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pigeons on rape


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Well not had many days out lately due to the weather so i phoned a keeper pal on friday to ask i he had any pigeons going about yup loads was his answer so told him i would be down first thing on saturday morning .

Got up at 6.30 am to a blizzard and by 7.30 we had about 2 inches of snow i loaded the truck and took my pup eith me as i wanted to get here used to sitting in a hide as she is now 9 months and is very keen i set of to the estate and about 5 moles from the house the snow had stopped by the time i got to the estate 10 miles away there was not a drop of snow to be seen .now the rape fields on this estate are all in one area 9 fields in total after looking round them i found about 500 birds feeding in the corner of a field out of the cold east wind .

I picked out a good flight line and set up in the hedge as i was putting out the last of the decoys birds were trying to drop in so i got in the hide with the the pup and before i could get the gun out the slip there were 10 pigeons in the pattern and i missed them all going out thirty minutes passed and only a few birds returned it just didnt feel right so i decided to move i had a field already picked before i had even packed up .the field has a long wood at one end but as tue wind was blowing i my face it was not going to be easy as there in now where else to set up on this field so i lugged all my kit up through the wood to the spot i had in mind i got set up and birds soon started to drop in over my head and onto the decoys whitch were 35 yards out in the field then the wind dropped away and the sun came out and it all slowed down with now just the odd bird showing up but i knew the pigeons like to sit up in the wood later in the day so stuck it out at two pm the were on the move again and very keen to get into the pattern birds were now coming from my left and right and over my head from behind me it was great shooting then about four pm it just went dead not a bird in the air GUTTED so i packed up and let the pup have a run out to see what she could do she showed great intrest through out the day and worked well when i put her onto a few pigeons that had fallen 30 or so yard out past the pattern well happy with her and think she will come on leaps and bounds the more she goes out overall her behavoiur in the hide was very good with just the odd attempt to run out through the hide lol

Sorry having a blonde moment there chaps finnished with 64 and 5 lost in woods









Edited by cocker3
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Well done on a good bag, sounds like the pup did well.

Thanks fella yeh i was well chuffed with the pup she seems very steady and has a very good nose on her

Great bag, and a nice looking pup :good:

Thanks buddy

Well done, good report too!

Thanks buddy

Well done cocker3 and pup.

Thanks buddy

Well done that man! I spent 3 hours out yesterday for two birds! Gutted as all week there's been birds in and out ....... Up to the day I get there!

yeh we have all had those sort of days thanks buddy
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lol my jack russell bitch has always done it. never found a solution. i used to just re turf the patches but give up in the end.

tell her she buys the turf she will soon pack it in. :lol:

thanks fella yeh the lawn is trashed what with bitches peeing on it anyone got any ideas how i can stop the wife doing it lol

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Bet you enjoyed getting those. :good:

I did buddy but enjoyed just being out with the dog more

lol my jack russell bitch has always done it. never found a solution. i used to just re turf the patches but give up in the end.

tell her she buys the turf she will soon pack it in. :lol:

Haha must try that see if i can get her to lay the turf aswell lol

Cracking bag fella.......well done :good:

Thanks mark

Good day gaji & nice looking dog :good:

thanks tam



Tomato sauce in a bitches food will stop grass staining.

never knew that pity the wife doesnt like tomato sauce lol will give it a go thanks buddy
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the rape is invisable on that field poor crop :yes:

top marks fella good effort :good:

thanks buddy the rape round here is really poor most of it was direct sown and just never seemed to take on another farm i shoot they are going to resow four rape fields with spring barley leaving only one rape field
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Well done, never had any luck on rape! I know it seems unbelievable but the dog rocks you can buy from pets at home really do work! We used them last summer and the grass looked good, had to take them out when the pup decided they were fun to fish for and now the lawn is trashed again :(

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