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Should we bring back hanging?

Asa Bear

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This happened only yards from my home. I have two boys aged 14 (Saturday) & 15 years and it has truly shocked us all. I have just come back to bed after settling my youngest after nightmares I'm sure are connected to this.


Things like this excuse of a man offer nothing to our society. Why should they be allowed to live?

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I used to be in favour of capital punishment but not any more. Too many miscarriages of justice for my liking. Whilst being wrongly imprisoned must be horrendous at least it can be reversed whereas if you are dead you are dead. I know there are cases where it seems to be an open or shut case but what about cases that are borderline? What about cases where these has been a stitch up (don’t tell me they don’t happen)?


That said prison sentences do need to be longer.



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I totally agree with capital punishment where the proof is 100% but thats the problem, so many times people have been wrongly accused and jailed only to find the real culprit some years later.


Can you you imagine one of your family members being accused of a crime and you know they are innocent but they given the death sentence and there is nothing you can do.



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I agree with capital punishment, but you can get the wrong person, so I don't know if it should be brought back just yet. I'm not sure if our technology is advanced enough yet to prove beyond doubt the guilt or innocence of a person. If not, I'd like to wait a bit before bringing back capital punishment.


I do not believe the "we're as bad as the murderers" argument. The difference is that murder victims are usually innocent. When the time comes that we can prove beyond doubt guilt or innocence of a suspect, capital punishment would be a perfectly acceptable form of punishment.


In the meantime, prison sentences should be made much tougher. Make them longer and introduce some form of labour as part of it.

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Anyone that can kill another person outside of legitimate warfare doesn't deserve to live. But that said, I'm glad PW members aren't responsible for laws in this country. I certainly wouldn't want them as my jury. I'm not qualified to say whether capital punishment should exist, no-one here is.

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I think capital punishment should be used in specific proven cases such as the Yorkshire Ripper, Ian Huntley and so on, but it is a dangerous weapon to use for the reasons stated above.

However, can anyone say there are LESS sex cases and murders since CP was abolished? And can anyone say keeping these people alive has any benefit on society whatsoever?

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Can somebody explain how capital punishment makes sense?


I would rather be killed quickly than be in prison for rest of my life, A lot quicker.

cost? death Penalty costs more in the US than prison time: http://www.deathpena...s-death-penalty


Punishment? Again, Rather be killed quickly than spend x amount of years locked up. Easy way out.

Edited by gazzthompson
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I think capital punishment should be used in specific proven cases such as the Yorkshire Ripper, Ian Huntley and so on, but it is a dangerous weapon to use for the reasons stated above.

However, can anyone say there are LESS sex cases and murders since CP was abolished? And can anyone say keeping these people alive has any benefit on society whatsoever?


My sentiments also - when guilt is certain 'an eye for an eye' should apply. I very much object to paying to keep such evil people alive. Then, of course, there are the victims families, what 'rights' do they have and their 'sentence' is 'life' without remission or parole.

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I'm against it on several levels. For one its a poor punishment, the shortest sentence. I have no problem with an eye for an eye, or with punishment over rehabilitation, but death is often a let off. Many killers try to kill themselves when caught and imprisoned rather than spend the rest of their lives confronting the enormity of their crimes. That is reason enough to keep them alive.

Secondly the question of wrong convictions and the thorny problem of mental responibility. If someone commits a terrible crime because they are insane they should not be executed. This is an area that will be bedevilled by mistakes as happens constantly in the US.

Thirdly, I cannot stomach the thought of the state, through the judiciary, holding power of life and death over its citizens, especially when we are not a sovereign nation but governed by the EU Commission, even if the EU permitted capital punishment.


But, if we leave they EU, restore sovereignty to parliament and remove ourselves from the ECHR, there's no reason why it could not be put to referendum, but I would vote against.

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Once upon a time i would have said yes... but these days i would have to say no.... I would like to see prison life a little harder though.... a single 6ft 6" x 4ft cell..

no television, no communication with other prisoners... just a hell hole to serve the time...

i know of a guy doing 19 years for murder and there was no body found and not only does he have his own cell/room with shower and food facilities he has a phone line too.... how soft is that

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Anyone that can kill another person outside of legitimate warfare doesn't deserve to live. But that said, I'm glad PW members aren't responsible for laws in this country. I certainly wouldn't want them as my jury. I'm not qualified to say whether capital punishment should exist, no-one here is.

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No, why should they have the easy way out, and an innocent person could be killed.

But bring back the Birch, and as been said make prisons back into prisons, along the lines of "Porridge" no tvs, radios etc, no gyms, minimal heating, and life to mean life, no more choices of meals they get what they're given or go without

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