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How to you tell if a neighbour is dealing in drugs?


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If the OP has a word and then something happens, the lad will assume that the OP has informed on him. It will be too late to protest innocence - that point would have been passed.


As for those who think it is harmless, a bit of weed etc. - I truly pity you. Uninformed, deluded and not fit to be anywhere near firearms.

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If the OP has a word and then something happens, the lad will assume that the OP has informed on him. It will be too late to protest innocence - that point would have been passed.


As for those who think it is harmless, a bit of weed etc. - I truly pity you. Uninformed, deluded and not fit to be anywhere near firearms.


Excellent post. :good:


Grass him up to the rozzers are let them decide what to do with the evidence.

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You tolerate drugs and they end up causing someones death usually. I'd video it, note times as mentioned and anonymously drop the package of info off at the local station.

They will check first, maybe use a plant but drugs only end one way and tolerating them is something I couldnt and havent done.

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You tolerate drugs and they end up causing someones death usually. I'd video it, note times as mentioned and anonymously drop the package of info off at the local station.

They will check first, maybe use a plant but drugs only end one way and tolerating them is something I couldnt and havent done.

Nobody is saying tollerate it, just don't overreact and criminalise an otherwise good kid. Assuming he is indeed selling drugs then have a word with him, or his parentns and give him a chance to clean up his act, let him know that everyone is talking about it and it is only a matter of time before the police get a call.


Life is not black and white and there is as much difference between selling a small amount of weed to selling a kilo of heroin as there is between going 40 in a 30 zone and doing 100, drunk driving on a pavement.


As for drugs only ending is death, well if that was true there would be very few people in the UK.

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I've seen some slightly odd actions from a young neighbour that concern me........


What is key is that he is a school kid of about 16.


At odd times, sometimes late at night, other lads appear usually on foot or bicycle, hands touch and something small changes hands. I cannot see what it is, money or small packets. It is all pre-arranged as the lad is at the front door waiting, the "visitors" never go into the house.


The lad is actually very nice usually, he does a bit of baby-sitting for some local families, some being friends. He is always polite, keeps himself neat and tidy, helps some other neighbours sometimes. Seems like a decent kid.


So I don't want to make any false accusations or for it to back-fire on me; Nor a false accusation this gets marked up on his records.


I have no facts or evidence - just an observation of odd behaviour.


I need to live with the family as a neighbour, what ever happens, hence my dilemma.


I am not the only person who has spotted this odd behaviour.


However, if he is selling drugs, he needs to be dealt with through the proper channels - police and school etc.


Any thoughts?


If you have noticed people coming and going to the address at various times of the day for short period of times and something small being exchanged between them then I would say this is a good indication of drug dealing.


At his age he is likely to be a small time dealer supplying cannabis to his mates etc. However cannabis is normally the stepping stone to more serious drugs.


I would advice you to contact your local police force and share your concerns with them, they will carry out intelligence checks on him and your info may form part of an already growing picture of this persons activities.


If you are concerned about giving your details then you can report it anonymously to crimestoppers on 0800 555 111

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I can't believe the amount of angels on here who have never done anything wrong in their lives! How many of you, when you were a kid did something wrong and were lucky enough to be dealt with by the person rather than the Police and possibly ending up with a criminal record and ruining your life?


Maybe it wasn't drugs? Maybe you shot the Neighbours aerial with your air rifle and were lucky enough to get a rollicking or thick ear from the Neighbour instead of a criminal record for criminal damage?(this is an example before anyone starts saying you wouldn't get done for this etc etc)


We have been told that the boy is a decent lad (a rarity nowadays) so why not give him a break and speak to him direct instead of possibly getting him a criminal record and if so probably sending him down the career criminal/dealer route.

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Nobody is saying tollerate it, just don't overreact and criminalise an otherwise good kid. Assuming he is indeed selling drugs then have a word with him, or his parentns and give him a chance to clean up his act, let him know that everyone is talking about it and it is only a matter of time before the police get a call.


Life is not black and white and there is as much difference between selling a small amount of weed to selling a kilo of heroin as there is between going 40 in a 30 zone and doing 100, drunk driving on a pavement.


As for drugs only ending is death, well if that was true there would be very few people in the UK.

Sorry we will have to disagree - I cannot see your point of view - tell me though how is he "an otherwise good kid". Not your children getting their stuff from him then?

Just so you know, if it was my child, I'd tell the police because its illegal, its wrong and its immoral - if proven.

There is right and there is wrong - sorry but I dont deal in grey when legality comes into it.

Edited by Kes
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Sorry we will have to disagree - I cannot see your point of view - tell me though how is he "an otherwise good kid". Not your children getting their stuff from him then?

Just so you know, if it was my child, I'd tell the police because its illegal, its wrong and its immoral - if proven.

