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both eyes open or one closed


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No need to get it checked - easily done yourself. Hold both hands together to make a small aperture between them, look through it at a point 20ft or so away and then slowly move your hands towards your face until they touch it whilst keeping looking at the point you picked, which ever eye your hands end up over is your master eye.


I shoot shotgun, rifle and bow all from my right shoulder with my left eye closed as I am left eye dominant. Doesn't really put me at a disadvantage and I can hold my own in all disciplines.

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seems like iam deffo right eye dominant :good: i have leernt something new today top tip fella

No need to get it checked - easily done yourself. Hold both hands together to make a small aperture between them, look through it at a point 20ft or so away and then slowly move your hands towards your face until they touch it whilst keeping looking at the point you picked, which ever eye your hands end up over is your master eye.


I shoot shotgun, rifle and bow all from my right shoulder with my left eye closed as I am left eye dominant. Doesn't really put me at a disadvantage and I can hold my own in all disciplines.


iam deffo right eye dominant i have learnt something new today top tip fella :good:

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I used to shoot one eye closed as centrally dominant, was no good at close fast moving stuff.


Used a fiber optic bead so only my right eye can see it and learned to shoot both eyes open, scores took a real hit for a while but now higher than before.


Get eyes checked first then decide.



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I shoot from the left shoulder an squint my right eye before pulling the trigger , when I do the test it comes to my right eye or my left seems to change about a bit


Test is only a guide I am very left eye and shoot off the left shoulder because of it.


Go see a good coach Hedd you are just weird....

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I've been having this prob for a while allways shut my left eye but now my uncle takes me shooting who is a coach I've learnt to use both eyes I have a tiny patch of scotch tape the size of a small pee it helps my right eye take over so now I look down the top of the gun instead of seeing the side of the gun



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