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strange attitudes


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i suppose its the nature of the beast but y do people seem to pray on others when their opinions dont aggre with theirs to explaine my point if i start to read a forum and find i dont like wot i read i dont slag the topic of.a point in question wot cartridges to use on pigeons.everything from im with stupid to here we go again to borring. im sure people ask silly questions every day.nswer si thought this forum was here to answer questions. RANT OVER

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yip everyone is allowed to have their own opinion no matter how ill informed and strange it may be, and lets face it public forums are just that some where to share knowledge and information and some times people disagree and some people find it difficult to discuss things without it slipping down to a personal level and making it look like they are having a pop at some one! ;)

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I guess that on this and any other Internet Forum there will always be differences of opinions and personality clashes - The higher the membership the more we are likely to see it! All I can say is that because of the nature of this and any other shooting forum we have to just grin and bare it while trying to sort out the "constructive replies" and simply ignoring the ones that look like nothing more than fault finding.

It's always been like that and always will be - That's the way of the Internet.

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no matter what the forums subject you will find there are a number of no it alls who spend so much time trawling the internet to find some one to have an arguement with that they have very little time to actually do the thing the subject! theres loads of em on fishing forums who sit in an arm chair an like to run other people down. the pike forums are probably the worst i have seen for this! some proud angler puts a picture of his latest catch and then the pike police jump all over it, what you holding it like that for, why you stood up and wheres the unhooking mat and i use that ****in swim why you put pictures up on here you idiot!! is usually the way it goes its why i don't tend to go on the dedicated pike forums anymore

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No idea.

There are a few people on every forum (and in the world in general) who think it’s better to try and belittle a person than discuss an opinion.

Rather than trying to put forward a decent case for their own point of view they just attack anyone with a different point of view with random insults.


I says more about them then it does about the person they target.


Generally speaking I find it’s best to ignore them.

Just continue chatting in a polite and friendly manner and hopefully that style of person will stop reading and replying to your posts and you can get on with discussing a subject with the friendly people.


That’s not to say the friendly people don’t have different opinions, it’s just that they know how to discuss them without being jerks.


That doesn’t really explain why they do it though.

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I probably have different thoughts about things that a lot of other people on here having said that I am quite prepared to look at other peoples thoughts even though I may not agree with them. The one thing that really peas me off is people just saying that you are talking a load of rubbish which I may or may not be doing but I have just as much rights to think what I do as they have in the end there are very few things that are black or white right or wrong I wish that people could just except that.

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It is a tough situation.

One person’s ‘nasty negative attitude’ is another’s ‘witty banter’ or ‘robust debate’.


Some people consider negativity and nastiness to be a regular part of healthy debate.

Others consider it unnecessary and rude.

Some people consider it rude, but think they have a right to be rude – or even a responsibly to be rude to chase of those who they consider to be the ‘wrong sort of person’.


The problem with the report button is that it’s asking the mods to be just judges of what is it or not acceptable behaviour.

On one hand, that’s what they are there for, but on the other hand this isn’t a schoolyard – we’re all supposed to be adults here.

Think of them more as bouncers – if it gets out of hand we hope they will step in, but generally they aren’t going to interfere with every loud conversation.


Generally speaking, I think it’s quite a nice forum.

The majority of people seem to have a great attitude in terms of chatting about things, and when someone does try and troll or insult they seem to be mostly ignored.


If some jerk does jump on a newby and nobody steps up to defend the newby, don’t assume that everyone agrees with the jerk.

It’s possible that they just ignore the jerk, but they have nothing to add to the discussion.


All that said – if you do find someone particularly objectionable then I would suggest you use the report button.

The mods will read it, they may not act on one or two reports but if enough people complain about a specific poster then I’m sure they will do something.

Speaking as a mod on another forum though – don’t abuse the report function.

It can be tiring reading the same petty complaints about someone’s lack of grammar or different political viewpoint.

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It is a tough situation.

One person’s ‘nasty negative attitude’ is another’s ‘witty banter’ or ‘robust debate’.


Some people consider negativity and nastiness to be a regular part of healthy debate.

Others consider it unnecessary and rude.

Some people consider it rude, but think they have a right to be rude – or even a responsibly to be rude to chase of those who they consider to be the ‘wrong sort of person’.