There is right and there is wrong - sorry but I dont deal in grey when legality comes into it.

The op said he was a decent kid that helps out neighbours etc.


The legal system is also full of grey areas, that's why lawyers exist.

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To all the people who said call the Police.


Do you have kids? If yes would you call the Police if it was your kid or would you speak to him or her?

That's exactly the route I took when questioning it. Let's assume it's a small amount of weed to friends (for the record in my book it might as well be heroin... I despise the stuff and the fact people think its harmless even more). Getting the police involved could lead to a criminal record, failure to get into higher education, difficulty getting into a particular trade and a very different route through life than he wanted.


Now, as a parent the thought of my lad finding himself at the long end of his 30's feeling like he missed his dream is sickening. What would have happened if instead of the police getting involved his parents did?


If someone came to me and said, "Your son is skating on thin ice because of x y z", I would thank them for their discretion and make sure, either by strong word or hard slap, that he stayed on the straight and narrow.


If you aren't experiencing any issues as a result of what you see going on why jeopardise this lad's future when you could play a part in setting him on the straight and narrow.


I feel this is a reflection of my views of society as a whole. I disagree with the Nanny State, I believe education is the key to success and that we need tougher sentencing for repeat offenders.


If he was a horrible little ******, running around vandalising the street and his customers were threatening or abusive by all means, get the police in to clean it up, he is anti-social.


In this case though, why push this young lad towards the legal system when a quick word with him or his old man may end the issue and put him on a more positive route through life... more positive for society as a whole I might add... and cheaper for the tax payer.

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Don't listen to all that rubbish about weed being the route of all evil. Our governments have done a fantastic job of fooling the masses into believing that one of the most useful plants on our planet is poison. It's their aim to keep the pharmaceutical companies raking in the dosh. Our laws have made many people suffer needlessly. Studies have shown that compounds found in cannabis can kill cancer cells....do they want you to know that ? As for the lad selling weed......at least he ain't out getting drunk and stamping on some random dudes head. Look at our towns and cities this weekend.....how many people will end up in A&E due to alcohol? How many from weed ? Have a guess ! Our government lies to us about most things, and yet most people are all too happy to accept their policy/ views on cannabis! Are we all really that stupid? Its a hugely beneficial plant...HEMP, strongest natural fibre around, planted in and around Chernobyl because its able to suck heavy metals and poisons out of the ground. WHY IS IT BANNED? Countries/ continents that would profit from it Africa, Afghanistan, India, Nepal,Pakistan, South America etc.....get the picture? The poor lot.

well I have been getting drunk for years and have yet to hurt a soul, you can stick dope where the sun doesn't shine, I know people who got into it and either became shadows of their selves, went on to heroin, topped themselves or just gave up on life. It's a drug that many cant handle yet think they can. People with strong constitutions have no problem, its the weaker ones that get the mental illness. etc.

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I can't quite comprehend why some people would go and have a word.


He might take note. Then again, he might tell you where to get off. His parents might tell you to mind your own business. They might also tell you that if the Police became involved, they would know where to start looking for the informant. They might tell his drug dealing friends, who might be less keen on someone having a word or even knowing about the dealings.


You need to think - cause and effect. If you are identified as sticking your nose in, you will attract the sort of attention you don't really want - and you still have to live next door to them.


Get real - phone the Police. All this garbage about - he seems a nice boy - we don't want to get him arrested - it might ruin his future - is just the sort of hand wringing rubbish that apologists come out with.


Report it. If he isn't doing anything - problem solved. If he is - he either quits doing it or faces the consequences. If he is old enough to deal drugs, he is old enough to face the punishment that goes with it.

Edited by Gordon R
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this thread has gone on and on and on typically the op must have some idea what to do ,as any knowledgeable person would .

do what you think is best for you and those around you,no doubt your mind has already been made up as mine would have been given the circumstances regardless of what anyone,s oppinion may be.

go with your heart and not the feet that tread it,,,,,its your call

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this thread has gone on and on and on typically the op must have some idea what to do ,as any knowledgeable person would .

do what you think is best for you and those around you,no doubt your mind has already been made up as mine would have been given the circumstances regardless of what anyone,s oppinion may be.

go with your heart and not the feet that tread it,,,,,its your call

Couldn't have put it better myself... after throwing in my opinion obviously!

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As for those who think it is harmless, a bit of weed etc. - I truly pity you. Uninformed, deluded and not fit to be anywhere near firearms.


That's your opinion and you're entitled to it, but I think you're wrong. Just because the law says something is bad doesn't mean we should all phone the police and lock ourselves in our cellars at the first whiff of a bit of weed.


I wouldn't class myself as uninformed or deluded. And as for my fitness to possess firearms, well if it was up to you I doubt 75% of this forum would have them. We're not all perfect, but I can assure you that my opinion on the use of low class drugs does not in any way suggest that I'm likely to shoot the next bloke I disagree with.


