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Women's eyebrows, stoopid or wot?


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Seeing so many women now who pencil them on so they look like a pair of old Humber mudguards.


Can't help thinking of circus clowns and can't stop staring at them which distracts me from the important things.


I think they're more laughable than attractive.


What's the opinion of the Pigeonwatch massive?


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Guest rimotu66

A chap in the paper the other day spends £15 every few weeks to have his eyebrows "threaded" , wants to get a life I recon. :good:


Does anyone have theirs done or are you him? :lol:


Sorry OP






Was thinking of having my bum hairs done :lol:

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A woman I know who is a calligrapher removes her eyebrows (I don't know how) and applies new ones with a calligraphy brush, and they are precision perfect. So perfect I sometimes find myself looking at them when I should be listening to what she is saying. I don't mind either way to be honest, it's just the time involved to do it all,plus all the make up etc that I find staggering. I just simply couldn't be *****.

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A chap in the paper the other day spends £15 every few weeks to have his eyebrows "threaded" , wants to get a life I recon. :good:


Does anyone have theirs done or are you him? :lol:


Sorry OP






That is ridiculous!

I only pay £12 to have mine done

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Totally 110% agree. There getting stupid. It doesnt make you look younger ladies makes you look a mess. Theres a girl that works in big store local to me, hers are insane and shes orange.


I blame all this only way Essex garbage they watch!!!!!


And dont get me started on the pouting self pictures they take.........

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I caught a programme briefly on BBC3 yesterday called Junior Paramedics, there was a really pretty blonde girl on it who had plucked/shaved her eyebrows off and painted them in with thick brown gunge. Completely drew attention away from what was otherwise a lovely face.

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