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Salad days


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I could see Mrs Lynton by the gate as I strolled down the lane. She was in good condition for her age, so much so, I thought, that I'd had to force my attentions on her more than once. Anyhow, she was married to my best mate, Jack, and if you can't share with your mates, well, that's a poor job isn't it? Anyway, "Mrs Lynton" I yelled softly. Better keep it formal I thought. "How's Jack getting on?" I hadn't seen him for a while. "Not too good" she said. "He came home the other day and he reckoned I smelled of fish" she said..

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I could see Mrs Lynton by the gate as I strolled down the lane. She was in good condition for her age, so much so, I thought, that I'd had to force my attentions on her more than once. Anyhow, she was married to my best mate, Jack, and if you can't share with your mates, well, that's a poor job isn't it? Anyway, "Mrs Lynton" I yelled softly. Better keep it formal I thought. "How's Jack getting on?" I hadn't seen him for a while. "Not too good" she said. "He came home the other day and he reckoned I smelled of fish" she said..

is this some sort of confession :hmm::lol: BB

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However, it was only too well established in the nursery that

Clarence's veracity was on a par with his courage. When taxed with any misdemeanour, he used to look round scared and bewildered, and utter a flat demur. One scene in particular comes before me. There were strict laws against going into shops or buying dainties without express permission from mamma or nurse; but one day when Clarence had by some chance been sent out alone with the good natured housemaid, his fingers were found sticky.

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However, it was only too well established in the nursery that

Clarence's veracity was on a par with his courage. When taxed with any misdemeanour, he used to look round scared and bewildered, and utter a flat demur. One scene in particular comes before me. There were strict laws against going into shops or buying dainties without express permission from mamma or nurse; but one day when Clarence had by some chance been sent out alone with the good natured housemaid, his fingers were found sticky.

Heard of house maids knee, but fingers - now that a whole new story !

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However, it was only too well established in the nursery that

Clarence's veracity was on a par with his courage. When taxed with any misdemeanour, he used to look round scared and bewildered, and utter a flat demur. One scene in particular comes before me. There were strict laws against going into shops or buying dainties without express permission from mamma or nurse; but one day when Clarence had by some chance been sent out alone with the good natured housemaid, his fingers were found sticky.

too late in the day to think about this,, I get the jist he had been finger blasting the sweet trolley ;) Edited by delburt0
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With that, I hastened my pace, "can't stop now, see you later" I said. Off down to the pub for a quick vessel I thought, best keep my distance from Mrs Lynton for a while. Now the landlords daughter, she was eye candy if ever there was. Her father however, was a tower of a man, and if he was to know about our exploits I dread to think what he'd do. "Pint please Jenny" I said with a cheeky grin, she gave me a quick wink as she was pulling the pump..

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With that, I hastened my pace, "can't stop now, see you later" I said. Off down to the pub for a quick vessel I thought, best keep my distance from Mrs Lynton for a while. Now the landlords daughter, she was eye candy if ever there was. Her father however, was a tower of a man, and if he was to know about our exploits I dread to think what he'd do. "Pint please Jenny" I said with a cheeky grin, she gave me a quick wink as she was pulling the pump..

It's a good girl that gives you a wink whilst pulling your pump !

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