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Rf question

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Hmr is rimfire tho .


Next question then. Magnum and WMR are advertised as separate calibers??? I thought they were the same

Magnum isn't a calibre, it's a cartridge designation. HMR is Hornady Magnum Rimfire, WMR is WInchester Magnum Rimfire. Either cartridge manufacturers could make a .17rf or .22rf, but up to pres' Hornady make the .17 and Winchester the .22.

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west mercia state mine as a .22rf as they didnt know or understand what a .22lr was? not sure if they would allow me to purchase a .22wmr though.

Not sure if my local RFD's would even sell to me unless it stated it.

I have heard a similer thing where people have purchased 6mm when they've had .243 on there FAC.

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My FLO says no. One is .22 rimfire the other is .22 magnum rimfire. Different chambers. I know that some forces have allowed it though so I would check.

An RFD may not be willing to supply magnum rimfire on a rimfire slot either.


It's not a matter of forces 'allowing it'. Your cert is a legal document authorising you to acquire certain things. If it says that you can acquire a .22rf then you can acquire a .22rf.


There is no logic whereby the wording '.22rf' can mean 'only certain .22rf's which you have to guess at'. I mean, there is .22 Short, .22 Long, .22 Long Rifle, .22 WMR, .22 Win and several other more obscure ones. If they want to restrict you to .22LR then that is what your cert should say.


How can there be an offence comitted if you buy a .22 WMR on a slot which says .22rf? What do they charge you or the person who sold you it with? You have not acquired anything you do not have an authority to acquire.


I currently have an ancient BSA Model 12 Martini sitting next to me. It is marked 'Cartridge .220 Long Rifle'; if I sell it to someone who's FAC says '.22rf' is that illegal?



Edited by JonathanL
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When I first applied for my FAC I spoke with BASC about this very thing and was advised to ask for .22rf so I wasn't limiting my options to .22lr. My FAC states .22rf therefore the authority to acquire any of them as that what is written on it.

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I checked this out with my feo and two rfd`s and they all said if your fac states .22RF then any .22RF rifle is ok, including the magnum.


I’m thinking LR is not a cartridge or bullet type just an abbreviation for long rifle and that maybe opens another can of worms. i.e. is a long rifle not just a `long` rifle. Just thinking out loud here, who is to say that maybe .22lr could include a cf as it does not state otherwise. Not suggesting anyone should try and purchase or acquire that has a .22lr slot


Am I wrong?


What do you all think?

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This subject has been debated many times and the answer is always the same.


.22RF is exactly that, and if the police/region/Chief Constable write .22RF on your FAC then legally there is nothing to stop you buying any .22RF.


In reality some RFD will not sell you a WMR on that designation, (that is entirely up to them, they don't have to sell you anything if they don't want to), and some regions may argue they don't mean .22WMR, only LR, well that is their own dumb fault for listing it as RF then, if they wanted it specific they should have written it specific.



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