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Cyclists - I know you're only trying to help, but...


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* the cylest marshalls who think they are police or some sort of law enforcer who like to step into the road with flags at inappropriet times and wear all the cycling outfit only to man a deck chair or tootle around on there bike as a non competitor again with no helmet on !



did you know they aren't allowed to do any form of traffic direction, quite amusing as the guy who races who told me that obviously never sees them jump in the road round us to stop people before they come through.


Really very few motorists have problems with general cyclists its the packs who think they own the road where the issue lays

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I think cyclists should be banned in London, they go through red lights, go the wrong way down one way streets, knock over pedestrians, punch motorists, scratch cars (deliberately) and break off door mirrors (deliberately) and thats just the nice ones! They can be very agressive and very militant, look at this idiot cycling down the middle of the road deliberately holding up the traffic



then he gets all agressive when a police car overtakes him on the inside. The fact that he has a helmet cam tells you a lot about his attidude. Out looking for trouble

Edited by Vince Green
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Well thank god all you PW'ers are here to put the world to rights!


I for one will ditch my bikes and drive everywhere from now on! I feel terrible for the pain and suffering I have caused you all.


It must be terrible having to deal with the hordes of aggressive pedal iron users that are plaguing the country!


I will petition Parliament immediately for a mandatory cycle test and pedal tax to prevent the multitudes of accidents caused by cyclists knocking car drivers from their vehicles and to compensate for the amount of damage caused to roads by 12 mm thick tyres. Not to mention the amount of Carbon monoxide breathed out by middle aged men puffing up hills!


Damned cyclists!!!!!

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I used to use a bike when i was a teenager to get about and then i grew up. Bycicles are the .single barrel .410's of transport.. discuss. :whistling:


My hate of cyclists comes from 3 years being a student in brighton where the bike riding populace did thenmselves no favours breaking every traffic law going then doing there best to interdict your progress just because my car was producing so many tonnes of carbo dioxide in a second ans belching depleted uranium out of its exaust pipe. ,

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Well thank god all you PW'ers are here to put the world to rights!


I for one will ditch my bikes and drive everywhere from now on! I feel terrible for the pain and suffering I have caused you all.


It must be terrible having to deal with the hordes of aggressive pedal iron users that are plaguing the country!


I will petition Parliament immediately for a mandatory cycle test and pedal tax to prevent the multitudes of accidents caused by cyclists knocking car drivers from their vehicles and to compensate for the amount of damage caused to roads by 12 mm thick tyres. Not to mention the amount of Carbon monoxide breathed out by middle aged men puffing up hills!


Damned cyclists!!!!!


Not sure, but I think I detect a hint of irony. :lol: :lol:

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They are such a PITA!!!! I can easily relate to this - my biggest bug-bear here is the fact they use a 5m stretch of rural road for the events near me when the council just spend a fortune building a cycle path that is pretty much the same lenght 8 miles closer to the city - when I askedtwo of them why they didn't use that the answer was "the scenery is better here" !!


A holes!

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I think you have two types of cyclist, the normal one who isn't fanatical doesn't take it too seriously and does obey the laws of the road. Then you have the militant type who wears a head cam, and does everything possible to obstruct traffic and act like he owns the road.


My funniest recollection with a cyclist was on a days shooting between drives and standing on a byway, two lycra clad individuals came through obviously not agreeing with us being there didn't slow down and the second rode straight over my mates spaniels tail, quick as a flash she turned and just managed to bite the back of his leg. Not badly but he reacted very badly, came straight back swearing at the dog and what were we going to do, well 3 of us saw him ride over her tail so pointed it out and that it was hardly surprising, so he tried to kick the dog which is when we stepped in. Then the bike got thrown at it and he had to be told to **** off. never heard any more despite the threats to call the police but we still laugh about it now as trying to get all agro while in lycra and with a somewhat camp voice was hilarious. Wish I'd had a camera at the time.

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They are such a PITA!!!! I can easily relate to this - my biggest bug-bear here is the fact they use a 5m stretch of rural road for the events near me when the council just spend a fortune building a cycle path that is pretty much the same lenght 8 miles closer to the city - when I askedtwo of them why they didn't use that the answer was "the scenery is better here" !!


A holes!

How dare they want to look at scenery! The Swines!!!!!

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I have real issues with time trials (illegal road races) I have nearly cleared up hoards of them when they come around the small lanes to be met by me with 8000kg of Fendt and a full trailer....only to get abuse from them, and this is common, the abuse, makes me furious.


Makes me really consider saving the big tractor road jobs for the days the races are advertised........or accidentally move my 100's of ewes down the road to pastures new at the most inconvinient time.

Edited by kyska
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Remember that not all cyclists are bad, just a few militant cyclists. Many do act responsibly. It's the ones which don't that people complain about.


True, the other thing to remember is that the genuine idiots will shift the blame in exactly the same way as people who ride motorbikes like morons or drive their car like they are in the wacky races. It will always be the fault of the stupid cyclist/car driver etc etc.

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Remember that not all cyclists are bad, just a few militant cyclists. Many do act responsibly. It's the ones which don't that people complain about.


Oh I'm sure you're right, but, in my neck of the woods time trialing is very popular, they aren't well respected because of their actions, especially marshalls illegally stopping/diverting traffic for the benefit of the cyclists. Its been complained about to the Police, that normally results in a PCSO being sent out to 'observe' for ten minutes.



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The lady had already started to run over the bike Dont think she realised .Didnt see anyone trying to leave the scene.But the bolshie g*t was shouting about being on camera not leaving scene etc

ALL road uses should be insured


??? The guy gets knocked off right in front of her and she still pulls out and squashes his bike. He's already on the deck before she moves out. I doubt she would have known if she had squashed him. Think I might have been a bit p'd off too. She obviously had a more important place to be.

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I cycle and drive. When driving, I occasionally get annoyed by cyclists. When cycling, I often get annoyed by drivers (only knocked off my bike once so far, touch wood - and it was on a roundabout where I had complete right of way, and the guy just hadn't looked). I try and cycle fairly considerately, and stay out of driver's ways where possible.


There's bad apples in both bunches (drivers and cyclists) but when you're a cyclist up against 2 tons of irate explosion powered metal, you're far more likely to come off worse. And, to me, drivers are more annoying and have more agro towards cyclists than the other way round.

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