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Bullet boys 4 foxes last night


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Thanks Terry for putting pic up of a most amazing and memorable night.


I arrived at the Farm about 9:15pm and saw the Farmer straight away as he was eager to see what was on the baited area.I also took up a Gen 1 Monocular so he could look through and i of course had my Archer Gen 3 NV Add-on unit.

Now most of you know he puts up a bale of straw for me to rest my rifle on and i gotta say it is really good and the right height for me to shoot.

We looked out onto the field and after watching an Owl hunting for say 10 minutes,saw a Fox trotting into the field.He walked up so far and just stopped face on in the middle of the field approx 120 yards away.I took aim and Bang-he ran off-Blast!!I had clearly missed!The Farmer gave me a bottle of JD for Christmas and after that miss i said to him sheepishly i had better give that JD back to you!lol

After i would say 10 minutes i could see another Fox working his way from the Forestry down to the field where we were and doubts start running through your mind-is the scope off zero,am i gonna miss this next opportunity!The Fox came straight onto the baited area but i could only see the top part of his back as he was behind a slight brow.As i kept watching him for about 10 minutes trying to get a better shot opportunity i suddenly saw a Rabbit running for its life straight towards us.He was being chased by another Fox and i managed to slow him down i flicked the safety off and number 1 was down approx 70 yards away-Thank goodness for that i thought!

The other Fox was still feasting on the baited area 135 yards away and after i would say about 15 minutes he was off as he'd had a good feed so i quickly lip-squeaked and he stopped enough for me to send a Norma 50 gr V-Max bullet his way!!Number 2 was in the bag and it was the first time i had ever had a double!

The Farmer then said its only 11:15pm we'll go and have a cuppa and come back out a little later.After about 30 minutes we made our way to our Shooting position.I would say it took no more than 5 minutes and the next Fox was working his way to the foodstore.I suddenly noticed that the Fox had thought something was wrong,maybe he smelled the death of his mates and the Farmer whispered when you got chance to shoot,shoot.I also lip-squeaked this one and Bang-number 3 was down!

The Farmer said jokingly im sick of walking into this field tonight!lol

Within i would say 15 minutes Fox,which was gonna be the Archer's 4th Victim was entering the Field to my right and after he was mooching about i managed to hit him in the engine room at 150 yards and probably was the best shot of the night!The Farmer was laughing loudly at this point and started me off.

I have never ever experienced a night like this ever before.My best was only 1 Fox a night before so to have 4 this night smashed all records!

This Archer Gen 3 NV unit has been a revelation to my shooting.I now enjoy my shooting more than ever with NV and would NOT be without it now.

All i can say i am so fortunate to have this Archer and its another string to my Bow!

Edited by bullet boy
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Excellent stuff Mark,shame about the 1st Fox as it may have been 5.

Who knows,you may have got him later anyway,time will tell....that's the trouble with good NV,you will run out of Foxes soon.

Once again,well done :good:


Well Jeff i really have to thank you and Terry(Eccles)for convincing me to purchase this Archer.It is INCREDIBLE!

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That's 4 more to the Charlie tally

Some lovely looking foxes there mate, well done

How much do the archers cost ??

Thanks mate.

The Archer starts at £1669.It is a lot of money yes but if you can afford it and are after very good NV then i cant recommend this unit enough.

Ask grasshopper or Eccles on here and they will back me up on what i say about them!

For more info check out www.starlightnv.co.uk

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All depends where you are we have one site where the last two visits with the archer have produced 3 each time and over 30 since March and we actually are hoping we run out shortly doesn't seem to happen though. Nice shooting though bullet boy 150 is a long way with night vision whatever anyone says, I've had a couple at that range now and its always very nice to hear them connect, for a stealthy approach you just can't beat the archers far better than trying to shoot them on tv which is the alternative.

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Bullet Boy, don't sound so surprized that you did so well in shooting four foxes. You have all of the kit, you are keen, you obviously shoot well and there are plenty of foxes to deal with. I do not doubt that you will get more than four in one night in the future.

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Bullet Boy, don't sound so surprized that you did so well in shooting four foxes. You have all of the kit, you are keen, you obviously shoot well and there are plenty of foxes to deal with. I do not doubt that you will get more than four in one night in the future.


Thankyou bud.

I am surprised cos nothing like this has ever happened to me before.

They seemed to be coming out of the Woodwork!I have told the Farmer that im not only helping him with these Foxes but with all the other Farmers around too.


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