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No wonder people don't eat game!

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My friends have asked me to do them some game terrines for their wedding reception, but unfortunately i havent been able to get out much at all. So today I went to a couple of butchers to get a few pigeons a couple of rabbits and a pheasant. Nowhere had much, but the butcher that had rabbits was charging just over £7 a rabbit!!!! and the other place a brace of pheasants for £6!!! I couldnt believe it. I should have put the call out to the PW massive last week

But how are non shooters ever going to get into eating game? Personally I think butchers could make a good margin on game, and still keep prices low. And if they had a few game recipe tasters out so people could realise that its actually very tasty it would start to sell. But then i dont know much about butchery profits.

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My friends have asked me to do them some game terrines for their wedding reception, but unfortunately i havent been able to get out much at all. So today I went to a couple of butchers to get a few pigeons a couple of rabbits and a pheasant. Nowhere had much, but the butcher that had rabbits was charging just over £7 a rabbit!!!! and the other place a brace of pheasants for £6!!! I couldnt believe it. I should have put the call out to the PW massive last week

But how are non shooters ever going to get into eating game? Personally I think butchers could make a good margin on game, and still keep prices low. And if they had a few game recipe tasters out so people could realise that its actually very tasty it woulcould have come out with me and shoptd start to sell. But then i dont know much about butchery profits.

could have come out with me and shot your own :yes: :yes:

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£7 a rabbit :exclamation:


I am off out tonight (weather permitting ) and i expect to get about 50.......


Anyone know a game dealer round these parts £££££

if there are plenty about in your area then they would be a lot cheaper in the shops round here there is a shortage hence the dearer prices and i guess where the op lives there is probably a shortage there



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if there are plenty about in your area then they would be a lot cheaper in the shops round here there is a shortage hence the dearer prices and i guess where the op lives there is probably a shortage there



...... and whichever way you want to look at it numbers are down round here as well this year! Lots of people asking me for rabbits but very few to be had!


It's been the quietest year I can remember!

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There are places with none round here but a new place i have been asked to clear has LOT'S


In 2 hours last week i got 33 and i must have seen over a hundred. So the plan is tonight to spend 5 or 6 hours at them and really make a difference to their ranks.

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where are they farmed for meat?


I have never heard of that. What would be the cost of producing an adult, farmed pheasant for the table? It costs several pounds to produce an organic chicken, which makes them what - £10-£15 quid in the shops? So, you'd have to produce an adult pheasant for pence to make it worthwhile selling them for £6 a brace.

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Was about to say how dear that was for pheasants, But when u think ur buying 6 week old poults at aroud the £3.50ish so paying £6 for a brace of adults is actually cheap, althou it doesn't sound very cheap compared to the rates game dealers pay for pheasants throu the season, althou i have never heard of people farmer pheasants for meat either

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where are they farmed for meat?

A site on the Ascot/Virginia Waters border is one I know, and who knows where else, except abroad of course, plenty of the supermarkets sell them out of season, shop around and you will be able to find them all year round. http://www.blackface.co.uk/game_and_venison.asp sell them and offer to source out of season, a search of the web will no doubt find more suppliers.



But it seems the ones referred to here in the OP were frozen!

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I have never heard of that. What would be the cost of producing an adult, farmed pheasant for the table? It costs several pounds to produce an organic chicken, which makes them what - £10-£15 quid in the shops? So, you'd have to produce an adult pheasant for pence to make it worthwhile selling them for £6 a brace.


I can't see it, its one thing freezing them for months and selling out of season but quite another to rear for meat, if it was viable surely the perfect choice would be to simply buy up ex layers and do them

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A site on the Ascot/Virginia Waters border is one I know, and who knows where else, except abroad of course, plenty of the supermarkets sell them out of season, shop around and you will be able to find them all year round. http://www.blackface.co.uk/game_and_venison.asp sell them and offer to source out of season, a search of the web will no doubt find more suppliers.



But it seems the ones referred to here in the OP were frozen!


I can't find anywhere that claims to farm pheasants for the table. And I'm assuming that the reason for this is because the economics don't make sense (to me anyway). There is a ready and abundant supply of cheap pheasants (a few pence for a dealer to buy) during the season that can be processed and frozen for later supply at any time of the year. The money has already been made by the estate in the shoooting of the birds. Indeed, this is exactly what happens with the company you linked above.


I can't undestand why a dealer would want to buy farmed pheasant at a cost of several pounds each rather than freeze pheasants at a few pence each. And I'm actually a little worried if you are correct, as it has potential consequences to game shooting which is mainly what I do.

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