far and in heavy handed manner. Only he knows whether he was merely showing off.


I think he was.

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Everyones banging on about him being assaulted what about the verbal assault he was giving to the guard & in front off little ones too?


I'd like to think if my old man was getting grief off some oxygen thief like that someone would give him a hand.


The Daily Record quotes him as saying 'I did have a ticket but I must have handed over the wrong one to the conductor' so where was the correct ticket then and why didnt he hand it over before it esculated to this state? Because he was taking the **** thats why and wasnt even sorry when he got caught

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at 19, he isnt a kid, or minor. I bet everyone else on the train was glad the toe rag got thrown off. I agree with the whole reasonable force thing. I've been in a very similar situation. A train guard asking two little chavs, whom he recognised as regular fare dodgers, to leave the train. They were swearing and cursing away. When the guard saic we arent moving till you get off, i started thinking, i'll just throw them off. I just worried about getting knifed. Luckily they did get off after a few more insults, so i didnt have to make the decision to take the risk or sit idly by and feel like a ****.

I help out at cub scouts, and we still teach them to carry spare change for emergencies, and know their parents phone numbers. When i was young, i'd walk a couple of miles home from the nearest train station, or nearly 5 from town. Kids are lazy these days, and i'm saying that from the tender age of 26.

Yes the big man may get done for it, but he shouldn't and thats the point. If everybody stopped taking this ****, noone would get done for it. The only thing then is, where's the line before mass vigilante (ism?).

I can see where people are coming from saying, too much risk to get involved, but overall, i still back him. Those who think its assault are just soft in my book. No offence though, each to their own.

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Cockeras, you need help fella, before either you or someone else gets hurt, you sound like a time bomb waiting to go off


What for. Because I don't let people walk allover me, my friends and my family. Man up grow a pair and while your at it a spine


You sound like a guardian angel.

How do I grow a pair? Do I need special tablets or do you just tug them regularly?

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I think that this is brilliant. The current mindset of our country is that people are too scared to do anything to enforce any rules due to political correctness and it is refreshing to see someone that, actually, has done something that should be the norm. Why should the child be allowed to travel for free? He obviously knew that, by not paying for his fare, he would get away with riding on the train for free and the conductor could not really do anything about it. Good on him I say - it's not like he knocked the child out for no reason - he simply enforced the rules in (in my opinion) a suitable manner with a reasonable amount of force.

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The sad thing is that this little hsit has no moral fibre, no sense of what is right and wrong.


At 19 if I had done the same... my dad, when he heard about it would have given me a good telling off and a bloody good belting and probably thanked the guy for getting involved.


What the guy did was wholly correct and just giving the scrote a bit of basic parenting, which was obviously lacking.


Another reason why national service should be re introduced.

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The sad thing is that this little hsit has no moral fibre, no sense of what is right and wrong.


At 19 if I had done the same... my dad, when he heard about it would have given me a good telling off and a bloody good belting and probably thanked the guy for getting involved.


What the guy did was wholly correct and just giving the scrote a bit of basic parenting, which was obviously lacking.


Another reason why national service should be re introduced.


Hear Hear


I make you right

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Having worked on and off with/for the Conservative party I can assure you I am not confused when it comes to political ideals and opinions.


Also I always have to remember there is a good Doc and a bad one on here. I am very sure which one has his tongue grafted into the rectal orifice of this 'big man' who is causing such a stir!




Oh no! What have I done? Another member (or rather a total member) has taken umbridge over me having a difference of opinion to him and has therefore denoted me the "bad" Doc. libs, I'm, sorry... No, let me finish please... I'm sorry, but you must be confusing me with someone who actually gives a brown steaming one as to what you think of me.

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Common sense will prevail, I'm sure. He got nothing less than he deserved.


Being thrown head first onto a platform sustaining injuries? What about if he'd hit is head off a kerb stone, gaining a cracked skull and brain damage? Would the "Big Man" still be the hero?


Whilst I have sympathy for the "Big Man" he went over the top.


Next station, police, off and charged.

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Being thrown head first onto a platform sustaining injuries? What about if he'd hit is head off a kerb stone, gaining a cracked skull and brain damage? Would the "Big Man" still be the hero?


Whilst I have sympathy for the "Big Man" he went over the top.


Next station, police, off and charged.



What If...? It isnt a case of what if...What if the Elderly Guard had had a coronary ? How could you possibly damage a Neaderthals Brain anyway..he hasnt got one. :no:

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Being thrown head first onto a platform sustaining injuries? What about if he'd hit is head off a kerb stone, gaining a cracked skull and brain damage? Would the "Big Man" still be the hero?


Whilst I have sympathy for the "Big Man" he went over the top.


Next station, police, off and charged.


Short, to the point and right.

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What If...? It isnt a case of what if...What if the Elderly Guard had had a coronary ? How could you possibly damage a Neaderthals Brain anyway..he hasnt got one. :no:


Elderly guard needn't have had a coronary. He should be trained in conflict resolution and hopefully de-escalation. It's his job to check tickets and look after the safety of passengers. If someone hasn't bought a ticket and is being abusive back off and let the Police deal with it. Simples. In this case I think the conductor handled the situation very poorly. He escalated the situation.


I deal with it at least once a month on an aircraft (drunks). If someone is being abusive de-escalate, ask them to leave the aircraft voluntarily and if that doesn't work I get the Police to offload them. If a passenger was to offer help I'd thank them but ask them to sit down as the situation was being handled. Most folk walk off voluntarily when they know the Police will be involved.

Edited by Laird Lugton
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Elderly guard needn't have had a coronary. He should be trained in conflict resolution and hopefully de-escalation. It's his job to check tickets and look after the safety of passengers. If someone hasn't bought a ticket and is being abusive back off and let the Police deal with it. Simples. In this case I think the conductor handled the situation very poorly. He escalated the situation.


I deal with it at least once a month on an aircraft (drunks). If someone is being abusive de-escalate, ask them to leave the aircraft voluntarily and if that doesn't work I get the Police to offload them. If a passenger was to offer help I'd thank them but ask them to sit down as the situation was being handled. Most folk walk off voluntarily when they know the Police will be involved



Have to agree with this...


I am not condoning just sitting and watching whilst things go on... if the youth had attacked the guard or threatened physical harm then I would be the first to come to his aid but in this situation that wasn't the case, the yob (that's all he was) was just being verbally abusive (sticks & stones and all that) and was breaking the law, however, the conductor was the one that escallated the problem. He should have radiod for the BTP to meet the train at the next station, then once that was in place get the train moving again... that way, the yob would have either left the train there and then as requested in panic about plod or have no chance of exiting the train before he was collared at the next station.


The issue with 'big man's' kind of actions is, where do you draw the line.. what is acceptable and what isn't.. Was 'big man' trained in safe handling of a struggling person... the Police are.. What if the yob had sustained serious injury being thrown onto the platform is that really proportionate to a skipped fare... what's the usual penalty.. £10 or something.. hardly comparable to a fractured skull.


The situation was handled abysmally and should have never got to that point. If the conductor had done things differently, no one would have been inconvenienced, or had to witness the debarcle AND the lad would have been dealt with by the proper authorities.


The only person that could have brought on a coronary there was the conductor himself!

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