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Anyone ever seen a ghost??


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when I was 14 my older brother was fishing at a local lake me and a friend decided to go see him at 1am.

the quickest way was through the cemetery sod that we went the long way round but after an hour or so we got tired so went home through the cemetery.

there are 2 parts to the cemetery old part with railings round and the new part when through the new part we had to put our bmx's through some old fashioned ornate kissing gates as I was waiting for my friend to get through I turned around to see an old man stood silently behind us couldnt say what he was wearing apart from a dark wool type coat.

I through my bmx over the fence next to the gate and climbed over my friend saw the same and struggled even more to get through the gate once i cleared the fence I never waited for him till the end of the foot path approx 300 yards with a 90 degree turn in the middle when he eventually joined me at the end of the footpath we waited 20mins but the man never came out.

if he was waiting at the gate to get through there was no ther way out without passing us.

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Never seen anything and really do not believe in ghosts etc. But there have been two events that i really cannot explain.


first one happened about 15 years ago, i was fishing on a local syndicate lake and it was late november. The wind was really blowing into the corner of the lake i was in, a mate was due to join me after work at about 6.30pm. At about 6.20pm i heard my name being shouted twice from the direction of the car park thinking that he wanted a hand with his kit i got out the bivvy and went to the car park to find no one there! i turned to walk back up the path as my mate pulled into the car park. As he got out the car there was a loud cracking noise and a tree near where i was set up crashed down onto my bivvy, destroying the bedchair that a few minutes before i was led on!! :o


second one happened about 8 years ago, i was visiting the same mate, and we were due to head over to have a look at another syndicate lake, his mum was "in tune" with her psychic side and wouldn't let us leave the house when we wanted to, when we did eventually get the keys off her she made us promise that we would take the long route around as she had been warned that something bad was going to happen. We jokingly took her advice, on our way back the short way we came across a road closed police sign. It turned out that 2 men were killed and another seriously hurt on the road that morning at the same sort of time that we would have been there! Spooky

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I regularly go fowling in Castle Stuart Bay & gain access to the shore via the adjacent, disused church & cemetary, it gives me the creeps frequently & my pace often quickens as I pass through. Never seen anything definite, but the imagination can wander sometimes.....

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No, never seen a ghost and, I'm certain that it's all in the mind.


If there was something to find, surely one of the hundreds of thousands of self styled ghost hunters would have come up with something remotely credible by now?


Some friends wanted to convince me otherwise and, they took me on a few visits to supposedly very haunted houses, only for us, as with every previous team to come away with nothing. Yes, there were lots of creaks and bumps but, that was it. The 'ghost hunters' that we were with were very excited by the sounds and kept saying that they could see things in the shadows but, we saw nothing. I even slept in the most regularly haunted rooms and had some great kip but, no other worldly visitors.


Quite contrary to the expectations of my friends, even they began to come around to the idea that it is almost certainly just whipped-up hysteria.

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I saw what I would class as a ghost years back. I have had dogs that have definately seen stuff that wasnt apparent to me and reacted in a way I have not been able to explain. I had a collie that would do anything asked with no fear (he rounded up cows for milking and would on occasion get kicked the length of the milking yard but get straight back up and nailed foxes like a hound ). on site with him once he was watching something i could not see walk up a path and across a drive and through a gap in the hedge, his head following the "thing" . hackles up, lip curled and a slow growl. i tried to cast him off through the gap which hed been through hundreds of times but he point blank refused. he happily went in the other direction when sent but stayed glued to me when told to get on in the hedge direction. next day he went straight through. plain weird

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Had a lot happen when we moved into our 200yr old house:


We'd moved in a couple of days and needed the passports as ID for the bank, but couldn't find them anywhere. Came down the following and they were in the middle of the kitchen table. We both thought each other had found them, but we hadn't :hmm: . This was the first of many more incidences of things being removed and turning up in odd locations :yes: .


