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nice afternoon out


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I wasn,t planning on going shooting today but after dinner thought I would get out the house for a few hours so looked at a few rape fields nothing at all on them, so I thought another wasted journey, had one more field to look at then home I found about 200 on this field to my surprise to be honest, in the trees and on the rape, a buzzard flew over the birds and scattered them, so I just sat in the car for 10 mins and birds started to come back so I just went over with the gear and set up thinking got nothing to lose, now the rape is off our boundary but I set up with my back to it and put decoys out in front of me on the winter wheat, with a floater I got 2 in the next 10 mins and set the rotary up, it wasn,t ideal because the birds were coming behind me over my shoulder but I positioned myself in a way that I could take them as they did, and after not decoying any birds since end of October I was more than happy with the bag it was a good few hrs shooting ended on 22 picked 21


they had mainly ivy berries in them mixed with rape and clover, some had acorns some had a mix of all that in them


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I am delighted for you. In the last week or so pigeons do seem to have come out of the wood(work) so to speak.



Great result and an excellent cure for "Cabin Fever" . It may have been difficult with them coming over your shoulder but your enthusiasm overcame this. It's great that they have com out of the woods for you now to decoy. Well done Daz.

they have come out the woods now so its going to be worth getting out looking for them every weekend from now on, because all winter some weekends I haven't bothered going out at all

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