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The future's **** the future's Orange


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I have been with Orange for... now let me work this one out... 8 years. Loyal £40 to £50 month talk plan customer paying by direct debit.


My phone has been messing up on and off for 3 months now - it has an intermittent fault where it just cuts out and won't restart until the phone tastes charger power (but it ain't the battery which works fine and holds charge), and the voicemail icon (which denotes voicemail message waiting) won't shift from off the phone. Lots of calls to customer services and a new sim card and lots of fannying about but no fixed phone and a general reluctance from them to take the phone back and look at it. I was being fobbed off with your on an 18 month contract (until May 2007) and the warranty on the phone is only for 12 months - a bit of a limbo where the phone won't work and the contract still runs. Anyways, I know this is all cock but life is too short, so I go into my local O2 store tell them my woes and hey presto brand new XDA with full on sat nav and a car kit and only a 12 month contract £35 / month required (no cash charge at all). The girl who dealt with me was very nice and was apparently leaving the store in 2 weeks to pursue another career - anyways it shows the discretion they have at the store to lump on freebies.


The only fly in the ointment was Orange wanted £120 to cancel the remainder of my contract to release my mobile number. Well I paid it over the phone whilst in the O2 shop and now they will be hearing from my solicitors to get my money back.


During the Orange disconnection process did anyone bother to ask why I was leaving Orange - nope. All that money on marketing and a big fat zero for customer retention.


So whilst I am fuming over the next week or so, I will be telling everyone I meet how **** Orange are and how nice O2 are (Romford Town Centre Store - nice jugglies on the lady who served and one of those business shirts that is very revealing when the top 3 buttons are undone - I didn't notice, my mate who was with me did of course and remarked).

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i was with orange for 6 years untill 2 months ago when i swapped to 02. I used to spend £40+ in credit on orange in texts mainly. Now i pay £15-£20 a month on the 500 free texts pay as you text sim card.


Orange did ask me why i was leaving when asking for my PUC code, i told them its because their service was about as much use as a choclate teapot. Having changed to 02 has been faultless. Much more helpful than orange. Unfortuantly the coverage of 02 isnt as good in some area's. But its a small price to pay for my phone actually working.

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hehe you got an XDA ?


I have one of these from work, I think your problems have only just begun!



Don't go dissin the phone man - I understand that it is cutting edge and quite the thing wit de kidz on da street.


It's an XDA Orbit which is meaningless to me, but it works for now and so would appear to be better than my last phone.

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Oh Mungler (one) of my favourite topics, ask anyone who knows me 'The Original Grumpy (not so) Old Man'!


The trouble with all these large 'global' organisations (usually the ones who shout loudest about 'serving the customer') is they are recruiting new customers in such numbers everyday minute of every day that you and the other odd hundred complainers don't even figure in their calculations. It's easier, a lot less hassle and certainly cheaper for them to say go **** yourself. In the nicest possible way of course ???


And as for complaining...how long do you have to hang on the phone (that you're paying for) just to get so wound up that you then have to visit the quack for a blood pressure test :yp:


Unfortunately it's now become a way of life for all of us and there's no one to fight back for the individual consumer. Even Nat West acknowledge it...have you seen their latest ad? Is it any wonder that were getting screwed at every turn! ???

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Upgraded with Orange about 3 months ago to a new Nokia sport phone, wish I'd never bothered. Nothing but flippin hassle. :yp:


The staff in the call centre are generally pretty rubbish, (although the last girl I spoke too was brilliant and very helpfull), and the after market care is pants!


I'm stuck with them unfortunately as the rest of the family is on Orange too. ???



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its a bit unfair to criticise the call centre staff too much, sure some are lazy and just cant be bothered going out of their way to help someone, especially with the **** hours and worse wages they are on. but al lot try their best with only limited resources available to them. theyre not engineers so cant diagnose problems immediately and they are so bound by company policy and regulations that its more than their jobs worth to give a replacement or credit that isnt strictly authorised.