For no reason our video recorder would suddenly decided to fast forward to the end of the tape, then it would rewind to the beginning and spit the tape out onto the floor :lol: . We'd usually be sat watching the TV at the time, video not been used for days and the remote on the coffee table :hmm:. This would happen once or twice a week for several years. It was very amusing if it happened when we had visitors :lol:


Once, watching TV over the top of the coffee table I was aware that my whisky glass was slowly moving across towards us. After a couple of minutes (we both sat and watched it) it slid off and dropped on the floor, never spilling a drop :lol:.


Quite regularly going up to bed and finding the quilt had already been pulled back ready for us to get in :blink:


Had the central heating regularly go haywire during the night and find the radiators so hot they were nearly glowing. Came down to turn the heating off and the timer said it had never been on :blink:


Old fashioned phone used to 'ding' for a few minutes at roughly 11 o'clock every night for quite a few years.


I'd never really experienced anything before I moved in here. Freaked me out at first, but then because it was mainly harmless pranks we eventually got to the stage where we could just laugh it off and even talk to 'the ghost' on occasions :huh: . It was an odd feeling - like someone else was living here with us, but at no time were we ever made to feel threatened. The house always just felt 'occupied and comfortable.'


We had a medium come round and he said it was someone called Sarah from around 1800-1810. Since we have all the deeds back to then we checked and it was indeed occupied by a lady called Sarah at that time.


Then it all suddenly stopped and we've seen/heard nothing for about 3 years now, which given the previous 7 years is equally strange :lol:


I was adamant I didn't beleive in ghosts, but I really can't explain all the happenings - it's just too bizarre. Now I'm happy to keep an open mind.

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Had a lot happen when we moved into our 200yr old house:


We'd moved in a couple of days and needed the passports as ID for the bank, but couldn't find them anywhere. Came down the following and they were in the middle of the kitchen table. We both thought each other had found them, but we hadn't :hmm: . This was the first of many more incidences of things being removed and turning up in odd locations :yes: .


For no reason our video recorder would suddenly decided to fast forward to the end of the tape, then it would rewind to the beginning and spit the tape out onto the floor :lol: . We'd usually be sat watching the TV at the time, video not been used for days and the remote on the coffee table :hmm:. This would happen once or twice a week for several years. It was very amusing if it happened when we had visitors :lol:


Once, watching TV over the top of the coffee table I was aware that my whisky glass was slowly moving across towards us. After a couple of minutes (we both sat and watched it) it slid off and dropped on the floor, never spilling a drop :lol:.


Quite regularly going up to bed and finding the quilt had already been pulled back ready for us to get in :blink:


Had the central heating regularly go haywire during the night and find the radiators so hot they were nearly glowing. Came down to turn the heating off and the timer said it had never been on :blink:


Old fashioned phone used to 'ding' for a few minutes at roughly 11 o'clock every night for quite a few years.


I'd never really experienced anything before I moved in here. Freaked me out at first, but then because it was mainly harmless pranks we eventually got to the stage where we could just laugh it off and even talk to 'the ghost' on occasions :huh: . It was an odd feeling - like someone else was living here with us, but at no time were we ever made to feel threatened. The house always just felt 'occupied and comfortable.'


We had a medium come round and he said it was someone called Sarah from around 1800-1810. Since we have all the deeds back to then we checked and it was indeed occupied by a lady called Sarah at that time.


Then it all suddenly stopped and we've seen/heard nothing for about 3 years now, which given the previous 7 years is equally strange :lol:


I was adamant I didn't beleive in ghosts, but I really can't explain all the happenings - it's just too bizarre. Now I'm happy to keep an open mind.


Yea we have things going missing all the time then just turn up on a table or usual draw it is kept in and have have checked loads of times.

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posted about it before so not going to bother going back over it,( do a search) but yes I have seen one, only the once but I KNOW what I saw.




Tell me what you saw please?? I'm finding this thread really good as I don't think I want to belive in ghosts but what happend last week has really got me...

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I will admit to being the eternal sceptic,but i did see something 26 years ago which i still cannot find a rational explanation for even now.


When i was 16 i used to go out with a girl from a nearby village and one evening when there were a group of us in the bus shelter i noticed an elderly couple walking towards me on the pavement about 100yards away.A friend said something,i turned round to reply,turned back a moment later and the couple had vanished.One side of the path was an open ploughed field with no hedges and other was a road with houses on otherside.They simply could not have made it to otherside of road in the time span and i still havent a clue what i saw.

