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missing plane


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All very odd indeed! If it had disintegrated at altitude all manner of floating debris would have been spread across a very large area and if the plane was still on its original route or even near to it, would have been seen by now. I can't imagine it having been hijacked and landed somewhere, it would have been see on approach by somebody. If the radar trace just vanishes and isn't picked up again it is usually catastrophic mid air disintegration so it sounds unlikely that the plane was crash landed on the water and then just sunk intact without trace.


Don't want to add to the conspiracy theories but something just doesn't add up, if somebody is covering up info it is bound to get out eventually.


The two people travelling on stolen passports is a bit interesting but could be a red herring, if it was a terrorist attack some sicko group or another would be claiming responsibility by now.


The plot thickens!!!

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the klingons have had it away


Oh please! :lol:


if you were a proper trekkie, you would KNOW that the Ferengi will have "nicked it" - what on earth would the Klingons want with it ?!?!?!? :yes:


Got to be worth a few bars of gold pressed latinum. ( or so I am told ) :good:


ATB :whistling:

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Sudden and catastrophic failure isn't the only reason the pilots might not have sent any distress call.

Quite often, when pilot error is involved, the pilots don't realise the danger to the aircraft until it's too late.

Air France flight 447 went down due to an iced pitot tube, this caused false airspeed warnings and the pilot stalled the plane. They didn't realise what was happening to them and crashed with no distress signal sent. The plane wasn't found for 2 years.

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Of the two false passports one is now thought to be an Iranian trying to get to Germany (the wrong way).

It is my understanding that after Beijing, the flight was destined for the Netherlands... Close enough to Germany if you want to go there

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Oh please! :lol:


if you were a proper trekkie, you would KNOW that the Ferengi will have "nicked it" - what on earth would the Klingons want with it ?!?!?!? :yes:


Got to be worth a few bars of gold pressed latinum. ( or so I am told ) :good:


ATB :whistling:




give over ...no way was it the ferengi.....the klingons had heard it was carrying booze......they had run out of blood wine and beamed it up into a imperial battlecruiser and took 3 crates of Blue Nun,,2 crates of Justina.....and a bottle of Crabbies.....then beamed the plane onto the dark side of the moon to cover their tracks



so there !!!

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Sudden and catastrophic failure isn't the only reason the pilots might not have sent any distress call.

Quite often, when pilot error is involved, the pilots don't realise the danger to the aircraft until it's too late.

Air France flight 447 went down due to an iced pitot tube, this caused false airspeed warnings and the pilot stalled the plane. They didn't realise what was happening to them and crashed with no distress signal sent. The plane wasn't found for 2 years.

most sensible answer to date, we will find out in the long run what really happened.



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Even in the case Air France flight 447 wreckage was found within 2 days, although flight recorders and main fuselage was not found for two years at least they knew where it was when they lost contact and because small parts of wreckage was found quickly at least they knew the fate of the plane if not the cause.


This is just bizarre given the amount of ships/planes etc that are searching....

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Even in the case Air France flight 447 wreckage was found within 2 days, although flight recorders and main fuselage was not found for two years at least they knew where it was when they lost contact and because small parts of wreckage was found quickly at least they knew the fate of the plane if not the cause.


This is just bizarre given the amount of ships/planes etc that are searching....


Wreckage was found inside the first 5 days I believe and they know where MH470 was when it dropped off the radar also.


I haven't heard that the transponder on MH470 was switched off prior to dropping off the radar though. That would open up a whole new line of investigation perhaps.

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Twilight Zone - Creature on the left wing puling the engine apart, seen by the guy that hated flying?


No not the gremlin one, the one where a plane full of people disappears into another dimension and is still flying around looking for a way back (in film land that is).

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im sure i read somewhere that family of the passengers have been trying to call them and their phones are ringing but no one is answering them....


should that possibly rule out a crash into water?


im baffled by all of this, but still firmly belive that darker forces are at work with this... time will tell!

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Different scenario, the plane landed on a remote airstrip, their are terrorists on board, the fbi or whoever are currently in negotiations, they don't want anyone to know incase it goes bad so simply say it's missing.


The people aboard have been recruited for some super secret task/experiment etc. All will have their identities changed and there old ones lost at sea.


They were all fed up with paying too much tax so found an island and decided to live there.

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Think the mystery was unintentionally explained by a colleague at work today:


Whilst discussing what he would do if he won the euro million jackpot he said; "if I won that, I would just take off somewhere & try to keep off the radar & disappear for a while, not answer my phone to anyone in case begging for a loan"


So there we go, one of the passengers obviously won a large sum of money.....

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I expect that it will turn out to be something simple like a fire in the wiring and it came down in the sea but it is nice to think like someone said on the radio there are lots of wooded areas on the lad around there and if it had made it to the land it could have come down in the woods and it may never be found it is very sad for the families of the people on it but it dose give the rest of us something to think about.

Edited by four-wheel-drive
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I expect that it will turn out to be something simple like a fire in the wiring and it came down in the sea but it is nice to think like someone said on the radio there are lots of wooded areas on the lad around there and if it had made it to the land it could have come down in the woods and it may never be found it is very sad for the families of the people on it but it dose give the rest of us something to think about.


Even without the aid of the signals form the black box I find it hard to believe there are any places left on land where a 777 remains undiscovered.

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I think the answer has been found already but is yet to be proven......the aircraft turned after two hours and started to make its way back towards/over Malaysia which can be explained by technical problems forcing the pilot to alter course, if the tech problems were rapid loss of cabin pressure and the pilots adjusted course before putting on oxygen they likely passed out and were unable to send any distress signals leaving the aircraft on a new course controlled by auto pilot heading out towards the Indian Ocean with 3000 miles worth of fuel. Simples.


Of course I may be talking ********

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Has anyone struggled to find their mobile when they know for sure it is in the house? Even when you call it on your landline it can take a while! Now try that in hundreds of square miles even if the object is bigger you might well have no signal.

There might well be something we are not being told, there might be a few bods in a room working out a convincing lie or it could just be one of those things, I am pretty sure I built my old phone into a wall as three of us all heard it ringing but just couldn't find it!

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