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Something thats really started to wind me up


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Had to get this off my chest and was wondering if anyone else has noticed an increase in this recently?


I was called into work to let one of our drivers in and had to fill up with fuel on the way back. I pulled into the station and onto a pump in front of a guy who was filling up his car as well no issues.

I noticed the station was a bit busier than usual as they had 4 pumps out and coned off and stood filling up the car watching the goings on.


At this point a Porsche 4x4 pulls up onto one of the far pumps from where I was, stopping at the back pump of the two a scooter being in front filling as well.

A blond then proceeds to unload two kids and head into the shop leaving the said 4x4 blocking a pump. I had finished filling by this time and went in to pay passing the blond heading for a shopping basket at this point I was thinking that's a bit inconsiderate blocking a pump to go shopping. So I paid and started to head back out to the car said blond at that point was not actually getting anything but appeared to be in an animated discussion with one of the sprogs on what crisps he wanted :oops: .


I headed for the car and saw that the scooter had long gone and said 4x4 was now blocking two pumps with a rather irate van driver stuck behind it waiting to get on the pump to fill. Looking back into the shop I noticed said blond was still in major discussions with the sprog over crisp related matters. At this point I felt obliged to tell the rather large van driver where the owner of said vehicle was at that moment in time :innocent: and headed home.


Due to the mileage I do I fill up quite a lot with fuel and this sort of thing seems to be on the rise. I never ever go to a pump unless I am getting fuel but regularly now see inconsiderate pillocks blocking off pumps with no intention of getting any fuel so they can peruse the selection of cakes/ food on sale. It makes my blood boil!


Ahhh feel better for that!



Atb Neil


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I increasingly find that people are selfish and have little or no manners.





The more I meet people, the more I like my dog.


I was waiting behind a bint filling up in a garage. She fills, disappears into the shop, emerges about 10 minutes later, walks around to the rear door, passenger side, opens door, delves into plastic bag, starts handing out drinks. Closes door, walks around to rear drivers side door, opens door, delves into bag, starts handing out drinks. Closes door, walks to boot, opens boot, takes off jacket, neatly folds jacket and places in boot, puts bag in boot, starts looking through bag, so far we're into 20 minutes, now normally I'd have driven around her or found another pump but as I was towing it was the only pump I could get to.

At this point my patience ran out and I lent on the horn and advised her that she could do all that faffing in the empty parking bays 20 yards away...or words to that effect. This, for some reason, seemed to surprise her somewhat.

God forbid I ever have more money than sense (although I have £6.50 so nearly there) because I'd have happily rammed her BMW into the shop, preferably with her inbetween.

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Living in a very rural area I can't say I've seen a lot of this, but a similar thing I find very annoying is people who can't be bothered to pull off the high street into a parking space but instead block a parking space while they go to the hole in the wall. They haven't blocked anyone in, but have prevented someone else from using that space as they are parked on the road in front of it. Meanwhile they have also caused a lane closure as their car is parked on the road.

Annoys the hell out of me.

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this winds me up more than anything i tow every day and and end up filling up twice a week maybe more sometimes and the ammout of bell hens that pull in off the road just enough to get there car off the road then sit and wait there for a pump to become available making traffic stream back and if they have done it in a worse place leaving people quing to block the road! why cant people just que ????? and then if you sound your horn to indicate that people are being forced to que back on the road they get all irate wheel spinning to the pump slaming doors and or having a go?? the ammount of time when ive been in the hilux with no chipper on the back ive just gone up the flower bed next to them and gone round them! just makes my blood boil!

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Most petrol stations in the South are now Rain Forest Cafes or Marks and Spencers Food or Waitrose too.


The planners don't provide enough non-petrol spaces so it's gonna happen. The management aren't going to discourage it either because if people are made to move they will lose sales. I wouldn't re-park after paying for fuel then go back in for shopping.

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Most petrol stations in the South are now Rain Forest Cafes or Marks and Spencers Food or Waitrose too.


The planners don't provide enough non-petrol spaces so it's gonna happen. The management aren't going to discourage it either because if people are made to move they will lose sales. I wouldn't re-park after paying for fuel then go back in for shopping.


They would be happier if there were no pumps (not like they make real money on fuel)

Edited by HDAV
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The procedure I follow at busy times is! Pull up and fuel up, pull forward and park near the shop THEN pay! This allows the guy or gal behind to access the pump whilst I am paying.


Yeah, that's all fine if you can find a space to pull in to.

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Couple of years back getting gas at asda (I know but I was on fumes) two cars at adjacent x lane pumps were in front. The story goes like this.


Wife or GF gets out and gets key to petrol cap from husband or BF, opens petrol cap and gives key back. She then fills up while other person is filling up his car.


When done she goes back to partner to get key to lock filler cap, she then gives the key back and checks in car for something. Gets our and goes back to partner for bank card. Drives to kiosk and pays, meanwhile he has filled up and drive to next kiosk and pays with his card.


Meanwhile I've put my £20 worth in and am waiting to pay, he completes sale gets into car and drives away............noooo nowt so simple. This asda has a single lane exit which they have managed to squeeze their two cars into. By then I have paid and ready to leave when I come across this.


Enough is enough long blast on hooter followed by a string of invectives inviting them to get sterilised as dumb donkey numpties like them should not be allowed to breed. Followed by if they did not get out of my way PDQ I would ram their freaking cars off the road.


They pulled away sharpish but parked in a bus stop pull in and started to swap things about again, to say the bus driver was not a happy bunny is an understatement + plus Mrs S commented "didn't know you knew all those words"


Still don't understand what all that excreta was about.

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