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Long Wet Day But A Good One.


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Delivered a few bottles yesterday and on one place found it absolutely grey with geese so planned for this morning to try and deek them back in.They were working three park,two stubble and one nay completely cut yet and with a fine big deep ditch as a march it was pretty ideal.

Alarm was off at 0630 and by the time the old fella came 15 minutes later the flask was ready and everything except the decoys were loaded up.Had to make a detour to the MILs to pick them up and managed to jam in around 60 into the Jeep and then headed to the farm.A fair bit rain through the night and also pretty steady when we got there and aboot 100 yards into the first field we came to a standstill and was going no further with the motor,so Mac took the steering wheel and we managed to move it slowly back to the gate but unloaded everything first.Still pitch dark but geese were already trying to land and it was a long carry of around 600 yards with all the gear before we could set up.Mac and the old fella set the decoys and i put the hide poles and nets up and with the amount of geese cutting aboot it was a pretty rush job.Hadnt been in the hide 5 minutes when we got the first shots off resulting in 4 pinks doon,and Mac getting his first goose with the 20.Unbelieveable amount of geese in the 3 hours we were there,and it was one of those flights when you could have had 50 geese easy but we downed 9 and was delighted with that.First time Mac has experienced this amount and theres always something special when surrounded by them and their sheer volume of noise when diving in to the decoys.Wee Jake also retrieved his first goose which was a bonus and unexpected with the size.

After dropping the decoys off we had a wee drive of 10 miles for a walk hopefully for a couple of pheasants.The rain was more a sleet/snow now and nay too pleasant going especially with the strong wind but still better than sitting in the hoose all day.Managed 6,and no easy shots really as they were getting their tails in wind,gaining height and motoring.Highlight was when we dropped a cock and a hen,and with Rab getting the cock i tried Jake oot to the hen which was a runner and had dropped around 60 yards into the ploughing.He sat and watched her drop and on command he went straight onto her and took her back nay probs.First proper retrieve of that kind and was spot on.

After grabbing a coffee we headed away to a wee pond where we shot last in November but feed it pretty heavy and theres always good signs of ducks.Left it a bit late and as we were walking over 4 mallard were already circling,and when they came right over us the 4 shots from the old fella and i resulted in not a feather touched,and they were pretty easy birds.We got settled in hoping that wasnt the only chance but for the next half hour at least 50,a mixture of mallard and teal,gave us some cracking shooting including 2 doon to Mac.Unfortunately one of the teal glided into the burn and we never found,but still had a top bag of 4 mallard and 4 teal which for a wee splash is superb.A lot of the flooded bits have dried up lately so the permanant bits like this are being used more.

All in a superb day with great company once again.Rabs in the kitchen hardly able to open his eyes and even Jakes batteries are low and we would be lost withoot them.



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Great sport again. I am sure you are delighted with the pup getting it's first retrieves.


Cheers for all the comments fella.

Chuffed with the pup all round at the moment Ollie.Started puting more time in with him and hard to fault him at the moment.Obviously early days but hes pretty sharp so heres hoping.


Anither guid day Loon :good: Try Smoking some o the Goose Breasts :drool: :drool: :drool:


Have them all breasted and freezered Tam.Remember that anes you took to Fife and the were damned taste right enough.


Great write up and stunning photos as always Dave, well done mate. But fancy making the wee lad carry those two bags of decoys on his own (8th photo down), were you on strike you big bully! :lol: :lol: :lol:


Cheers Pete.I had three runs to make and give Mac his due he made two and was absolutely knackered with all the carrying,but he was chuffed with his first goose.


Spot on gaj,bet the lad was made up shooting his first goose,I remember my first goose oot wi ma old man wi the wee 20 bore!


Cheers fella.Find it hard to believe you can remember 50 years ago but ill take your word for it.Aye,hes fair chuffed with the goose,and so am i.


great pics and write up mate, :good: that operation of posting pics and write up would have taken me 3 weeks to sort. :lol:


Ta fella.Doesnt take that long really,well the pics anyway.The writings a pain in the farter right enough.


wicked dave. i was watching your rab on youtube last night hes a goodun


Cheers fella.The wee dug has a fair bit to live up to but heres hoping he learns from Rab.

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Cracking read as usual fella................


Three generations of youse out together,it don't get much better than that. :good:


Ta fella,and right enough with the three generation thing.Make the most of it when we all still can.


HI sako,


thank you for the interesting thread and the wonderful pictures !


May I asked what decoys you have used ?


Cheers fella.They are a mixture and some are 20ish years old but still do the job.A mixture of shells and full bodied,around 110 altogether and they do the job spot most of the time.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Cheers fella.They are a mixture and some are 20ish years old but still do the job.A mixture of shells and full bodied,around 110 altogether and they do the job spot most of the time.


Wow, 110 decs and some of them are 20 and more years old ! Sounds very interesting ! Good hunting with them ;-)

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