The problem with the report button is that it’s asking the mods to be just judges of what is it or not acceptable behaviour.

On one hand, that’s what they are there for, but on the other hand this isn’t a schoolyard – we’re all supposed to be adults here.

Think of them more as bouncers – if it gets out of hand we hope they will step in, but generally they aren’t going to interfere with every loud conversation.


Generally speaking, I think it’s quite a nice forum.

The majority of people seem to have a great attitude in terms of chatting about things, and when someone does try and troll or insult they seem to be mostly ignored.


If some jerk does jump on a newby and nobody steps up to defend the newby, don’t assume that everyone agrees with the jerk.

It’s possible that they just ignore the jerk, but they have nothing to add to the discussion.


All that said – if you do find someone particularly objectionable then I would suggest you use the report button.

The mods will read it, they may not act on one or two reports but if enough people complain about a specific poster then I’m sure they will do something.

Speaking as a mod on another forum though – don’t abuse the report function.

It can be tiring reading the same petty complaints about someone’s lack of grammar or different political viewpoint.


Well said,i was thinking along the same lines,but couldnt quite put it into a paragraph. :thanks:

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Well, it's an internet forum at the end of the day so everyone can and should have a fair and equal say.


It would be pretty boring and unreal if everyone all skipped along in the daisies agreeing with everything.


If you don't like a post don't read it, if you don't like someone (or their internet persona) ignore them, it's simple.


Or you could start crying and and go join another forum to see exactly the same thing happening there???

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Well, it's an internet forum at the end of the day so everyone can and should have a fair and equal say.


It would be pretty boring and unreal if everyone all skipped along in the daisies agreeing with everything.


If you don't like a post don't read it, if you don't like someone (or their internet persona) ignore them, it's simple.


Or you could start crying and and go join another forum to see exactly the same thing happening there???


bang on the button!! :good:

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It is a tough situation.

One person’s ‘nasty negative attitude’ is another’s ‘witty banter’ or ‘robust debate’.


Some people consider negativity and nastiness to be a regular part of healthy debate.

Others consider it unnecessary and rude.

Some people consider it rude, but think they have a right to be rude – or even a responsibly to be rude to chase of those who they consider to be the ‘wrong sort of person’.


The problem with the report button is that it’s asking the mods to be just judges of what is it or not acceptable behaviour.

On one hand, that’s what they are there for, but on the other hand this isn’t a schoolyard – we’re all supposed to be adults here.

Think of them more as bouncers – if it gets out of hand we hope they will step in, but generally they aren’t going to interfere with every loud conversation.


Generally speaking, I think it’s quite a nice forum.

The majority of people seem to have a great attitude in terms of chatting about things, and when someone does try and troll or insult they seem to be mostly ignored.


If some jerk does jump on a newby and nobody steps up to defend the newby, don’t assume that everyone agrees with the jerk.

It’s possible that they just ignore the jerk, but they have nothing to add to the discussion.


All that said – if you do find someone particularly objectionable then I would suggest you use the report button.

The mods will read it, they may not act on one or two reports but if enough people complain about a specific poster then I’m sure they will do something.

Speaking as a mod on another forum though – don’t abuse the report function.

It can be tiring reading the same petty complaints about someone’s lack of grammar or different political viewpoint.



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Well, it's an internet forum at the end of the day so everyone can and should have a fair and equal say.


It would be pretty boring and unreal if everyone all skipped along in the daisies agreeing with everything.


If you don't like a post don't read it, if you don't like someone (or their internet persona) ignore them, it's simple.


Or you could start crying and and go join another forum to see exactly the same thing happening there???



That about sums it up for me, however, there are occasions when someone posts something (that I consider) to be so utterly stupid or out of line that I can't stop myself retorting! Sometimes it will be sarcasm (lowest form of wit apparently) and sometimes I can be downright rude, occasionally I look back on things and think "Ooops, that was a bit strong!" but I do nowadays try not to argue for the sake of it. I can get drawn into the occasional retaliatory spat as well. I am pleased I have found the ignore button, it's a select group in my 'ignores', but their absence makes my browsing time so much more pleasurable.


But you have to remember that this is internet land. It's not serious! I feel that if you aren't big enough to take some stick then you shouldn't dole it out but, it's unlikely to be life changing. Many people take forum life WAY to seriously.

Edited by -Mongrel-
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