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Stealth nets


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I watched a video of two people shooting over spring drillings today. They were 'hidden' behind a stealth net. They could not work out why the birds were flaring away 50m from the hide, When the video camera panned round onto the two shooters behind their stealth net all was clear to me. They were very visible indeed. I would only use one in conjunction with other nets to give better coverage.

Edited by JDog
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I watched a video of two people shooting over spring drillings today. They were 'hidden' behind a stealth net. They could not work out why the birds were flaring away 50m from the hide, When the video camera panned round onto the two shooters behing their stealth net all was clear to me. They were very visible indeed. I would only use one in conjunction with other nets to give better coverage.

what's the link to vid

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didnt ocure to them that a man bounceing up and down with a camera next to them wouldnt help :no:


used one of these last year for first time there very light and great if you have a good back drop but when headges start to thin out you will need to double up on net


i then use a cut down army neet just 2 3rds of way up so you can still see over top and i put this on inside thats my prefrance

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For what it's worth I just use a stealth net in front as it gives such brilliant visibility over the decoy pattern and don't have a problem.


However to caveat that I use a standard net behind me to break my silhouette and full camo inside and make sure I keep still when a bird approaches.


Stealth nets are like most things, use them correctly and they work but wrongly and it's useless.

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Hide building is about as good as the shooting :lol:



i was thinking exactly the same thing :good:


that net there using isn,t the original stealth net its a cheaper copy, i bought the original one when they first came on the market about 10 years ago and still using it to this day, at times you do need to put a bit of foilage on it or another net to back it up but with a good background use it on its own especially in summer

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I wouldn't get many shots round here if my hides were as badly built as those erected by the Irish boys. Do they think that because they are wearing cammo gear and face masks that they are invisible behind that thin net?

To be totally fair to them, the pigeons seem to be coming in ok without seeing them, so that's really all that matters.

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