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midge bites


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hello, i know a bit late on this post but i thought to say having some midge bites last week and come up in red sore patches even using a dab of repellent i reverted to my trusty pot of RED TIGER BALM and within a few days swelling down and skin nearly clear, well worth getting a pot, a far eastern remedy i bought many years ago but lots of UK chemists sell, need to wash hands very well after using,


Especially if you need to have a pee. You'll be screaming like a little girl otherwise... :lol:

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There aint no cure but as has been said various applications of creams & sprays etc work for some and not others. Skin so soft used to be the dogs dangles for me but does not seem to

work as well as in the past. What it does is put a layer of an oily lotion onto your skin wont keep them away but supposed to stop the blighters biting. I have been currently using Smidge and it is working for me so far. If you are static say around a tent or caravan then citronella candles will also help deter them slightly.

As for the after effects, then I would concur with the bite stick available at any chemist, it will take the initial nip out of the bite. The little blighters just love me and I am highly sensitive to horse flys & wasp stings. I used to take a course of peritin but recently when taking them found I had some dizzy & light headedness side effects.

Going over to Skye for a few days next month and I think I will just overload with Talisker or something similar.

I am getting itchy writing this and I am offshore at the moment.

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Fuciderm is the best I have found for dealing with insect bites, cuts, grazes, etc. You can get it from most pharmacies. It takes away the itching and inflammation almost straight away and you can apply it hours after the bite and it still works.


Regards repellents; we've used Skin so Soft for many years and never, ever been bitten in France, Cyprus and the UK while using it except for one instance when the mozzies just kept on coming. No idea why it didn't work on that one occasion. The pale greenish type bottle listed as 'Woodland Fresh' was the best, but we haven't bought any for years having stocked up before we left the UK. There is a new type that combines sun protection with insect repellent.

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