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A few years back I was talking to a guy from the Royal Agg College who had a sexual experience with a poltergeist when he was in the dormitory of the 17th Century bit of the college.




It left him pretty badly shaken up. The college principle had to call the local Doctor in but they couldnt find any sign of any injury.





"Are you sure you had sex with a Ghost" said the Doctor...."No" answered the student "I said Goat" :lol:

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Tell me what you saw please?? I'm finding this thread really good as I don't think I want to belive in ghosts but what happend last week has really got me...


OK here we go, early nineties 5pm ish November day was in the local diving club ( I was a committee member) and was wallpapering the lounge out (was not far from done :good: ) I was as you do when you wallpaper facing the wall when I noticed someone standing behind the bar to my left just at the hatch that lets you go behind,so I saw him full length, I turned and looked at him then walked over to him to ask who he was and how he had gotten in, as I spoke to him he er "disappeared" I **** myself and legged it out of the building, after a few minutes I gained some composure and went back in but I was well and truly spooked in the fullest meaning of the term, I phoned a mate and said look dont take the pee but come down here so I can finish this job off as I do NOT want to be in here alone, did all the daft things like wave my hand were I saw him thinking it might be cold etc etc, but generally was spooked to point that the hair literally did raise on the back of my neck, so I even know where that term come from :lol:


Now many months later one of my friends (another club member) who knew of my "sighting" brought a chap to meet me, this guy who I did not know and have never seen since used to work at the once port authority offices that had since become my beloved diving clubs premises and had been converted to a bar / lounge and training rooms etc ( reason I was decorating) this chap asked me to describe the "man" I had seen and where I had seen him ( I can still "see" the image of this man to this day) after I had described him he quite nonchalantly said you've seen Mr Paton :o richard Paton to be exact (dont know the exact spelling of his surname) and he went on to say that I had described him exactly as he was dressed and at the location he collapsed and died of a heart attack whilst at his desk many years ago, he also said "by the way you are not unique" over the years many many people who worked for the port authority have seen him.


Anyway regardless of whether its poo poohed or attempted to be passed off as an illusion etc I KNOW what I saw, however I have no idea why, or how I saw what I did but see it I did. :yes:


oops edited as the swear filter does not like the abbreviation for Richard :lol:



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Last year in an old farmhouse, while talking to the builder, a black dog walked in past us, didnt look closely but looked like a lab,

I realised all the doors from the room were closed, and there wasnt a dog in the room,


I was the only one who saw it, :look:



this morning in a graveyard, they were laying drains across the graveyard, there were a couple of skulls and several bones laid about, they didnt bother me.

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Archie I have got a very true story in fact was thinkinig about it today,


Me and the wife had our first baby about 2 months old my nan passed away 16 months before anyway we were sitting downstairs with the baby monitor on watching the tv, all of a sudden I heard from the monitor Sophie hello Sophie (my babs name) it was clear as a bell i looked at my wife and she said that was your nan I turned to her and said thank you I thought I had cracked up.


It was a magical experience and will never never forget it so yes I do believe ;)

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Okay so i'm ready to be laughed at but.....about 10 years ago I was off work with a long term illness (renal failure)and spent a lot of time just mooching about the town.Graveyards have always interested me and one day,whilst walking idly through our local one,I came across the grave of an 11 year old girl who died in 1811(I am not going to put her name in print again as long as I live). Having a daughter of the same age I came to wonder how she had died and,to cut a long story short,I became a trifle obsessed with her story (but never found out how she died)and I wrote her a poem which I placed on her grave after which the fascination passed and she was forgotten.

About 2 years later odd things started happening around the house as we were doing various large DIY projects,I will refrain from listing them all but the situation finally came to a head when a book was thrown at us from the opposite side of the room.The following day,after some careful thought,I contacted our local vicar(expecting to be laughed at)and was somewhat surprised to learn that the church has a group of specialists who deal with such problems!

