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steve irwin


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I'll give him his dues, i've sure he genuinly loved wildlife and conservation but for the purposes of TV you just don't poke that **** with sticks and wind them up, i don't agree with that, he was a bit of a sensationalist and i'm suprised it didn't happen earlier.


But still, the guys dead and that's not a good thing. Wife and ttwo kids left behind is very sad.

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Someone on the radio just said quite rightly that he aggravated dangerous animals for a living. Stingrays don't sting unless they are under attack. People usually get stung on the foot after treading on them. The fact that he was stabbed through the heart by one tells a lot - remember how he used to jump out of boats and wrestle in the water with crocodiles...... Had it coming I'm afraid. He played russian roulette for a long time and got away with it.


Mind - having said all that, if there's any justice in the world, one day I'll be stamped to death by a giant buck rabbit.




Off out to murder a few more just now.

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I reckon it's a scam.


He's been reported dead before.


Getting stung through the heart by a sting ray - sounds like that would need practising! Also, they said his wife couldn't be contacted because she was climbing a mountain - I can't believe they would put this on general release without contacing her first.


We shall see.


Anyways, if he has croaked it would be a shame - we need more characters.

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It's a sad day indeed. I know alot of people disagree with the methods he used yet fail to realise that was the way you have to be with such creatures. He knew his job was dangerous but he loved it. He was at the forefront of reptile research inn the natural environment and I hope that australia zoo continue his work.

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Will the crocs be crying crocodile tears :( :yp: :yp:


Can anyone remember when he feed to croc in a closed pen with his 1 month old baby under his arm. He then came on TV to justify is actions that it would take a meteorite to hit the earth and cause a earth quake of 6.6 on the B*ll**** scales for him to loose his balance


At least his wife doesn't have to explain to life insurance company that he wasn't eaten by a croc :good::)




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In my opinion not only did this man bring us an untold wealth of information about spiecies that you and I never new existed, but he also stirred the imagination of countless kids around the world. Through him kids shut off their nintendos, x boxs, computers, and tvs, and went exploring for both real and imaginary creatures. That to me is an amazing accomplishment in this day and era.


The man lived his life to the fullest doing what he loved to do not what he was forced to do to make a living, how many can say the same.


My sincere sympathys to his Wife, Terri and his Children, Bindi and Robert (Bob)



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In my opinion not only did this man bring us an untold wealth of information about spiecies that you and I never new existed, but he also stirred the imagination of countless kids around the world. Through him kids shut off their nintendos, x boxs, computers, and tvs, and went exploring for both real and imaginary creatures. That to me is an amazing accomplishment in this day and era.


The man lived his life to the fullest doing what he loved to do not what he was forced to do to make a living, how many can say the same.


My sincere sympathys to his Wife, Terri and his Children, Bindi and Robert (Bob)




Well said nttf, he had me on the edge of my seat a few times :good:


R.I.P steve

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I totally agree with NTTF,

A sad loss to the world of conservation whatever methods he used.

How many people would have paid much attention to his programs if he had just pointed and said "thats a croc" or thats "a snake". he entertained and informed.

My condolences go out to his family and friends.


Regards Sutty :good:

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