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How to get rid of a wasps nest?

remy 700

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or wait till its dark and go up to it armed with ant powder cover the hole thing or the entrance in and out and within a couple of days they be all dead.

or just use mungs suggestion it may be the only good sport ya get this year

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Place a brick at the foot of the tree with the hollow of the brick uppermost.


Put some granulated sugar in the hollow of the brick.


Mix some ground black pepper in with the sugar.


When the wasps go to get the sugar thay will sneeze and smash their heads on the brick.


Sweep up dead wasps. :good:

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depending how big...wait until dark or raining quickly put a bag around it then cut it off with a bread knife...then its up to you want you want to do with it ?

That's what I did, then sprayed with fly spray, tied the bag up and put it in the bin.

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Just leave it alone, the wasps won't bother you or the kids if you don't bother them. Just educate the kids to ignore them.

Or you could roll up Vince's copy of the Guardian and smash them all :lol:


I'd go with a Hoover with a 20' nozzle and leave it on for an hour. Then go round someone's house you don't like, reverse the polarity on the Hoover and fill their house up with wasps through the letter box

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from a professional point of view,

either buy a can of wasp nest destroyer, spray nest at around 15ft


as already stated, wait till dark, get someone else to hold the torch away from you (unless moonlight enough) as wasp's attracted to white light

cut branch, into dustbin bag, seal and dump

or if your worried, call in a pestie (no I don't do call outs that far)

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the most 'humane way', if thats how people want to be with wasps, is to put a protective suit on, climb the tree, detach the nest into a bag, seal the bag and take down the woods and release. Most people still use old fashioned ways like spraying with dust poison, make sure it gets to the queen wasp. I got done on the face a couple of years ago about 5 times, and my lips went like a fish and i started to get breathless, i drove to the A&E and they rushed me straight onto a drip for a couple of hours.

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