A week later said chap arrived and asked if he could spend some time in our house alone.Less than 5 minutes later he called us inside and informed us that there was a spirit of a young girl in our house and that he would bless each room and ask her to leave.With this done he simply asked us to contact him if any further problems arose and he would invite more senior clergy to help us.

Until these events I was the worlds greatest sceptic - I never even put 2 and 2 together regarding the deceased girl until much later.As for the op's question-yes-I saw her on 3 occasions and wasn't scared at all-just surprised each time.

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Okay so i'm ready to be laughed at but.....about 10 years ago I was off work with a long term illness (renal failure)and spent a lot of time just mooching about the town.Graveyards have always interested me and one day,whilst walking idly through our local one,I came across the grave of an 11 year old girl who died in 1811(I am not going to put her name in print again as long as I live). Having a daughter of the same age I came to wonder how she had died and,to cut a long story short,I became a trifle obsessed with her story (but never found out how she died)and I wrote her a poem which I placed on her grave after which the fascination passed and she was forgotten.

About 2 years later odd things started happening around the house as we were doing various large DIY projects,I will refrain from listing them all but the situation finally came to a head when a book was thrown at us from the opposite side of the room.The following day,after some careful thought,I contacted our local vicar(expecting to be laughed at)and was somewhat surprised to learn that the church has a group of specialists who deal with such problems!

A week later said chap arrived and asked if he could spend some time in our house alone.Less than 5 minutes later he called us inside and informed us that there was a spirit of a young girl in our house and that he would bless each room and ask her to leave.With this done he simply asked us to contact him if any further problems arose and he would invite more senior clergy to help us.

Until these events I was the worlds greatest sceptic - I never even put 2 and 2 together regarding the deceased girl until much later.As for the op's question-yes-I saw her on 3 occasions and wasn't scared at all-just surprised each time.


what did you write in the poem?

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only ever really had two funny things happen,first one was at a mates house when i was about 14'ish,there were 3 of us in the house and a dog,it was about 9pm,there was a bump up stairs and at the same moment the dog jumped up all agitated with its hair standing straight up down its back,then the were footsteps up stairs but the dog wouldn't go any closer than the bottom step (and it wasn't usually a timid dog!),there was also a very strong smell of cigar smoke all the time the noises were going on.i told my mate who's house it was to get the three biggest kitchen knives they'd got,then we sat there like lemons for about an hour until his dad came home from the pub!


second time was when i was 16,me and my mates all had moped's and we'd been a ride down to hardwick hall (regular thing we did) and as we were all riding back home up the lane i saw my mate who as in front of me start to look up as he rode along,so i looked up to see what it was,i should add there all a lot of good sized tree's on over hanging this lane,anyway as i rode under i saw what looked like a person hanging dead from the tree,looked like there hands and feet were tied together.didn't stop until we got to the end of the lane,ask my mate what he was looking at and he told me exactly what i saw.

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Never actually seen anything but I was surveying the old workhouse on Westgate road in Newcastle a few years ago and I have to say the feeling I got was truly terrible.

The vagrants sign was still over the door and all of the cells etc were still intact, I was positive I could feel something or someone following me and stood at my shoulder!

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How nioe to read posts on a topic like this without anyone shooting down the authors. I am sure that there are things that just cannot be explained logicley. I served in both the Army and the RAF and had my share of spookey experiences. I also was a frontline social services officer for about 20 years and all that time I worked with the travelling comunity. I once sat with a traveller who was dying and during the night he saw and talked to relatives who had passed on many years ago. I never saw them but there was an atmasfear in that hospital room that I could not explain. He died peacefully about 6 in the morning with all his living familly present and I am sure some that were not visible to us that were still alive.



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A few years back I was talking to a guy from the Royal Agg College who had a sexual experience with a poltergeist when he was in the dormitory of the 17th Century bit of the college.




It left him pretty badly shaken up. The college principle had to call the local Doctor in but they couldnt find any sign of any injury.





"Are you sure you had sex with a Ghost" said the Doctor...."No" answered the student "I said Goat" :lol:



Boom Boom! That's Ciren for you :lol:

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