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Job suggestion?


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Do you know of any jobs that doesnt need qualifications thanks

prime minister, chancellor of the exchequer, home secretary, defense minister, or just a plain old MP .( criminal records considered)


they seem to pay well



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Just because you don't have any qualifications dosent mean your not skilled

Have a think , what are you good at ? for example my oldest brother dropped out of school at 13 with no gcse,s , but he is a superb machanic and does rather well out of it too

Look for your strengths :)

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There is an income to be had in James Turner st. Birmingham. It was on the television the other night. Rent, gas, electricity, council tax etc. etc. all included in the package. There are "cash in hand" opportunities also to help with the big TV and designer clothes (primani) you can buy off the "50p man" :whistling::whistling::whistling::lol:




Good luck with your search though

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you would be most welcome as a ground worker for a tree surgeon if your not afraid of hard graft.they might even train you up as a climber. :good:


Would you need your chainsaw cert for work on the ground? - not that it's expensive.



As for jobs within qualifications I can think of a few good ones, but they all require having the intelligence know that if you are going to ask for advice like this, but might have to tell us a little bit more about yourself / employment history.

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