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How can people be so cruel?


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So i am just walking out of the fire escape with my brew to get some air on the night shift and look over to the canal when there's a young lad (not uncommon at 3 am) walking down, next thing i know splash so im thinking what have u just thrown in? Well i just wait a min and he clocks me watching turns and legs it..... So next second something pops up in the water and starts swimming the little **** has only gone and Thrown his rabbit in the soddin canal its bloody cold and windy here tonight and the little ****** is trying as hard as it can to climb out but the path is to high. Lucky on my side of the water is a grassy ledge but im around 10 ft above on a catwalk, so it decided it was going to try the other side so i climb down and have a look with my torch for a few mins and find the rabbit clinging on to the reeds catching its breath wet the the bone and didnt even care i was picking him up so brought him inside and dried him off by the heater and one of the other lads is taking him home as he has rabbits already


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Well I'm not sure about a good swimmer but he wouldn't of done bad in any sprints. I hope to see him again as I walk that canal to work and I will not be helping him out if he so happens to fall in. He will find himself getting out the other side as there won't be room on my side for him to climb out on.

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Well done for helping it out, I know we all shoot things , but despite what narrow minded anti's would like to believe - my experience with shooting folk is we don't like to see an animal unduly suffering , more so than the average man in the street . Someone sent me a link to an awful video of a couple of Syrians kicking a donkey off a cliff, the poor donkey was trying his best to hang on, all the while these filth were laughing. It made me want to unlesh unbridled violence on them.

Edited by pegasus bridge
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Well done for helping it out, I know we all shoot things , but despite what narrow minded anti's would like to believe - my experience with shooting folk is we don't like to see an animal unduly suffering , more so than the average man in the street . Someone sent me a link to an awful video of a couple of Syrians kicking a donkey off a cliff, the poor donkey was trying his best to hang on, all the while these filth were laughing. It made me want to unlesh unbridled violence on them.



I know, I often surprise myself with that one. Even though I might have killed thousands of bunnies I shouldn't ever let a creature die in such a way least of all a domestic one reared to trust people. Is it cowardess that makes people through live animals in the canal to drown or lack of knowledge on how to do the deed humanely?

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I think Pegasus Bridge has hit the nail on the head in his reply. Yes, as field hunters/vermin controllers most of us have no qualms about shooting and killing animals such as rabbits but we are not the heartless cruell cold blooded killers that many of the antis would want others to beleive we are, and we are not prepared to stand by and watch any animal (or person come to that) suffer needlessley! :no:

As for John's actions, well done that man. :good: I'm sure that he will find a little girl that would love that rabbit for a pet and take really great care of it! :yes:

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This story made me furious...well done to the op! The donkey story really upset me....don't know if it's just me and whether its right or not, but I genuinely feel worse about acts of cruelty to animals than people...I wouldn't bat an eyelid if some horrible fate met those Syrians who kicked the donkey off a cliff

Edited by margun
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This story made me furious...well done to the op! The donkey story really upset me....don't know if it's just me and whether its right or not, but I genuinely feel worse about acts of cruelty to animals than people...I wouldn't bat an eyelid if some horrible fate met those Syrians who kicked the donkey off a cliff

here here i am with you there

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This story made me furious...well done to the op! The donkey story really upset me....don't know if it's just me and whether its right or not, but I genuinely feel worse about acts of cruelty to animals than people...I wouldn't bat an eyelid if some horrible fate met those Syrians who kicked the donkey off a cliff

I agree with you. Hopefully the syrian army have given them what they deserve

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