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Been with Vodafone for what seems like forever. £30 / month cross network international low rate peak calls etc etc. I have even ended up with free phones when not expecting them!


Great service and good response when ever I phone. Currently on a Sony Erricson K800i Cybershot, its got more talk time and stand by than any other phone I could find and works a treat. Especially the camera.

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I find orange fine, as long as you are on premier or panther I think they call it now - you get dedicated customer service (the regular line is a waste of time) and they are very good.


Everyone has bad experiences with every operator, things go wrong and sometimes you hit lucky, sometimes you don't.


Mind, as soon as a better deal comes along I am on to them making them sort it out for me.

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Finally moved from Orange after about 8 years when they would not upgrade me to a decent phone after my aged Nokia got drowned (Long story, went wakeboarding, it was still in my pocket).


They basically said: yes, you have been very loyal, but we only look at the last three month's bills when we decide on giving money off.


I walked over to the Voda shop and got a brand new Nokia E61 for 25 a month with silly minutes and texts. The phone's great and allows me to listen to music and surf the web over wireless when I'm on the sofa at home or at work. Very happy and my bill has halved.

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hehe you got an XDA ?


I have one of these from work, I think your problems have only just begun!


I have an XDA and have had it for close to 3 years i beleive? It's STILL going strong and i have Satnav the works on it and it's only EVER crashed once and that was due to a low battery :yp:


The only thing i did was removed the O2 software that slows down the start up and runs in the background.


I need to do it again now though as since the crash i just reinstalled the Satnav etc and neglected to remove the O2 ****.



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(Romford Town Centre Store - nice jugglies on the lady who served and one of those business shirts that is very revealing when the top 3 buttons are undone - I didn't notice, my mate who was with me did of course and remarked).


Mmm.......must make a point of popping in next time I'm in town, to look at the phones of course :yp:

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I hate mobiles but have one as a safety thing and so that I can be found,to do overtime at work :yp: . I got my phone 6 years ago and still have it,it`s a motorola name and number unknown and doesn`t have any bells or whistles but it was with O2 and it`s pay and go so no probs and if I spend £20 a quarter I`ve been busy.

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Got a cheepo one,dont even know what its called, it spends most of its life in the kitchen drawer.

If i cant be contacted i can't be nagged ??? :yp:

Sutty :lol:



I hate mobiles but have one as a safety thing and so that I can be found,to do overtime at work :P . I got my phone 6 years ago and still have it,it`s a motorola name and number unknown and doesn`t have any bells or whistles but it was with O2 and it`s pay and go so no probs and if I spend £20 a quarter I`ve been busy.
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I hate mobiles but have one as a safety thing and so that I can be found,to do overtime at work :angry: . I got my phone 6 years ago and still have it,it`s a motorola name and number unknown and doesn`t have any bells or whistles but it was with O2 and it`s pay and go so no probs and if I spend £20 a quarter I`ve been busy.



urgh. you are as bad as scaffy. he has had his phone like forever, and quite frankly it's embarressing.


however he's had a warning. 'change it before may or you are getting one that i pick for your birthday'.





now..... i have been with orange for as long as i can remember, have never had any problems with their customer services, and currently have the nokia n73 which i am happy with.



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I have got a Sony something or other. I am on payas you go and spend £10 every 3 months or so. The phones only get replaced when the battery wears out and as the phones get smaller and smaller the fear of them breaking gets worse!

I have no complaints with one to one, they seem allright to me.

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I have a 6310i to fit in my car hands free kit - brilliant phone - loads of em always on ebay if I bust it (Went swimming with one in my shorts last summer in Hayle estuary) :good:


£15 a month with vodaphone for 100 anytime any network mins+100 txts - usually have a few mins to carry over next month if the wife aint borrowed it too much while I'm in bed. Superb network coverage - espiecially where some of my family on orange struggle :angry:

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