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Gypsies on benefits and proud


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OK, so I'll add some more fuel to the debate -


1. all smoked (this isn't an anti-smoking comment, just that it costs money and so you makes your choices if you claim you can't afford to live properly)

2. the female member of the family in Rotherham had the front to complain it was unfair that she had been sanctioned because she hadn't got off her backside to look for work whilst claiming job seeker's allowance

3. the guy from Romania living in London openly admitting that he'll go on the rob if he doesn't get enough money through benefits - another clear and disgusting utter lack of respect for this country

4. the same bloke setting himself a "target" of £40k in benefits so that he can build himself a place in Romania


Absolutely unreal.


I did have some respect for the fella that had lost his legs in Nottingham but that was mainly out of the fact he was trying to live as normal life as possible despite his horrendous disability.

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LG I am not going to totally pick your reply to pieces,but hang on lets have think, you ask how many people have a dig at pensioners? well the answer is lots and lots actually especially the govt who repay a man who has worked all his life and contributed, with a pittance of a pension, yet they reward someone who has screwed the country totally, blair, brown, soon camemoron and just about every banker going, with a lifestyle of hector riva,so lets not say pensioners are on "benefit" please.


Then you try to identify "GENUINE" claimants well sorry mate they are all genuine if they play the rules,then that's the game, just as you and I would / do, so that's not the immigrant or indigenous claimants fault is it,to receive benefit you have to meet the criteria do you not? so lets not blame them, lets blame the right people IE those who gave and still want to give any sovereign rights this country once had away, that's the fluffy left and the modern ever so diverse idealist lunatics


P.S seeing as you dont drink or smoke, you will have to stop posting on all those cracking real ale deals you find and the nice little watering holes you pop into, oh and you also posted you earn 10k a year, whats the tax threshold :hmm:




OK! I will elaborate! I don't go out drinking each day, week, or to excess! I get a bottle or two if they come on offer at about £1 a bottle! I spend around £5 a month on bottles.


Yes I earn around £10k a year and at the moment tax kicks in at about £8k i think! So I pay tax on anything over that! Granted it may not sound a lot! But it is tax non the less! If I could find a better paid job then I will pay MORE in tax. Tax isn't a problem for Me!


I have NO problem paying tax and I think the current tax bracket I am on is fine, without the need to up it. I get by on my current wage. I am not a big spender and save quite well to pay for what ever I would like!


I agree with you that the current system is NOT sustainable, but then not all claimants ARE genuine! Hence I said GENUINE claimants. People who simply choose it as a lazy way of life, are a problem! But the main problem is the system allowing them to get away with it!


There are genuine claimants and then there are the hangers on! Hangers on play the system because there are certain avenues they can navigate to fleece the system. The genuine claimants lose a job etc, claim short term, then find employment and sign off.


I actually feel great earning a low wage and not being reliant on help! I pay my own way and have nobody to thank but myself and my employer!


I can do overtime whenever I feel like it and won't have to inform the benefits system, i won't get reductions in housing benefits etc either as I don't get help. Everything I buy I pay for with MY money! The more I earn, the more tax I pay too.


Working actually gives Me a sense of freedom! Nobody to answer to, no trecking to the dole, no interviews nothing!


I understand your views on state pension! They do pay for it in years of income tax etc! But in the end it comes from DWP and is therefor a benefit! You can't sugar coat that! It is not a private pension! I have paid tax on all my jobs from leaving school in 1987. When I get to retirement age I will not get a state pension as they are being phased out! So reguardless of my taxes it is now up to ME to sort out a pension.


If you look at it! With the increase in personal tax allowance simply gives you back the money you would normally put INTO a state pension. I think the reason behind it is to empower those who work to sort their own pension,whilst removing the possibility of pensions for those who can not be bothered to find employment!


If people can't be bothered to find work, GIVE them a job! If they refuse to take that job! Remove their benefits.

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Especially the lazy plank who is allowed to claim for his son who isn't even in this country.

The only way to stop this is to leave the EU and throw out all of the foriegn scroungers who only come to Britain for our benefit system, which some of them are openly admitting to!