By all means make your point, but perhaps consider how your opinions sound to other law abiding folk who just happen to think slightly differently to you. Insulting folk that you've never met isn't a great way to conduct yourself. :no:

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I think your confusing industrial hemp with THC producing cannabis.



No sir, I am well aware of the differences between the 2, I just added the bit about hemp being the strongest natural fibre as an extra point to illustrate yet another government ploy to poison the world against a very useful material. I should have pointed that out, but to be honest with you.........I was single finger typing on a touch screen tablet and was getting bored.


Hemp seeds are a great food source that are rich in amino acids...........the plant itself has so many uses that my poor finger would be bleeding should I attempt to type them all: Food, clothing, fuel, building material, lubricants, medicines........gotta stop typing and go to bed.


You are right.........Hemp and it's cousin Cannabis, Indica/ Sativa & Ruderalis ( the stuff that grows wild in places like Russia ) are all different, as is the Hybrid version known as Skunk ( in it's various incarnations ).


I do agree that the Hybrid Skunk of late does seem to have a weird affect.............That's due to the lack of balance between the many compounds that are contained in Cannabis ( lots of THC......not enough CBN. CBD etc )


Funny how our own government appointed expert on drugs, the aptly named professor Nutt, said that Cannabis was less harmful than alcohol..................they gave him the boot !!! Who would know the truth here? The guy that has done exhaustive studies into the effects of long term cannabis use.........or...............a politician ? Yet most believe the latter.


Not having a pop at anyone here..................just amazed at the level of misinformation still being pumped out !!! Kids aint stupid these days, they have access to all the results of the latest research..........lie to them.........you've lost the battle. :)

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well I have been getting drunk for years and have yet to hurt a soul, you can stick dope where the sun doesn't shine, I know people who got into it and either became shadows of their selves, went on to heroin, topped themselves or just gave up on life. It's a drug that many cant handle yet think they can. People with strong constitutions have no problem, its the weaker ones that get the mental illness. etc.

It's all very sad I know. I have lost many friends this way, an old mate died of an accidental overdose only 3 weeks ago.......so I do feel qualified to talk about this subject !! You are right that some people are adversely affected by it, but you need to look at the bigger picture..............the vast majority don't. I am a mental health professional, and I used to smoke weed many years ago.............I know countless people that had a toke now and then, some still do, some don't.!! You grow up.......get a job..........get a life..........have kids...........try and set a good example.........help others..........live a good life !!!


Other people, for whatever reason, go the other way and let substance abuse take over their entire lives...........so many factors lead to this outcome, people make choices in life, some good, some very bad..........you can't blame it all on weed!! How many people do you think have ended up on my ward as a direct result of cannabis use? compared to the amount of people who have ended up here via alcohol? Booze wins that one 20 fold my friend !!!!


Alcohol.............the legally and socially accepted duller of minds...............stick alcohol where the sun don't shine !!! World wide deaths from alcohol abuse ??? taxable poison, just like tobacco !!!!!


That's it for me on this one guys. A cracking debate as always on Pigeon Watch............I respect everybody here and their right to express their views. ATB


Peace and love dudes :)

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njc110381 - perhaps you should consider getting off your patronising soap box. Anti-shooting people might well point out your statement about 75% of the people on this forum and wonder just how well that reflects on shooting. Rather badly - but then again - did you consider that for a moment?
:whistling::whistling: :whistling:


It isn't just the law that says weed is not good - the effects on people's health say it is not good either. If you are tolerant of drugs - so be it. I think that you are rather silly, but that is my opinion.

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That's your opinion and you're entitled to it, but I think you're wrong. Just because the law says something is bad doesn't mean we should all phone the police and lock ourselves in our cellars at the first whiff of a bit of weed.


I wouldn't class myself as uninformed or deluded. And as for my fitness to possess firearms, well if it was up to you I doubt 75% of this forum would have them. We're not all perfect, but I can assure you that my opinion on the use of low class drugs does not in any way suggest that I'm likely to shoot the next bloke I disagree with.


By all means make your point, but perhaps consider how your opinions sound to other law abiding folk who just happen to think slightly differently to you. Insulting folk that you've never met isn't a great way to conduct yourself. :no:


That's exactly how I viewed Gordon's post! Thank you for posting ;-)

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loads of good advice on here.. keep a log of times and people going in and out ( i.e hight build rough age and car reg, also how long they spend in there venue) if they are spending excessive amounts of time in there have a wonder down wind and check for any odd smells ( clearly don't look to obvious ) the smells are a good indication on what there doing inside ( there may not be any strong smells about but this dosent mean your wrong ). only problem with calling the old bill these day is they are ether very slow to react or they will not show up unless its a know den!!!

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