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Well tomorrow morning Im back in hospital, major surgery on my right shoulder this time, so I will be out it for a little while and as soon as possible shooting with my 410 one armed and left handed, Im hoping it is not going to be as bad as my left shoulder which took me off work for 6,1/2 months.

Ill be an armchair warrior for a little while :lol:

My missus has got to make me an arm cover to keep it warm as it will be in a brace worn 24/7 for about 6-8 weeks, hacking up a coat and some shirts to work round the brace. lol one of the farms I shoot said he'll pick me up and set up in a hide when the pigeon are back. I have already been round all the best woods and made semi permanet hides for myself.

See you all later.

Best Regards


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I've been offered an operation on my left shoulder but so far I've said no as they say it could make things even worse! :(


I had a car accident in 2006 and thought I just had the usual whiplash etc. as it wasn't too bad. A year later and the insurance company sent to see the physio at Durham cricket club who gave me acupunture and said my rotator cuff was badly damaged. I've had 6 lots of cortisone with the last 2 being guided by ultrasound, each one has made it worse, the last one made it feel like I have sand in the joint. So now I have badly restricted movement, constant pain and intermittent loss of feeling in my forearm and 2 fingers, but apart from that it's fine!.

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I've been offered an operation on my left shoulder but so far I've said no as they say it could make things even worse! :(


I had a car accident in 2006 and thought I just had the usual whiplash etc. as it wasn't too bad. A year later and the insurance company sent to see the physio at Durham cricket club who gave me acupunture and said my rotator cuff was badly damaged. I've had 6 lots of cortisone with the last 2 being guided by ultrasound, each one has made it worse, the last one made it feel like I have sand in the joint. So now I have badly restricted movement, constant pain and intermittent loss of feeling in my forearm and 2 fingers, but apart from that it's fine!.



There is no way you should put up with that I have had all the above, my rotator cuff was stitched back together detached tendons re attached, ruptured tendons repaired, top off the bone off arm removed /shaved and bone removed /shaved off of collar bone.

it took about 18 months to get about 95% use back but when you think I couldn't even lift my arm off of my waist, brilliant, my right shoulder is well on the way but there are doing it before it gets so bad.


Move to Suffolk



Im now waiting for taxi to take me to hospital!!!


Edited by Alanl50
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Thanks Alan, they want to do exploratory surgery on my forearm as they say I have nerve damage but it's "not in the right place"!, problem is if it's not there they could damage things that are OK to start with. My rotator cuff and top of my shoulder is very "lumpy", had X-rays which show damage to my acromion so I assume they will want to shave bits off it too. I'm (hopefully) seeing a different consultant in June and will try and get a more definite idea of what they want to do.


Good luck with yours :)

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Good luck Alanl50.

I had a shoulder operation in 1995, it was a success and i was able to play rugby until 2008, (i had 2 years off between 01-03 due to a snapped achilles which was also operated on!)

The technology for body reconstruction is improving all the time so after having two reconstructive operations in my life, both of which enabled me to return to playing rugby, and to live an active life, i would suggest considering an opeartion. For me it worked out OK, short term loss for long term gain.

Tight Lines


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  • 10 months later...



I had a similar op...not rotator cuff but damage to my upper bicep and also massive calcification between the two tendons. I couldn't get my arm off the sofa and it was very painful. It took 18 months with ups and downs but now it is perfect!! Better than my left one in fact. My advise is no matter how painful do the physio!!!!

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