I find words hard to describe my thoughts on this without me getting banned from the forum, especially when we have British/English pensioners who have worked hard and payed into the system all of their lives and are now being left to live on the poverty line and in some cases unable to even afford propper heating for their homes because of these lazy foriegn scroungers and spongers!

Guess you'll be voting UKIP then Frenchie

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I think the fact that most low wage earners now claim working tax credits was a clever ploy, deliberately engineered by overtaxing us to make us claim our money back - thus making us feel like hypocrites if we complain about benefit tourists.

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Is there anyone on this forum who would not do the same? If I was unable to feed my family or get a job I would be doing exactly as they did and come to England for a better life , you can't blame them for doing what that have..blame the governbent for allowing it to happen or blame the production company for making yet more trash TV designed to illicit the response you and all the others who watched it have given but blaming people for wanting some standard of living is just daft

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:lol: the amount money lost or wasted on benefits is peanuts compared to that which business or wealth individuals steal from the tax system they must be ******* them selves laughing at the likes of the PW fraternity, i bet they commission the likes of these programmes wake up and smell the coffee peeps

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:lol: the amount money lost or wasted on benefits is peanuts compared to that which business or wealth individuals steal from the tax system they must be ******* them selves laughing at the likes of the PW fraternity, i bet they commission the likes of these programmes wake up and smell the coffee peeps


I don't get involved in this kind of thread because it goes without saying that the world would be better off without these people but you've hit the hidden nail on the head. The real drain in our world are blood sucking white collar criminals who rob us blind legally and in plain daylight. They (and governments) have the wealth and means to fix most of our ills but won't because attention would then turn onto the real cause of the problem.

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Guest rimotu66

Especially the lazy plank who is allowed to claim for his son who isn't even in this country.

The only way to stop this is to leave the EU and throw out all of the foriegn scroungers who only come to Britain for our benefit system, which some of them are openly admitting to!

I find words hard to describe my thoughts on this without me getting banned from the forum, especially when we have British/English pensioners who have worked hard and payed into the system all of their lives and are now being left to live on the poverty line and in some cases unable to even afford propper heating for their homes because of these lazy foriegn scroungers and spongers!


+ a lot :good:

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OH WELL !!! just goes to prove how lilly livered the government are these days.

as I have stated in previous post I have a very sevierley disabled niece who also has a terminal illness and has been refused renewal of her D.L.A and then you get programmes like this showing people fleecing and fiddling the system with on screen proof and what happens to them .....SWEET **** ALL ........... :mad::mad:

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I don't get involved in this kind of thread because it goes without saying that the world would be better off without these people but you've hit the hidden nail on the head. The real drain in our world are blood sucking white collar criminals who rob us blind legally and in plain daylight. They (and governments) have the wealth and means to fix most of our ills but won't because attention would then turn onto the real cause of the problem.


your absolutely spot on they (the vast majority of the great unwashed the modern day Plebeians) are being royally shafted and they cant lift there eyes above petty racial / social stereotyping they create for themselves instead living off this dream of a once green and pleasant land that never actually existed and was in fact even more biased towards the minority who shaft the majority.



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I don't get involved in this kind of thread because it goes without saying that the world would be better off without these people but you've hit the hidden nail on the head. The real drain in our world are blood sucking white collar criminals who rob us blind legally and in plain daylight. They (and governments) have the wealth and means to fix most of our ills but won't because attention would then turn onto the real cause of the problem.

I agree broadly with you. For their future corporate bosses, our puppet politicians will let this welfare madness and immigration run riot until the whole NHS and welfare system is ruined. It will save them billions, so they can use taxpayers' money for bale outs and guarantees for corporate losses. Meanwhile, we will have a workforce of dumbed down drones who will labour for minimum wages with poor working conditions. Any insurgency against mass immigration will be diluted by the lack of cohesion in a weakened, culturally mixed society where dog eats dog to survive. Money lenders and big business have raped the Us and Europe and will use ring-fenced 'foreign aid' and massive tax avoidance to build the necessary infrastructure for new consumer markets in places like the East, Africa and South America. There the whole cycle of consumerism followed by public and personal debt will continue.

