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bare feet on the house carpet


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Its a strange post I know, but how do people on here feel about people walking about the house in bare feet? I cant stand it, I sometimes have people round and they turn up in sandals and think its ok to walk about barefoot. I wouldn't dream of doing it in someones house, my reasons are for hygiene and also i really don't like the look of other peoples naked feet.


I think socks as a minimum should be worn, or just let people keep their shoes on.





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I hate visiting people's houses where they want you to remove your shoes before entering. I suppose it's understandable if people have crawling toddlers about and you have dirt on your shoes but otherwise not.

yeh, I like people to keep their shoes on, but they just think that summer means sandals and no socks and they just kick em off and walk over the carpet. I have in-laws that do it and it does my head in, thoughtless and sloppy springs to mind.

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I don't get why people insist on you taking your shoes off. If the carpet is so precious - hang it on the bloody wall!

I called in at my sisters once after visiting a scrapyard,


Once she came down off the ceiling I was told in no uncertain terms to take my oily shoes off


It did leave a bit of a mess but in my defense I couldn't see the oil, it was underneath my shoe



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I insist folk keep their shoes on in my gaff. Its all bare wood as carpets would get slaughtered by the dogs (who embrace the ditches) and me in and out with filthy footwear. The floor is grim but i don't cavort naked on it so its acceptable.


In my old place it was carpeted with pukka rug throughout and it was shoes off at the door. I even made the fuzz do it when they popped round and they respected my rules. I didnt want dog ****, oil and general grime from the street on my floor. Bare feet are a no- no. I doubt bare feet aficionados would like me to sit on their sofa bare ***** so why should i let them walk on my carpet bare footed.

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Shoes off in the porch, once through the second door, socks off almost straight after. I have sandals at the front and back door incase i need to nip outside quickly.


Its good to get fresh air to your feet. I dont have anything wrong with my feet, they don't smell or look vulgar, so no need to hide them in socks 24/7

Edited by Malik
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I have a chemical shower and anti-lice dust bath installed at our front door and everyone MUST go through before entering. Then it's face mask, gloves and rubber booties time because there are germs everywhere and they want to kill me. I don't get many visitors.

That just made my day. I wish my biggest worry in life was whether a visitor was wearing shoes or not !!!

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I don't let people wearing sandals in my house anyway.

That's the most sensible comment so far. Some just need to get out more and others well I've been in some rough houses including farmers ones where they wore weeklies inside, including on the carpet and upstairs. That was a whole new low to slothenly living but otherwise we are reasonably house proud. Dogs and shoes in the tiled areas and shoes off upstairs, its common sense unless you either have or want trashed carpets

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