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Miami vice


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Me and my mrs were just arguing over a Yazoo track which turned out to be by Axel F, that I though was by Jan Hammer :lol: anyhow...........long story short, i've just got onto Amazon (seeing as my memory has been jogged) and ordered the first series of Miami Vice for approx' a tenner! I know it's old hat now but anyone else have a soft spot for this era?? the cars, boats, women, dress sense etc, etc......


I'm looking forward to having another watch of it....if only to re-kindle fond memories of how things were, or wished they might of been :blush:

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I'm stuck in the 80's!!

I did like Miami Vice but overall I'm a Starsky and Hutch fan.Haven't seen the newer Starsky and Hutch film and never will as you can't replace Paul Michael Glaser or David Soul.

As for Miami Vice I liked the clothes they wore and the weather was always stunning!!

I did have Jan Hammer's album 'Escape from Television' and it is superb-you get lost in it!

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I have a soft spot for this televisual delight but would have to be a contortionist to take a picture of it-is this a wind up?



I'm stuck in the 80's!!

I did like Miami Vice but overall I'm a Starsky and Hutch fan.Haven't seen the newer Starsky and Hutch film and never will as you can't replace Paul Michael Glaser or David Soul.

As for Miami Vice I liked the clothes they wore and the weather was always stunning!!

I did have Jan Hammer's album 'Escape from Television' and it is superb-you get lost in it!



Phew..............I was getting worried for a while there, no wind up even :lol::good:

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I'm stuck in the 80's!!

I did like Miami Vice but overall I'm a Starsky and Hutch fan.Haven't seen the newer Starsky and Hutch film and never will as you can't replace Paul Michael Glaser or David Soul.

As for Miami Vice I liked the clothes they wore and the weather was always stunning!!

I did have Jan Hammer's album 'Escape from Television' and it is superb-you get lost in it!


Starsky and Hutch was in the 70's. ;)

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Have to agree - 80's should be buried in past and never reserected. :good:


I was late 60's - now there was a time - women were bra-less and see through blouses. :yes: :yes: :yes:





Yeah, but I was born in the 60's so have to make do! :lol: either way it was a damn site nicer living back then than now i'd say...I wonder what my daughters might say about the era they grew up in, ie: now? Not much to write home about really.


See through blouses sound great by the way :good:

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I have a major soft spot for Miami Vice, mainly because I lived in Miami (Dade & Broward county) for a couple of years in the late 80’s when I decided to travel the world and ended up staying put in Miami. :lol::hmm:

I used to go to Penrod's Beach Club were they shot a couple of episodes. Not see any episodes for ages but would definitely watch them again if I stumbled on one whilst flicking through the channels.


It was one of the best times of my life :good:

Edited by timps
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Nowt wrong with Miami vice , it was a huge success so much so that the Ferrari company gave them a white testarossa for the second season after the black daytona spider ( a corvette with a body kit ) was blown up. After Michael Mann left the show went down hill.

But unless you were of age to watch it at the time you cant imagine how huge a show it was.

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