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:lol: the amount money lost or wasted on benefits is peanuts compared to that which business or wealth individuals steal from the tax system they must be ******* them selves laughing at the likes of the PW fraternity, i bet they commission the likes of these programmes wake up and smell the coffee peeps


Well said. There is no denying that there is a number of people (foreign or domestic) who will exploit the system to no end, as well as a number of others who will 'aid' them in their journey and pocket part of the profits themselves. I saw the program last night and when they talked about the 'leader' who brought the gypsies from Romania and 'helped' them claim as much as possible I was curious to see how he lived. He never showed his face on the camera. Instead he sent his 'deputy' to deliver the news about who stays, who goes and who goes where. any guesses as to his nationality? I am willing to put my neck on the line to say he is almost certainly British, perhaps even a civil servant working for DWP. Slave trade is still very much alike and you might forget is indeed a very British institution...


Now back to the original point made by chrisjh. It is happening everywhere. The media, following 'advice' from those with power diverts attention from the real issues so they and their friends can continue to profit whilst the populous eat each other's flesh. Divide and conquer...

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We have an 8 year old boy at our school from the travelling community-he insists on being called Rambo and will not answer to any other name. His most frequent comment is **** off and he simply refuses to go into any classes. So how is our educational system dealing with him ?. All of his books are issued with Rambo printed on the front despite the fact that he has never even opened a book, he is allowed to come to school and sit in reception for one and a half hours a day where he plays on an I-Pad. When he kicks off (frequently) he has a social worker, a liaison officer and two teaching assistants at his beck and call. His attendance, despite all of our money that's being thrown at him, is the worst that the school has ever recorded but no-one is held accountable. I have just been told by the same school that if my children (100% attendance record) are off school for one day while we are abroad we will be fined £60 for each child-don't you just love equality??

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We have an 8 year old boy at our school from the travelling community-he insists on being called Rambo and will not answer to any other name. His most frequent comment is **** off and he simply refuses to go into any classes. So how is our educational system dealing with him ?. All of his books are issued with Rambo printed on the front despite the fact that he has never even opened a book, he is allowed to come to school and sit in reception for one and a half hours a day where he plays on an I-Pad. When he kicks off (frequently) he has a social worker, a liaison officer and two teaching assistants at his beck and call. His attendance, despite all of our money that's being thrown at him, is the worst that the school has ever recorded but no-one is held accountable. I have just been told by the same school that if my children (100% attendance record) are off school for one day while we are abroad we will be fined £60 for each child-don't you just love equality??

write a letter to send to the school stating when they can prove rambos family have been fined for lack of attendance you will be only to pleased to partipate in there rule of fining parents for a childs absence from school in term time. if they cannot prove such you feel you are being victimised which is causing you great stress as you beleaved we live in a fair democracy where the laws of the land apply to all its citizens.

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He never showed his face on the camera. Instead he sent his 'deputy' to deliver the news about who stays, who goes and who goes where. any guesses as to his nationality? I am willing to put my neck on the line to say he is almost certainly British, perhaps even a civil servant working for DWP. Slave trade is still very much alike and you might forget is indeed a very British institution...


Now back to the original point made by chrisjh. It is happening everywhere. The media, following 'advice' from those with power diverts attention from the real issues so they and their friends can continue to profit whilst the populous eat each other's flesh. Divide and conquer...


The boss's nationality would almost certainly be Romanian, not sure why you think he would be a DWP worker?


The Greeks of course, were hugely involved in the practice of slavery long, long before the British, just to balance that little point.


Can't disagree with your final paragraph. Have you ever listened to Daniel Hannan speak?

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We have an 8 year old boy at our school from the travelling community-he insists on being called Rambo and will not answer to any other name. His most frequent comment is **** off and he simply refuses to go into any classes. So how is our educational system dealing with him ?. All of his books are issued with Rambo printed on the front despite the fact that he has never even opened a book, he is allowed to come to school and sit in reception for one and a half hours a day where he plays on an I-Pad. When he kicks off (frequently) he has a social worker, a liaison officer and two teaching assistants at his beck and call. His attendance, despite all of our money that's being thrown at him, is the worst that the school has ever recorded

Perhaps he just needs to see his old colonel for a reality check. I would suggest that you DONT push him.


(I hope this helps)

Edited by ack-ack
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