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Why do people blow down the barrels of an O/U.


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do yo know , thats a good question .

i do it occasionally when clayshooting , but never have the time when on the back of the truck lamping . if ever there was a time for a blockage it would be at night when throwing carts in quickly .


its as said before , a habbit .



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I've got a mate who licks his thumb and damps the end bead before each pair of clays*


I think he probably saw that black and white film about the American turkey shot who joins the army as a sniper 'cause it worked for him - that's Hollywood for you ;)


It wouldn't be so amusing if he hit some of them but all he seems to be working on is a haze of spit around the stand a rusty barrel ends...


*Name withheld to save the poor soul from further suffering :oops:

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Stick your gun up some ones back side.... and as you do it ask them to trump........ it clears the barrels faster.... try doing it to a person you don't know as well by surprise! That will guarantee them to trump...


Disclaimer. No liability accepted for some one following through and coursing a blockage.....so carry a bag and a stick with you if this happens....


Next tip of the day... tomorrow

Edited by chady
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Stick your gun up some ones back side.... and as you do it ask them to trump........ it clears the barrels faster.... try doing it to a person you don't know as well by surprise! That will guarantee them to trump...


Disclaimer. No liability accepted for some one following through and coursing a blockage.....so carry a bag and a stick with you if this happens....


Next tip of the day... tomorrow



:lol: nice one !

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As a semi shooter I thought blowing down barrel was sign of a poof - but having got myself a O/U trap gun I found myself doing same thing so now I know it's not a poof thing but sign of a good shooter -except perhaps Salopian. :rolleyes: :rolleyes:



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