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gun shot induced hearing loss


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Hi all,


Just asking you all for a little bit of help.


I am in the medical/scientific profession and am looking into doing a little bit of research into hearing loss caused by gun shot acoustic trauma. I have a few specific medical questions that I am hoping to provide answers.


Are there any questions that the general shooting community would like answered?


Thanks, just trying to make my results a little bit more relevant to every day applications instead of purely scientific.



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I am no expert but I would think hearing loss is down to the luck of the draw? the same as cancer, Arthritis, Heart failur and so many other medical conditions. We all know what can be done to reduce the risks but some seem to be so unlucky. No one has been more careless with their ears than me, I have been lucky and now look after them, for some once is too much.

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I have Tinnitus through firing a shotgun in a quarry when I was 16 (49 years ago) I think it's getting worse.

+ 1 got tinnitus 10 years ago through shooting clays to often without hearing proctection,it's a hard thing to learn to live with!
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my questions are to identify the sound pressure wave level of different gun shots both to the shooter and to surrounding personal. evaluate if hearing loss is in correlation to eye dommanice/hand dominance and firearm used, duration of shooting or due to the actual pressure wave of the shot. Also going to look into if moderators reduce the level to a "safe" sound wave pressure.


was going to use air rifles, shot guns, .22lr, .17hmr, .223 (5.56mm) and .308/7.62 to try and establish army/police risk.


I was wondering if there was anything that YOU the shooting public would like me to try and answer.


I am trying with the use of moderators, and distance you need to stand at to be safe and wondering if you lot hand any thing else you would like me to try and answer.

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My Tinnitus was caused by my friend shooting his shotgun, and I was standing by the side of him. I was approx' 3 ft to his left,and my Tinnitus seems to generate from my right ear. Standing behind someone does'nt seem so loud, but by the side, it's bad. I now use hearing protection when sharing a hide, to try and avoid making this any worse.

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My Tinnitus was caused by my friend shooting his shotgun, and I was standing by the side of him. I was approx' 3 ft to his left,and my Tinnitus seems to generate from my right ear. Standing behind someone does'nt seem so loud, but by the side, it's bad. I now use hearing protection when sharing a hide, to try and avoid making this any worse.


i will also check sound pressure at distances in front, side and behind the gun. thanks


It would be interesting to know if shooting whilst wearing ear defenders damages the hearing at all.


hopefully questionnaire should help to determine if people who have always worn ear protection have hearing loss, also hoping to get formal hearing tests done.

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I have very bad tinitus in both ears and I am partially deaf in both ears also, I wear NHS hearing aids which helps my deafness and also reduces the tinitus to some extent. This was due to not wearing hearing protection for many years when using a shotgun.

In the 1970's I worked for the National Farmer Union as a rabbit & fox clearance officer which resulted in firing thousands of cartridges each year with no hearing protection.

I was told by the hearing specialist to give up shooting but I still shoot now, but always wear the best available electronic hearing protection.

Shooting is my life and if I had to give it up - I might as well give up living!

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Count me in on any survey on this.


I use hearing protection whenever possible and mostly nowadays use electronic, if in a hide for example.


However for walking around there are brilliant and cheap as chips. Used them a few times, took a few shots using 30gm 5s and same muting as with ear defenders.


But, I could hear ambient sounds like pigeons flapping out of trees etc. Great informal shooting aid. Will never be without them now.

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It depends on the quality I have been given CENs now to stop more damage at work. Better than Racial mould jobs or amplivox


i think that the in ear ones would be difficult to measure the level of ear protection as a lot will depend on the the seal and fit met to your ear. a well fitted one should be good at blocking out high pressure noises and if the volume of it is not turned up you should be good to go. However there is the risk of infection if you have then in your ears too long and a lot of moisture/abrasion occurs.

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Count me in on any survey on this.


I use hearing protection whenever possible and mostly nowadays use electronic, if in a hide for example.


However for walking around there are brilliant and cheap as chips. Used them a few times, took a few shots using 30gm 5s and same muting as with ear defenders.


But, I could hear ambient sounds like pigeons flapping out of trees etc. Great informal shooting aid. Will never be without them now.


i will probably doing the survey at a shooting ground in northern ireland as will have access to sevices local to myself. but thank you for offer to take part.

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My mate shot as i was beside him again 3feet ish. I had instant deafness followed by awful pain and dizziness that evening. The following day i was dizzy and my ballance was all to pot. I went to hospital and it turns out i had ruptured my ear drum. Im fine now appart from slight hearing loss in left ear. I always wear plugs now when shooting. A 12bore going off beside ur noggin can realy do some damage to your hearing. So thing ahead and plug thode lugs


My mate shot as i was beside him again 3feet ish. I had instant deafness followed by awful pain and dizziness that evening. The following day i was dizzy and my ballance was all to pot. I went to hospital and it turns out i had ruptured my ear drum. Im fine now appart from slight hearing loss in left ear. I always wear plugs now when shooting. A 12bore going off beside ur noggin can realy do some damage to your hearing. So thing ahead and plug those lugs


My mate shot as i was beside him again 3feet ish. I had instant deafness followed by awful pain and dizziness that evening. The following day i was dizzy and my ballance was all to pot. I went to hospital and it turns out i had ruptured my ear drum. Im fine now appart from slight hearing loss in left ear. I always wear plugs now when shooting. A 12bore going off beside ur noggin can realy do some damage to your hearing. So think ahead and plug those lugs


What hapened there lol

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I'd be interested to see the results of a large hearing test experiment comparing shooters and those who have never picked up a firearm before.


Sadly I think it would tell us all what we already know. Shooters have sheet hearing because we are all guilty of forgetting/not using hearing protection at various stages.

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